One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 220 Monster Torrent

Chapter 220 Monster Torrent


Luffy punched a seal the size of a house, pierced through it, made a clear blood hole, and then retracted the bloody fist.

The seal, the blood spurted out like a spring, let out a miserable howl, and fell down.

When the villagers of Sea God Village and Windmill Village met, their courage increased sharply, and they followed behind Luffy, killing the surging sea monsters together.

Nami smashed into the group of marine monsters, and with a wave of the weather stick, hot air bubbles the size of thumbs continued to pour out, huh huh huh... like bullets flying out, and one sea spider kept being shot through. , In the blink of an eye, dozens of them have fallen.

At this time, several sea cucumbers appeared, thicker than buckets, and killed some Marines.

These sea cucumbers rode the water, and the water condensed into guns. There were about twenty Marines who were shot through, and the penetrating power was very strong.

Can even penetrate armor.

The leader, Marine Rear Admiral, saw that the situation was not good, he drew his sword and rushed over, slashing the sea cucumbers into several pieces.

The blood and blood flowed all over the place, and the smell was extremely fishy.

Marine, the people of the Sea God Village, at this time, all turned red-eyed, and went to the outside of the Windmill Village.

To kill a bloody way.

Luffy was in trouble at this time, a sea snake with purple flesh-winged, blocking his way.

Luffy punched it, like hitting a stone, but he couldn't punch through the purple-winged sea snake like he punched through the house.

This sea snake is only over three meters long and the size of an arm. It is obviously not comparable to the seal in shape, but its body is extremely tough.

Body as stone.

For a while, Luffy couldn't break through.

This sea snake, with a pair of purple wings flapping, looses extremely fast.

Suddenly left and right, extremely difficult to lock.

Luffy struggled with it, was hit by its tail and choked, but he also used a rubber scythe to cut off the purple-winged sea snake directly.


The monster that has been suspended in the ocean, the Sword Saint with Fish behind, moved at this time and charged towards Luffy.

Although it was slapped by Li Yi, it has recovered a lot after being treated by the sea eel. Although it is not as good as before, it is not something Luffy can stop.

However, when Sword Saint with Fish turned into a sword light and slashed towards Luffy, Li Yi's figure appeared, and a brick was shot down again.

The immortal cultivator from the Jindan stage of the Immortal Cultivation Dimension, the power sealed inside, surged out, imposing like a rainbow, and made a sound like thunder, which was extremely terrifying.

When Sword Saint with fish saw it, his eyes were full of horror, and he was very afraid of the brick in Li Yi's hand.

But under the effect of the rapid cloak, Li Yi was much faster than its speed. With a bang, he slammed on its body, and the silver scales fell off, opening a scar there, almost hitting it in the middle. break.

It let out a shrieking scream, and fled desperately, rushing towards the great sea eel. Even though it was almost broken by a rotten waist, it still managed to escape with difficulty.

The ocean monsters that were rushing in, saw Li Yi, and suddenly came back, severely wounded their head, the extremely powerful leader of the overlord, and fled wounded, all with panic in their eyes, and a great chaos broke out. .

The sea eel, at this time, did not care to heal the wound of the sword saint with fish, rushed up, made a hissing sound, stabilized, and a group of marine monsters continued to attack the human team.

Marine, Poseidon Village, and Windmill Village are very different from marine monsters in terms of numbers and combat power.

There are often more than a dozen, and they are not the opponents of an ordinary marine monster. Except for Luffy, Nami, Lu Han, and some of the officers in Marine, the rest are all in combat power with marine monsters, which is very different.

These marine monsters, after being upgraded, have scales, armor, and claws that are like steel. They are similar to the armor of humans, and they are similar to swords and spears. In addition, after they have been upgraded, they have all kinds of superpowers, and they are in the process of brutal killing. , Those who have been tempered and survived are all strong, with brutal and cruel ruthlessness. When they are really fighting for life and death, they are not comparable to human beings at all.

As soon as they made contact, everyone from Marine, Seagod Village, and Windmill Village immediately fell behind.

Fortunately, Li Yi was there. Like a tiger entering a pack of wolves, Li Yi rushed into the group of marine monsters, bang, bang, bang, every time a brick fell, a marine monster was smashed into pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of marine monsters were smashed to death by the bricks in his hand.

The group of ocean monsters, though, were very ferocious, but when they encountered Li Yi, a more ferocious human player, they were also terrified.

All of a sudden, Li Yi felt that a bad wind suddenly picked up. Fortunately, he had a swift cloak, and he moved very fast. A dazzling light brushed past his shoulders and penetrated more than a dozen buildings.

It was the Barracuda, the master of hidden weapons. It was very cunning, lurking among the sea monsters, and launched a sneak attack from behind Li Yi.

Let Li Yi be caught off guard and almost slap his way.

The barracuda, which missed a sneak attack, did not dare to make another move, but fled away.

It was already very afraid of Li Yi, but at this time, it was even more frightened when it missed a hit, how could it dare to attack Li Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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