One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 87 Nightmare (Part 1)

Outside the Ghost City, there is a battlefield in the wasteland.

A fat figure was thrown down from a high altitude, smashing a deep chasm into the earth with a bang. Dust and smoke were everywhere, and the ground shook violently.

The dust and smoke dissipated, revealing Jinbei's embarrassed figure. There were blood stains on his forehead, but his breath was still abundant.

At this time, Jhin waved his wings and glided to the ground, and said coldly: "Just a murloc, don't think you can beat me in a fight!"

Jinbei sighed and said with a smile: "It seems that land combat is really not what I am good at! But don't even think about defeating me so easily!"

Jhin randomly observed the battles in other places. The fight between Quinn and Sanji was still going on. It would be difficult to tell the difference for a while. Jack and Black Maria could not take advantage of them in a short time. The remaining beasts The real Straw Hat Crew also has no way to deal with the unique skills of the Straw Hat Crew.

Such a stalemate made Jin become anxious. He had promised Kaido before, but now it seemed unlikely that he could win against Jinbei in a short time.

However, Jinbei's intelligence immediately caught the opponent's distraction and launched a counterattack.

"Mlocculant Karate! Basu Yoriuki!"

A ball of water gathered in Jinbei's palm, and then turned into a powerful water wave impact. The powerful impact directly ignored Jinbei's physical defense and penetrated through his back.

Jin was caught off guard and was hit by the opponent's strange force, causing his body to slide far backwards. Then a large amount of flames erupted from his body, evaporating all the water. The eyes he looked at the opponent became more gloomy and angry, with blue veins on his face.

Jinbei was also stunned. Although the blow he just succeeded was not his strongest killing move, he had no reservations. Judging from the situation, it did not seem to cause serious damage to the opponent. He couldn't help but sigh at the opponent's physical strength.

Just when the battle between the two sides was getting intense, a huge figure appeared in the night sky, immediately blocking the moonlight and causing everyone to stop fighting and look up.

The huge dragon body that was constantly rolling, its scales glowed brightly in the moonlight.


The Beast Legion, headed by the two big posters, looked horrified.

The giant dragon Kaido's big copper bell eyes looked down at the people below, the fire and smoke in his mouth were looming, and the sound was like thunder.

"Jhin, what on earth are you doing here! Did I ask you to come and play?"

This cold question that echoed through the night sky made Jin and others look extremely ugly.

The giant dragon Kaido laughed and said: "Oh, is it so difficult to kill a few little devils? Laozi still doesn't believe in evil!"

The next moment, extremely terrifying heat energy began to gather in his mouth, with fire radiating and thick smoke billowing.

"Kaido-sama is about to take action, get out of the way!" The beasts and beasts, who were very familiar with this situation, immediately ignored the Straw Hat Pirates and fled around quickly.

"Hot breath!"

Then, a familiar huge pillar of flame fell from the sky and instantly enveloped the location of the Straw Hat Crew, completely ignoring the individual subordinates who failed to evacuate in time.

A terrifying wave of hot air hit their faces, and the Straw Hat Crew's eyes were completely covered with daylight. The scope was so large that they couldn't dodge.

At the critical moment, General Franky's huge steel body stood in front of everyone, holding up an alloy shield, and actually blocked this unimaginable flame attack.

Usopp shouted excitedly: "General Franky, well done!"

Franky's face inside the mecha was ugly. The temperature of the Four Emperors' flame breath was far higher than he imagined. Now the internal system of the robot was overloaded, seriously overloaded.

The alloy shield and machine outer body showed signs of melting.

He hurriedly shouted: "Run! General Franky can't hold it anymore!"

The faces of everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief changed drastically, and then they fled towards the back with all their strength.

Franky, who was struggling to protect his companions from escaping, turned red due to the high temperature in the cab. That was because his modified human body could hold on, and he yelled crazily: "Oh, I won't give in to the Four Emperors." !”

Then, Nami and others who finally ran to a safe distance immediately turned around and shouted: "Franky, it's ready! You run too!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, General Franky's body actually had a terrifying explosion under the high temperature. The parts exploded and were quickly engulfed by the breath of flames.

The Straw Hat Crew stared blankly at the explosion flames and the blown mechanical parts, without getting any response from their partners.

"Franky!" They screamed uncontrollably as if they were waking up from a dream.


Grand Line, Sphinx Island.

Inside Marco's cabin.

Luffy, who had been unconscious all this time, suddenly let out a heart-rending wail, and his body twitched like a spasm.

Sabo and Marco who were outside the house quickly rushed in to check the situation.

Marco was shocked and said: "No, he's awake now! I'm afraid he won't be able to bear the severe pain for a while, and he will go into shock if this continues! Please help me hold him down!"

Sabo held back tears and hurriedly cooperated with the other party to suppress Luffy's body.

A blue flame appeared randomly in the palm of Marco's hand, and slowly poured into the opponent's body, helping him control the deterioration of the wound, and also relieve the severe pain.

But Luffy's shout was still painful, making the two of them frown in confusion.


Outside the Ghost City, the burning earth.

This nightmare-like scene caused the Straw Hat Crew to fall into a brief daze.

The first one to react was Jinbei. He was the first to make a decision and shouted loudly to his companions: "You all get on the boat right away! Leave us alone!"

Sanji, who was still entangled with Quinn and had difficulty getting away, also said one after another: "Usopp, Brook, please protect Miss Nami and Miss Robin and leave!"

Nami, who was already crying, shouted: "But what about you?"

The two of them, who were already esper physiques, could not even jump into the sea to escape. Faced with the siege of Beasts Pirates, there was no chance of survival.

Sanji said loudly: "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

Usopp was shocked when he heard these words, and then he couldn't help but put Nami on his shoulders, turned around and ran away with tears streaming down his face.

"What are you doing? Usopp! Put me down!"

No matter how hard Nami struggled, she didn't care.

"Miss Robin, let's leave quickly!"

Brook endured his grief and was about to run away, but found Robin beside him standing there in despair, quietly staring at the fire.

Brook was about to wake her up, but suddenly looked away and exclaimed: "Miss Robin, be careful!"

The lost Robin was defenseless and was pushed away by him and fell to the side. Only then did he come back to his senses and saw Brook's skull cut into two pieces by Jhin.

"No!" Tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes, as if she had seen the nightmare she had been having for a while becoming reality bit by bit.

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