The east China sea

The warm sea breeze blows gently from the blue sea to an island, as if following a seagull looking for food.

At this time, on one side of the island, there is a ship with a pirate flag with a skull and a heart.

There is no doubt that this is the vehicle of the famous pirate in the East China Sea, the iron rod Alrita, who has a bounty of 5 million Baileys.

"Who is the most beautiful woman in this sea?"

Alrita asked while carrying her mace. This is her catchphrase.

"Of course it's you, Miss Alrita!!!"

Hearing the question, all the pirate crew members gave the answer as a conditioned reflex.

"That's right!"

"It's because I'm the most beautiful woman on the sea that I hate those dirty things the most!!!"

"With such a beautiful face, I naturally have an equally beautiful ship."

"Keep working, guys. I want this ship to be spotlessly clean!!!"

"Yes! Dear Miss Alrita!!!"

Hearing Alrita's words, all the crew members on the deck began to work hard, wishing to clean the entire ship.

And just as the general cleaning was in full swing, in a utility room on the pirate ship~

"What? Coby, you said you got a wine barrel from the sea? Or two?"

"What kind of luck is this? I didn't expect that Coby, who is useless, would also be useful, hahaha."

Three pirates who were hiding in the utility room and being lazy kicked a short fat man with pink hair to the side with a grin, and moved two wine barrels into the house.

"What are we waiting for? Let's drink all the wine!"

A man wearing a pirate's turban said excitedly while rubbing his hands.


Another older pirate with a beard hesitated. He thought of his crazy captain.

"If we are caught drinking secretly by the captain, we will be dead."

"How could we be caught?"

The last pirate with long golden hair, who was smarter than the other two, said:

"There are only three of us here, plus that idiot. As long as we don't say anything, no one will know."

After that, several people looked to the side.

There, a short and fat boy with pink hair and glasses shook his head frantically:

"I... I didn't see anything."

"Then let's open the barrel quickly, um... open this barrel first."

But just when the pirate who was talking was about to punch the barrel lid with his fist~

Bang! ! !

The barrel exploded in an instant! ! !

Obviously, this was not done by the three pirates, because at the moment when the barrel collapsed.

A pair of long arms also stretched out from the inside of the barrel, and by chance, they hit the chin of the pirate who seemed to have a brain, and blew him away directly.

And the direction where the pirate landed seemed to be another barrel.

"It seems that I am saved!!!"

A clear voice of a boy who never knew what sadness was suddenly appeared in the room.

At this time, everyone saw clearly that a boy actually emerged from the barrel.

He was wearing a red vest, blue five-point jeans, and a pair of straw sandals that looked very casual on his feet.

If you insist on saying what is different about the boy's dress, it may be the straw hat on his head that looks quite ordinary.

The boy first looked around, then raised the corners of his mouth and grinned a sunny smile.

Looking at the confused crowd, he asked very naturally:

"Who are you?"

"We should ask you this question!!!"

Hearing the straw hat boy's question, the remaining two pirates suddenly broke down, and the pirate with the turban stepped forward and grabbed his vest and shook it wildly.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I am the man who wants to be the Pirate King!"

Hearing the question, Luffy said his name and dream with a sunny smile without any scheming.

For a moment, the room fell into a weird embarrassment.

"Hahahaha, where did this madman come from? He actually wants to be the Pirate King?"

"Hahaha, if you are the Pirate King, I will be the Admiral of the Navy, hahaha!"

After a short silence, the two pirates laughed at the same time, as if they had heard some big joke.

Laughing to the end

Then he even beat the floor crazily.

Seeing the reactions of the two, Luffy didn't react. For such a guy who casually laughed at other people's dreams, it was not worth him to explain even a word.

"Excuse me, are you...are you going to the Grand Line to find the onepiece left by Roger?"

At this moment, a cautious voice sounded.

Only then did Luffy discover the existence of Coby.

"That's right!"

"Don't be kidding!"

For some reason, Coby, who has always been cowardly, suddenly became emotional.

"That's what pirates all over the world are looking for. You can't get it."

"You will definitely die!!!"

"Stop talking nonsense!!! I'm not afraid of death!!!"

Hearing Coby's words, Luffy suddenly raised his hands and shouted with a serious face:

"I want to be the Pirate King!!! Even if I have to sacrifice my life for it!!! I will be it!!!"

Luffy's voice became louder and louder, which made Coby, who was still excited just now, stunned.

Is there such determination?

Coby looked at Luffy's confident look and couldn't help but collapse on the ground, muttering to himself:

"If...if I'm not afraid of death either,"

"Then can I also realize my dream?"

"Can someone like me become a righteous navy? Mr. Luffy!!!"

At the end, Coby asked Luffy with tears on his face.

"How should I know?"

Luffy tilted his head first, then grinned:

"But I believe you will succeed."

Everyone who has a dream deserves respect.

But at this moment, two annoying voices sounded again.

"I can't pretend not to hear this, Coby actually wants to be a navy?"

"Are you as crazy as that straw hat kid, Coby? Are you going to betray the captain?"

The two pirates took the sabers at their waists and walked towards the two step by step.

"Whether it's the navy or the Pirate King, you two will die here today!"

Just when they raised their knives to chop, Luffy was also ready to attack.

"Excuse me, are we filming a movie now?"

Another strange voice sounded in the room,

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice, and the golden-haired pirate who was knocked away by Luffy was lying on the ground unconscious.

Beside him, in addition to some broken pieces of wine barrels, there was actually a boy.

The boy had long hair, wore a blue gown, black trousers, and a pair of ordinary cloth shoes.

The special thing was his handsome face.

But at this time, this handsome face actually revealed a hint of confusion.

Bai Ye, who should have woken up in the Wudang Taoist Temple, looked at the familiar and strange people in front of him, and couldn't help rubbing his head.

Is the one in the red vest Luffy? Is the one with pink hair Coby? Is this the world of One Piece?

With three questions echoing in his mind, Bai Ye made a guess.

Did I travel through time?

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