PS: For today, I just want to say that we are noble single wolf kings !!

Nasty humans, you are so abominable! Go outside, the streets are full of one-on-one pairs!

My heart! Pull the cool!! Ask the local tyrant to give a critical hit reward to heal!

Where are you! I’m coming to you!!!



“Come in!”

“SHI Chang~”

As the door of the office was pushed open, I saw Kalifa, who was dressed in a professional suit, slowly walking towards the iceberg’s desk, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

“Kalifa, what’s going on?”

At this time, the iceberg, who was approving the documents and thinking about how to continue to develop the water capital, raised his head and glanced at Kalifa, then ignored it and buried his head in studying the documents in his hand again.

“Chief Shi~, this is the information just handed over below, do you want to see it?”

“Huh? Show me. 19”

Iceberg casually took the document in Kalifa’s hand and slowly looked at it.

“Ye Huang Pirate Group?! How did they get here!! ”

At this time, Iceberg suddenly saw the information that Ye Huang and his gang had just landed, and he was suddenly shocked, and his face changed abruptly.

‘Is it for that drawing?’ Iceberg held the information, and his mind kept thinking, thinking about the drawings he had kept in Frankie’s place, and he couldn’t hold it.

“Carifa, go get me calling that Franky guy!”

“Shi long? Is there something to call that punk? ”

“Don’t ask more about this!”


After listening to the iceberg’s words, Kalifa was slightly puzzled, and then secretly wrote down Frankie, and then Kalifa’s glasses eyes suddenly flashed a chill, and then Kalifa kicked out towards the iceberg.


I saw that he was still thinking about other things, and he didn’t expect that Kalifa, who had been a secretary by his side for so long, would suddenly attack him, and with a cry of pain, the iceberg hit the wall behind him and fell.

“Ahem, what are you!”

The iceberg slowly covered his chest, and his eyes looked solemnly towards the lovely person in front of him.

“Hmph, in vain I wasted so many years of youth collecting intelligence by your side, and there was no news at all!”

At this time, Kalifa completely disappeared her previous respectful look, but changed her indifferent, condescending posture and looked coldly at the iceberg in front of her.

“Say, you hid the design drawings of Hades there!”

“Huh? Hehe, it turns out that you are a human being! ”

Hearing Kalifa’s question, Iceberg, who was originally a little puzzled, suddenly understood, and then smiled slightly, looking at each other indifferently.

“Unexpectedly, after so many years, you still don’t die”

“Hmph! I advise you to obediently hand over the design drawings! Otherwise! ”

Seeing the appearance of the iceberg, a cold light suddenly flashed in Kalifa’s eyes, and then she raised her foot again and stepped heavily on the chest of the iceberg.



I saw that the iceberg, which had already been killed, was hit hard again, a mouthful of blood was coughed up violently in his mouth, and his body leaned against the wall and breathed hard.

“Say or not!”


Kalifa looked at the iceberg that killed me without saying anything, and suddenly became angry, a pretty face became a little hideous, and slowly raised her right foot.

“Iceberg come soon, hahaha, do you want to taste the newly arrived cigar!” Well? Iceberg!!! ”

Just when Kalifa was about to kick down, she walked in with a humidor in her bag and laughed, looking at the iceberg that had been seriously injured and suddenly startled, and then looked angrily at Kalifa.

“Abominable! Rope attack!! ”

Looking at Kalifa, who immediately kicked down again, Baoli suddenly became furious, and instantly pulled out the rope that had been hidden on his body, and threw it out at Kalifa, and the slender rope seemed to come to life, stabbing towards Kalifa’s point.

“Insect tricks! Arashi feet!! ”

Kalifa skimmed the bag that attacked herself, and then her raised right foot instantly swept in the direction of the bag, only to see a light blue air blade flying out instantly, and the rope that pierced it was cut in half without the slightest use.

“Nani! Not good! ”

Seeing this, his pupils shrank, and then he jumped to the side, and quickly opened the box containing cigars in his hand.

“Fog Cigar !!!”

As the body in the bag burst into drink, a large puff of smoke instantly came out of the mouth and box, and the office was quickly filled with smoke.

‘It’s now! The bag looked almost to the point where he couldn’t see his fingers, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes, and then his body ran sharply towards the iceberg that fell to the side, and the rope in his hand was thrown towards the iceberg and entangled heavily.

“Huh? Don’t want to run! Arashi feet!! ”

Feeling the figure, Kalifa suddenly kicked under her feet, and countless vacuum blades flew out in the direction of the bag, with a sharp sound of breaking the air.

“Abominable. Go first!! ”

Feeling the gusts of 193 wind on his body, his eyes froze in his bag, and then he jerked the iceberg and the two jumped out towards the window.


At the same time that the two jumped out of the window, countless vacuum blades also hit the back of the bag, shooting out bursts of blood.

“Abominable! Don’t try to escape!! ”

“Wait! Don’t chase Kalifa!! ”

“Huh? Kaku? ”

Just when Kalifa was just about to chase out, Kaku rushed in with a solemn face.

“Quickly retreat, the plan is temporarily abandoned!” It’s leaked now! Must be withdrawn! ”

“This… All right! Let’s go! ”

Hearing Kaku’s words, Kalifa took a hard look at the window that the two jumped out of the bag, and then he and Kaku hurriedly ran outside.

At this time, the bag that escaped from the window endured the injuries behind him, looked solemnly at the room above his head, and then quickly picked up the iceberg on the side and ran towards Franky’s company.


PS: Ask for a local tyrant crit!!

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