One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 218 Manatee Demon Shepherd

Chapter 218 Manatee Demon Shepherd

The 200-meter-long giant eel, which was not enough just now, was shivering with fear by Li Yi at this moment.

Such a behemoth, seeing Li Yi, is like a mouse meeting a cat, which shows how cruel and terrifying Li Yi is.

It's not something that Marines like them can afford.

These Marines, at this time, all regretted their bowels, and they all complained that they should not come to this muddy water.

They looked horrified. At this time, seeing that Vergo's Vice Admiral had not arrived, they decided to take advantage of the hidden weapon master Barracuda, who was beaten to the ground by Li Yi.

The overlord sea eel was frightened by Li Yi again, and the leader Marine Rear Admiral waved his hand. Ready to take, this group of Marines with more than 1,000 people to kill.

After all, after being killed by Li Yi, this group of marine monsters suffered heavy casualties.

Under such circumstances, they still have many opportunities to kill.

Therefore, the Marine Rear Admiral decisively ordered to take the team of more than 1,000 people out.

But at this moment, they looked at the sky in front of them, and they couldn't help but suddenly stopped, with a look of horror on their faces, they couldn't help but retreat.

As if he had seen it, he looked like some extremely terrifying monster, his calf trembled and his teeth rattled.

boom! boom! boom!

Several weak and injured Marine soldiers, their bodies were directly fractured by a terrible force, and their bodies burst open.

Flesh splattered.

"God, what the hell is that, it's too tall."

A group of people screamed loudly.

"Any dead fish and rotten shrimp would dare to provoke Laozi and beat you to death." Li Yi, holding a brick, slapped the hidden weapon master Barracuda fiercely, ignoring the surrounding movement.

Behind Li Yi, Luffy, Nami, Lu Han and the others gasped for air, widened their eyes, and looked into the distance in disbelief.

One by one, they were terrified.

"Lord... Lord Lord..."

Yumuraji's teeth trembled, and he reached out and pointed, far away.


At this moment, Li Yi also noticed something.

"Something's wrong."

In fact, he also felt this terrifying coercion to Ultimate.

"It won't be Vergo Vice Admiral, come here."

"It's not a big deal."

"Vice Admiral, at least level 500 or above, destroying a medium-sized city with a population of several hundred thousand is not difficult."

"What's more, this Vergo Vice Admiral can also use Armament Haki."

The breath coming from behind is getting stronger and stronger, and the terror is boundless.

Some villagers couldn't take it anymore. Wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out. The suppression of this breath was too amazing.

"It's so strong, it seems that it can't deal with him with the rapid cloak and the golden light brick rune from the Xiuxian dimension."

Li Yi's face changed.


At this time, the master of the hidden weapon, Barracuda, took advantage of the moment when Li Yi was stunned, his body bounced up, flew upside down, and quickly escaped.

When escaping, he looked into Li Yi's eyes, which radiated vicious and fierce light.

Li Yi, he couldn't care about it at this time, it turned his head and saw it, it was not Vergo at all, the guy in front of him, who was Vice Admiral by Vergo, was much more terrifying.

In his line of sight, an animal, as tall as the mountain, with a pair of horns, was walking towards this side step by step as if it were about to pierce the sky.

The buildings of Windmill Village, in front of it, seemed too small, even smaller than a mud pill.

This is a manatee, with a huge body, four thick thighs, like a pillar, at least eight or nine hundred meters high.

like a moving mountain.

Its huge body, covered with scales, gleamed in the sun, its eyes the size of a lake, flowing with ferocious light, was condescendingly looking down at Li Yi and the others.

The aura emanating from its body made the surrounding space stagnate, as if it was about to bind everything. It has not yet arrived. Many people are like heavy boulders on their bodies. Those with poor physical fitness, villagers, and Marine, quite a few, burst open with a thud.

He couldn't stand it at all, that terrifying coercion, as for those with stronger physical fitness, his face was pale and his head was sweating profusely.

"Where did such a big manatee come from?"

Li Yi's scalp also felt numb.

"Well, this sea cow looks familiar."

"By the way, it's the Demon Shepherd."

Li Yi suddenly came to a realization.

"This damn Arlong, it really hurts people a lot."

"It must be that the iron box he brought back from the Grand Line made this huge manatee upgrade and become so terrifying."

Li Yi suddenly understood.

This seems to be the big boss behind these ocean monsters.

This is too big.

Too scary.

The group of Marines, at this time, was also recognized, one by one, all of them were shivering terribly.

The sea monsters here are like mountains, giving them huge persecution.

The Demon Shepherd is a sea monster brought back from the Grand Line by the mermaid Arlong.

It was already very strong, but at this moment, after being upgraded, it is even more amazing.


The smoke and dust were rolling, covering the sky and the sun, like a sandstorm, and it kept approaching here.

(End of this chapter)

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