Chapter 124 Chapter 121

“Your lightning is useless to me.”

The battle between Storm and the enemy Mutant is still going on. She summons the lightning in the sky to cast a spell for too long, and she can’t help the enemy Mutant.

“Crack!” Suddenly, a bolt of lightning bolted down directly through the body of the enemy Mutant.

“Hiss~~~” Electric lights flickered, and Max’s figure was suspended in the air.

Electric lights burst out of his pupils, and bolts of lightning shot out from his body, filling the battlefield with a scream, and Mutants were penetrated through his chest.

Max flew down, he was a little interested in the woman who summoned thunder and lightning.

“Ahhh~~~” Several Mutant roared and charged up.

“Don’t bother me.” Max waved his hand, several electric lights flickered, and several Mutants were instantly penetrated through his chest.

“Pay attention to the defensive line.” Wolverine roared. The number of Mutants in the Magneto Legion was too large, and they were so densely packed that they quickly broke up their formation.

Wolverine dashed forward, the cold light flickered, and the sharp claws slashed at the enemy, one by one Mutant fell under his sharp claws.

At this moment, a Mutant rushed towards him.

Wolverine’s sharp claws easily chopped off the enemy’s attacking arm, but this guy’s arm grew out in an instant and punched Wolverine on the front door.

The enemy Mutant fists attacked Wolverine again, and the sharp claws slashed through, Wolverine easily cut off the enemy’s arm.

“Boom!” The enemy Mutant’s arm grew again in an instant and punched Wolverine on the head.

“Come on,” the enemy Mutant said arrogantly.

Wolverine disdainfully kicked the Mutant’s lower body.

Wolverine’s whole body bones are Adamantium, this foot is uncomfortable, a dull voice sounded, Wolverine clearly felt something exploded, this Mutant basically can’t be there anymore.

“Grow that thing back too.” Wolverine said, looking at Mutant who fell on the ground and howled.

far away.

Magneto and a few confidants stand here.

“Go and find that boy.” Magneto said to the burly figure beside him.

“Happy to help.” The burly figure rushed forward.

“Boom boom boom!!” As the burly figure ran wildly, the ground shook. Whether it was an enemy or a friend, they were all knocked out violently by this big guy.


“This guy looks hard to deal with.” Iceman and Colossus next to him said.

“Use your Ice to freeze him, and I will smash him with one punch.” Colossus said, he was confident in his defense and strength.

“Okay.” Iceman stepped forward, and a lot of cold air blasted from his hand towards Juggernaut.

“Boom.” Although Juggernaut was cumbersome, he was extremely fast, and he had come close to Iceman during his rush, and he flew Iceman more than ten meters away with a punch.

“Good fellow.” Colossus stood still and punched Juggernaut.

“Dang Cang”, without any accident, Colossus was shot and flew out.

Beast Hank jumped to the guard tower and flew towards Juggernaut.

“Stop.” Hank sat down on Juggernaut’s shoulder, hitting Juggernaut with his fist.

Juggernaut grabbed Hank’s arm and threw it forward. Beast Hank smashed directly into the building tens of meters away.

“It’s this guy again.” Wolverine rushed to Juggernaut. He fought Juggernaut once, and he naturally knew how good this guy was.

“I’m Juggernaut.” Juggernaut roared, without directly attacking Wolverine, so he rushed away unreasonably and directly knocked Wolverine out.

“Stop him.” At this time, a group of human soldiers surrounded Juggernaut, but they were Juggernaut’s opponents, and they were knocked into flight.

Even some of the more unlucky soldiers were trampled into flesh by Juggernaut.

At this time, a bald head appeared in front of Juggernaut.

Juggernaut roared, rushed forward, and hit the figure with a punch.

“Boom!” Li Wei stretched out his hand to block, a mighty and mighty force of terror surged. Ten times more violent than the power of Mount Tai.

In an instant, the ground exploded and Li Wei’s body was straight, and his entire calf plunged under the surface.

With Li Wei as the center, dense cracks like spider webs appeared in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters.

Good guys!

The power of terror!

Li Wei looked up at this guy, he naturally knew this powerful Mutant, Juggernaut.

In fact, this guy is not Mutant, his power comes from the magic power of the evil god Setorak in the Crimson Universe.

Setolak, the master of the crimson universe. The realm is outside the multi-universe, in its realm, Setolak is omnipotent.

This evil god is also Marvel’s most powerful demon, far beyond the five creation gods of the universe.

The evil god Setorak himself possesses a ruby ​​with infinite magic power. Anyone who touches this ruby ​​can become a Juggernaut with unmatched power.

Juggernaut’s power can rival the invincible Hulk, and its collision Ability can destroy the building. The flesh is almost indestructible and can even resist Thor’s Mjolnir.

Even Wolverine’s sharp Adamantium claws can’t hurt Juggernaut.

When Juggernaut’s body started to activate, nothing could stop him.

This is a formidable opponent, which is why Li Wei appeared.

Originally, he thought that only the piano incarnation of Phoenix force would be more interesting, but unexpectedly found a Juggernaut.

Juggernaut naturally knew his own power, but this weak human actually blocked his attack.

He couldn’t believe it.

“I’m Juggernaut.” Juggernaut fist again violently slammed the bald head in front of him, and he wanted to smash this guy into mud.

Li Wei stretched out his hand to block again, the ground exploded and rubble splashed, but Li Wei remained motionless.

“It actually blocked my full punch.” Juggernaut was shocked.

“You are very strong.” Li Wei said seriously.

Juggernaut Rage, with bloodshot eyes, he took a step back, his body was ready to go, and his fist hit Li Wei severely.

Li Wei also punched, a violent sonic boom sounded, and two fists, one large and one small, collided in the air.

“Boom!!” With a roar, the ground on which Li Wei was standing exploded, rubble splashed, and the white cloak was flying in the air.

And Juggernaut’s burly body turned into a cannonball and rushed out behind him, knocking out countless Mutants.

“Boom boom boom boom boom!!!” Juggernaut hit the ground fiercely, and after hitting out more than a hundred meters, his huge body rolled over to Magneto’s feet.

Magneto and some of his confidants were shocked, they knew the horror of this guy very well! It can be said that in the Magneto camp, no one can block Juggernaut except the piano, not even Magneto himself.

Who drove the terrifying guy Juggernaut into the air?

Who can have such power?

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