Chapter 112 【The Crown of Christ】

Crown of Christ, a certain town.

For hundreds of years, the top of this thorny hill has been a place of worship for a certain religious group.

The same is true tonight.

The fire light illuminates the top of the mountain, and a group of congregants in black robes are holding up some kind of evil ritual. The crowd gathered in the center, and a naked girl was tied to the cross.

“We dedicate this to you.” A man in a red robe held a sharp dagger forward.

“We dedicate this to you.” The congregation chanted in unison.

The man in the red robe raised the dagger, and a life was taken away.

The blood spewed out and infiltrated the earth. The blood began to roll, began to boil, and the ground quickly rotted like a blood purgatory.

Rotting blood erupted, and a black figure appeared, a corrupt creature full of hatred.

“Dare you use this naive blood as a sacrifice to summon me?”

“You take this to the son of Mephisto?” A crimson light burst out of the eyes of the corrupt creature.

“I will not only take your sacrifices, all flesh and blood will be mine. I will lick the rest of your burnt bones!”

Countless black rotting tentacles grew from the chest of the corrupted monsters, spreading towards a group of congregants. The congregants were still in amazement. They had been pierced by countless tentacles, and their flesh and blood were sucked by the tentacles, and their bodies quickly dried up. .

Walking on the top of this purgatory mountain, the corrupted creature roared: “Yes, I can do this. This is a good thing you did, father.”

“You weakened me, father.”

“You made me a humble little god to be worshipped, and you took away my most admired human wealth, free will.”

“But I won’t stand this, father. I will never be another plaything of you, I will kill you.”

“Do you want to play a game, father? I will play with you. A game that I will win before I go completely crazy.”


Under the blue sky, there is a golden sandy beach.

A round of red sun hung above the clouds, with colorful light shining everywhere, and the layers of clouds were dyed fiery red, as if the sky was burning. On the sea, sparkling.

On the beach, Li Wei lay on the soft sand with his hands behind his head.

Suddenly, the dark shadow obscured the warm sunlight on Li Wei’s cheek.

Li Wei opened his eyes slightly, and in front of him, a figure was floating in the air. The person came with his back to the sun, so what Li Wei saw was a black shadow.

“Li, it’s me.” Even if someone came to speak, Li Wei could not tell.

Li Wei got up and sat on the beach to look carefully, only to see the people coming. Stephen Strange.

“Hey, doctor.” Li Wei called Roar.

At this moment, Strange was wearing a red robe. This should be the magic item, the floating cloak.

“Congratulations to your doctor, you have finally become a magician.” Li Wei said.

“It would be okay if this is the case, my magic is not working at all times. Visanti thinks I use magic because of selfish behavior, these bastards.” Strange cursed.

“You didn’t come to me to complain about your magical supreme Visanti.” Li Wei lay on the sun lounger.

“Definitely not. During one practice, I sensed an evil magic. The teacher ordered me to solve it, but I am not very confident about whether Visanti will borrow magic power to me, so I want to come with you.”

Strange walked past and sat on the beach chair next to him.

“Don’t go, resisting magical invasion is what you magicians should do, and I have more important things to do.” Li Wei immediately refused.

“Lee, I’m afraid you can’t help it.”

Strange stretched out his hand, a red whirlpool portal appeared, and Li Wei teleported in with the beach chair with a “wow”.

“Fortunately, my magic succeeded this time.” Strange jumped from the portal.

On the lively street, a bald head lying on a beach chair suddenly appeared, attracting everyone’s attention.

A few minutes later, Li Wei and Strange reappeared on the street.

“Doctor, what should we do now.”

Li Wei confessed his fate. He hated these magicians and even more hated magic.

“I’m afraid I don’t know. I can feel that this small town has very, very evil magic fluctuations, but I can’t lock it.”

Strange said.

“In other words, we can only wait passively?”

“I’m afraid it is.”


At the same time, a man riding a motorcycle also came to this town.

“Crown of Christ, this place is so named.” The man stopped his motorcycle. “I think I’d better find a place to settle down before the mysterious stranger contacts me.”

“Hello, my name is Johnny, and I want to find a place to stay for a few days.”

No one else came here, it was Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer.

“Then Johnny, you have come to the right place. My name is Flo, please come in.” The owner of the small hotel arranged a house for Johnny.

“It seems that our town is very popular recently. There are still two tenants. It used to be the off-season at this time. It seems that everything is getting better.”

“Listen to your tone, you seem to be from the east, Johnny, why are you here with us?” said the host, Flo.

“Come and meet a friend nearby.”

“Now, please fill in the registration form, and I will take you to the room.”

Homeowner Flo took Johnny upstairs when a man just walked down.

“Johnny, let me introduce you to one of the other two tenants. This is Mr. Logan.”

“It’s you.”

“It’s you.”

Johnny and the man said in unison.

“Johnny, do you know each other?” the host said in surprise.

“Definitely.” The two nodded. They didn’t only know each other, they were even a little familiar, and they almost fought.

The man on the stairs is Logan, Wolverine.


Johnny was lying on the bed, a ray of moonlight shining on his cheek. He opened a note, which is why he came here.

The note read:

Mr. Johnny, you will learn the truth about Ghost Rider, come to the crown of Christ, and everything will be revealed.

Let’s take a look at the secret of soul crystal.

“Soul crystal?” Johnny frowned. “I have dreamed of it in a nightmare. Is this a conspiracy? Even if it is, I will come over. It’s worth the risk.”


Somewhere in the town.

In the hotel.

“Lee, something is happening.” Strange stood up, and he opened the window and glanced at the dark street outside.

“What’s wrong.” Li Wei also appeared in front of the window, and he didn’t sense any abnormality.

“There are magical fluctuations, this magic is the breath of hell.”

Strange said cautiously.

He was originally a genius. After learning from the old magician, he learned very quickly. He knew magic spells and handprints almost without a teacher, but I don’t know why Visanti didn’t recognize him.

In the process of learning from the old magician, he also saw a lot of things, and he easily distinguished that this was the magic of hell.

“The magic is getting stronger and stronger, it should be a difficult guy to deal with.”

“Is it strong?”


“Then, I hope it can be stronger, so that it won’t be so boring.”

“We have to go and see.” Strange flew out of the window and came to the roof, his eyes cautiously looking into the distance.

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