Chapter 162 Chapter 158 [Nine Kingdoms]

“What’s the matter? Doctor.” Li Wei looked at Stephen Strange.

“Lee, there is a mysterious incident in a small country in Europe. I am going to go there. Are you going?” Stephen asked.

“Mystery incident?”

“Go, definitely go.” Li Wei nodded, now it’s boring anyway.

As Stephen Strange opened the portal, he and Levy crossed from New York City to Europe.

“This is a small European country–Norway, a small town called Slok. I noticed abnormal magical fluctuations here a few days ago, but I didn’t expect it to be more serious now.” With that, Stephen and Levy left. Entering the small town, the streets of this small town are crowded and lively.

“Look.” Stephen pointed to the sky. Over the town, you could see some mysterious buildings appearing, like movie special effects. Many tourists in the small town came here to take pictures and discuss them.

“A mirage?” Li Wei asked.

“No, it’s not that simple.” Stephen said, “If it’s not wrong, it should be related to something that is going to happen recently.”

“What’s the matter?” Li Wei took out an apple and took a bite.

“Do you know the nine countries?” Stephen asked.

“Is it the same nine worlds as Asgard?”

“Yes, in myths and legends, the World Tree supports nine kingdoms on three levels, Asgard, the kingdom of the gods of the Aesir, Alfheim, the kingdom of elves, Jotonheim, the Giants of Jotunheim, Hellheim, the land of eternal nights, and Watar Sea, the dwarf. M…and the Midgard world we are in. The people of God’s Domain call this Midgard.”

“The nine kingdoms are connected to each other, but they do not affect each other.”

“But the universe will cycle every 5000 years, and each cycle will line up the nine worlds.”

“At this time, the doors of the nine worlds are opened, and the nine kingdoms can shuttle between each other. Whether it is gravity, light, or even matter, they can enter another world from another world.”

“Such a situation is rarely felt, and few people see it.”

“But it happened. In the near future, the nine worlds will be joined together. I have seen from the future that there will be a powerful evil force coming.”

“You mean the sky above this small town is connected to this other world?” Li Wei asked.

“Yes, the two worlds have begun to overlap. The building above the town is not a mirage, but another world, but the barrier between the two worlds has not been completely opened.”

“What if the barrier between the two worlds is opened?”

“Then these two worlds will be connected. We can go in and they can come out. If this happens, it will definitely be a disaster. The power of the nine kingdoms is not something our human world can resist.”

“Instead of passively observing, it is better if we go in and take a look.” Li Wei suggested that he actually wanted to go in and take a look.

Stephen pondered for a while, he was thinking about the risks, and finally nodded, “Okay, then we’ll go in and take a look.”

After speaking, Stephen Strange flew to the mirage in the sky, and Li Wei followed him closely.

Although the barrier between the two worlds has not been completely opened, it is already very thin. With Doctor Strange’s magical Ability, it is easy to open a gap in the barrier between the two worlds.

“Let’s go, let’s go to other worlds to see.” As they said, Stephen and Levy entered the portal and disappeared into the sky, immediately causing the tourists below to roar.




At the same time, in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of London, Jane Foster, her assistant Daisy Louis, and Daisy’s interns came here.

“Please, aren’t you excited? This is a rare gravity anomaly.” Daisy pushed the car door and walked out. “Even the interns are more excited than you.”

“My name is Ian.” The tall and thin intern introduced himself.

The three of them walked into the abandoned factory, and suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, which shocked the three of them.

“I don’t want to be stabbed to death for doing scientific research.” Daisy raised her hands and said to the empty factory: “We have no malice, we are Americans.”

At this time, several children walked out from the corner.

“All kids.” Jane breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you the police?” a little girl said.

“No, we are scientists.” Jane said, “We just discovered the anomaly here. I think you should have discovered it too.”

“Can we see it?” Jane said to the children.

The children looked at each other and said to the three of Jian: “Follow us.”

A few children led Jane through the abandoned factory, and after bypassing a few corridors, they came to a workshop.

A big truck was parked in the workshop, and a little boy walked over. Under the gaze of the three of Jane, the little boy lifted the big truck with only one finger.

“How could this be?” Daisy asked in astonishment.

“Come with us.” The children led the three of them to a circular aisle. The little boy walked to the upper stairs of the three of Jane and threw a bottle down.

When the bottle fell below, the bottle disappeared out of thin air.

“Where did you go?” Daisy asked in surprise.

The little girl next to her pointed to it. Then, the bottle fell from the top, disappeared when it fell in front of them, and then appeared from above, in a cycle like this.

“Unbelievable.” Jane said in surprise. She found a can from behind and threw it down.

Several people looked up, but the can did not fall down for a long time.

“What’s the matter?” Jane asked.

“Sometimes things come out, sometimes they don’t,” said the little girl next to her.

Jane took the instrument next to her in her hand. The signal displayed on it was familiar to her. Every time Thor came to meet her on the earth, the instrument would display such data.

Jane walked up alone. She walked in the abandoned corridor. The data displayed on the instrument became stronger and stronger.

Jane Foster followed the instrument signal when a strong wind came from behind him.

That is, at the moment, the instrument reaches the strongest moment,

Immediately, a violent wind came behind him, drawing Jane towards the wall.

Just as Jane Foster was about to collide with the wall, there was a twisting wave on the wall, and she went straight through.

Jane surprised Roar, and then what was printed in her eyes was a dark space with dim light. She looked to the side and saw a square stone pillar.

In the gap between the stone pillars, there was a scarlet light shining.

Jane Foster leaned close to the gap and could see that there was a dark red liquid flowing in the gap.

“what is this?”

Jane Foster is curious.

At this moment, the dark red liquid suddenly rushed towards her.

“Ah!!” Jane Foster screamed Roar. She backed back again and again. At this moment, the dark red liquid in the stone pillars disappeared, and the stone pillars were joined together, and there was no gap.

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