One Piece's Strongest Player

Chapter 236: The Seal Of Robbery Douren

Chapter 236: The Seal of Robbery Douren

"The breath is solid, Rear Admiral player on level 200!"

Seeing this scene, India Ensign only felt cold all over his body, showing a look of astonishment.

And beside him, several non-commissioned officers accompanied him, and they were shaking all over with fright.

New One Piece world class, soldier, soldier, captain, school, general.

There is still a school level between Ensign and Rear Admiral. The gap between the strengths can be said to be far from heaven.

At this moment, India Ensign came back to his senses and understood that in front of Yaoyi, he was just an ant-like existence.

"Shoot and shoot him."

India Ensign, shouted loudly, there were only three non-commissioned officers left, and at the same time, he flew back and quickly escaped.

Da da da……

The three Indians pulled their guns and shot Li Yi with a barrage of bullets.

Li Yi still stood there motionless, looking at the flying bullets, his face remained the same, but there was a strange blue energy on his body, flowing slowly.

Those bullets shot on the cyan energy, were pulled by this strange and mysterious cyan energy, changed direction, and the flowers, plants and trees around Ziwei smashed for a while.

This cyan energy is exactly the martial arts of the martial arts dimension used by Li Yi, transferring flowers to connect jade. At this time, after a small test with a small knife, he was able to transfer the current generation of heat weapons and fire guns and bullets without much effort.

The three Indian soldiers shot out a shuttle of bullets and saw Li Yi, still, standing there motionless, only stunned, stunned, and lost their souls.

Their commander, Ensign, under such bullets, I'm afraid, it's not easy to dodge.

The young man in front of him actually stood there still, and let the bullets fired by their guns change direction. With such fierce firepower, even Qiyi Kakuzu was not injured at all, which is too incredible.

"Mom, the devil."


These Indian soldiers screamed in horror, lost their guns, and ran away desperately.

"Want to run!"

Li Yi smiled lightly.

These rubbish, in front of him, wanted to run away.

Li Yi was also not seen, what force was exerted, the whole person, the body swayed lightly, the breeze passed by, the three Indian soldiers who were running in three directions, the fleeing Indian soldiers, bang bang bang, collapsed almost at the same time. It shattered and opened, turned into a blood mist, and died on the spot.

Li Yi's speed was too fast, so fast that the naked eye couldn't keep up with his speed. The three Indians were clearly divided into three directions and had already escaped a certain distance, but they were killed almost at the same time. .

At this time, the Indian Ensign was far away, and his speed was naturally not the same as those of the three non-commissioned soldiers.

But in an instant, Li Yi's figure appeared in front of him, the breath from his body came out, and with a bang, India Ensign, that burly body, suddenly collapsed like a clay figurine.

The strengths of Ensign and Rear Admiral are not on the same level at all. Li Yi's breath just emanated from his body, and his whole body was shattered.

"It's so weak."

"Just at the level, you dare to provoke right and wrong near Seagod Village."

"This Asan is really unpredictable."

Li Yi shook his head with a strange look on his face.

Then, put away their storage backpacks.

I poked in with my consciousness and took a look.

A lot of gold coins, money, and treasures.

It seems that these Indian soldiers came to the world of New One Piece, and with the hot weapons in their hands, they really plundered a lot.

Only, this time, it was cheaper for him.


"In this way, there will be more oil and water in these Yin Douren base camps. It seems that if there is time, we have to go to the door and search for it. Now, it happens that Sea God Village needs a lot of materials and money in the early stage of development."

"I heard from this group of Yin Douren just now that there is a Rear Admiral in their base camp, who can reach the Rear Admiral level in such a short time in the new One Piece world. It seems that their strength is extraordinary. There must be an astonishing amount of treasures there."

Li Yi groaned deeply, put away the storage backpack, and printed Douren's attention.

This unfortunate Indian Rear Admiral, I'm afraid he never dreamed that one of his subordinates, Ensign, the plundering operation here, actually provoked him, such a terrible killing star.

However, there are still some important things to do now. India, since the base camp is there anyway, it can't run away, and it is not in a hurry to clean up them.

For these, Yin Douren, who dared to do something near his territory, he couldn't let go.

Although it was 20 to 30 kilometers away from Sea God Village, it was considered a disturbance at his doorstep, not to mention, he dared to go out and kill him.

Li Yi glanced around and found nothing unusual, so he unscrewed the bottle of seahorse-like Poseidon blood wine and put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, a stream of heat flowed down Li Qian's throat and flowed all over his body.


At this moment, Li Yi only felt a vast force bursting out of his body, transforming his flesh and blood and nourishing his body.

"Congratulations to player Li Yi, your flesh and blood have grown stronger, your body has been strengthened, and you have been upgraded 5 levels in a row to reach level 265."


(End of this chapter)

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