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“World Government! The mentor who killed me, and now he is still looking for trouble with my senior brother! Damn it!!! ~”

Seeing the tragic situation of the iceberg and remembering the tragic death of his master, French suddenly became furious, full of killing intent, and his body, which had already changed into a machine, was constantly glowing red at this moment.

“Hey! Frankie! ”


Hearing Bucky’s voice, French looked towards each other slightly, and saw Bucky standing there smiling and looking at himself.

“In other words, the words of the world government, we will help you, because the old captain’s affairs are more or less related to the world government, and secondly, I think the captain will also be very happy!”

“Poof, Boss Bucky, if the captain knew about it, he would definitely kill you!”

“No, no, no! It’s Boss Kwabaki! ”

The three of them then quarreled without a fight, but one of the messages revealed was that Bucky’s current captain was powerful and could be an enemy of the world government.

“Sauka, so your captain must be super?”

At this time, hearing Franky’s question, Bucky and the three stopped in unison, and then nodded heavily at Franky one by one.

“What a super cool, what’s your captain’s name?”

“Ye Huang!”

“Nani !!!!”

Hearing the answer of the three of Bucky, Franky’s heart suddenly stopped, and then he looked at the three of Bucky with a shocked face, and his hand quickly grabbed the stack of bounty orders scattered on the side.

“Is this Ye Huang??”

“That’s right, but the boss seems to have increased the bounty a lot!”

“yes! It’s all a billion Baileys! ”


Franky looked at the three people who were talking about Ye Huang’s bounty order in front of him, and was immediately stunned to the side, and then quickly flipped the bounty order in his hand, and read it out every time he looked at it.

“Thor Anilu! Thunder Fruit ability. Bounty 600 million Bailey! ”

“Battle God Weber! Six style masters, bounty 600 million Bailey! ”

“Sand Crocodile Klockdar Sander, bounty of six hundred million Baileys!”

“And Daohua three thousand! Bucky! Split Fruit Power Gold 600 Million Bailey!! This!!! ”

Franky looked at the suspension in his hand, and suddenly he was shocked and unable to speak, and looked at Bucky in front of him incredulously.

“There is still the rest, it is actually 500 million Bailey, in other words, this manatee can also be rewarded with 500 million Bailey???”

Seeing the last bounty order, Franky’s worldview collapsed, and I saw that the bounty order Kung Fu Manatee raised his small fist high, with a cute face, but there was a large 500 million shells written underneath

“Poofhahaha! Mu Mu has been rewarded! ”

“But yes, Mu Mu is armed and domineering, and he is very powerful!”

“Well, that’s enough!”

The three of them looked at the latest bounty orders one after another, and then smiled slightly. Bucky, on the other hand, looked at Franky with burning eyes.

“Your master was targeted by the world government because he made a ship for my old captain, and the final death has nothing to do with the old captain, so I will help you mess up the world government, so that they won’t be paying attention here, but it’s better to give us the Hades design blueprint, so that the world government will completely give up searching here!”

“I think if I do this, the boss won’t blame me!”

After that, Bucky stopped speaking, standing quietly in place waiting for Frankie’s choice.

‘Hades design blueprint, there should be nothing wrong with giving such a powerful group of people, okay, and their report does not say that they shelled that village casually! ’

‘Damn, give it, I hope my decision will not destroy the world!’ ’

After thinking about it, French nodded at Bucky, and then took out the design of Hades hidden in his abdomen with some hesitation.

········· Ask for flowers0··

“This is the design of Hades, I hope you will not use it to destroy the world!”

“Huh? Is this one? Don’t worry, the boss is not interested in destroying the world, but he is very interested in being the only king in the world.”

Seeing this, Bucky smiled slightly, casually took the design drawing handed over by Frenchy, and then put it away.

“Then I hope you can talk and count, help me, I don’t want my last relative to leave!”

“Ah, don’t worry!”

After saying that, Bucky looked deeply at the disciple of the old man in front of him, and without saying anything more, turned around and walked out with Moqi and the two.

“Alas, I hope everything is correct, Senior Brother should not blame me!”


Seeing this, after Franky stood alone and looked at it, he turned his head and ran towards the iceberg’s room, his eyes slowly filled with worry.

“Boss Bucky, how are you going to explain to the captain?”

“Yes, yes, such a big thing, do you say the captain will agree?”


At this time, the three Bucky who came out of the Franky House slowly walked on the street, and Bucky, who heard the questions of the two Mochi, glanced at the two of them slightly, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

“Hmph, of course I will agree, because he is the emperor of the world!”

“The world government will meet sooner or later! So this can also be an opportunity! ”

“He’s the emperor!!”

When the Moqi duo heard Bucky’s words, they were immediately shocked in their hearts, and their minds couldn’t help but recall Ye Huang’s heroic posture, and the two smiled heartily and slowly followed behind Bucky.

At this time, a fresh breeze came, and the cloak behind the three people floated slightly, and the domineering Ye Huang continued to float.

‘Captain, but to become the only king in this world!’ ’


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