One Punch of Justice

Chapter 102 The Slave

Ah! That place is...

A panicked look flashed across Listro's face, and he wanted to stop Saitama from continuing to investigate.

But Saitama ignored him for any reason, and smashed the thick marble floor with a punch, and the stones shattered, revealing the dark basement below.

The basement was lit with torches, emitting a delicate fragrance.

But the stench hidden in that delicate fragrance could not be concealed no matter what.

There were faint sobs and painful moans, the voices were very weak, and I just listened to them, knowing that their lives might not be long.

Saitama jumped down, and only then did he see the whole picture of the basement clearly.

Various instruments of torture and irons were hung on the cold walls, and there were many human embryos suspended in mid-air. The floor was very clean, as if someone came to clean it every day.

Walking forward, in the corner, there are more than a dozen naked women.

They were chained, with disheveled hair and bruises all over their bodies.

There are even women with missing limbs and arms.

There are even pregnant women with big bellies.

They are the wives who were married into the Holy Land by the Tianlong people.

The law enacted by the five old stars gave the Tianlong people a barely fit civilized cloak, but as a mortal, there is no trace of human dignity here, and they can only be completely reduced to the Tianlong people's playthings and tools to vent their desires.

God can play with mortals, but being conceived by mortals is considered a shame and will be ridiculed by all Tianlong people.

Therefore, before these women gave birth, their stomachs would be cut open and the formed children would be hanged to death.

To ensure the purity of the noble lineage of the world.

Some Tianlong people will also force male slaves to mate with female slaves, taking pleasure in torturing newborns, and never tire of it.

This is no longer a secret among Tianlong people, but the outside world still knows nothing about it.

Just relying on imagination, it is impossible to believe that human nature can be so cruel to the point of insanity.

I've been hearing voices since I came in. Sure enough, there are people here...

Saitama stood there with a dazed gaze.

Hearing his own footsteps, the women who were still alive huddled together in horror, trembling.

And those who fell on the ground, cold and dead...

But he no longer even has the power to fear.

This is not the first time.

It was the same last time in Alabasta.

So what if there is an invincible force in the world, how can these lives be saved?

Walking in front of the girls, Saitama reached out and took off the cloak of justice on his shoulders and put it on their naked bodies, and then smashed the chains that locked them with a punch.

Be patient a little longer.

Saitama turned and walked outside: I'll untie the bombs on your necks right away... Next, leave it to me.

Walking to the bottom of the floor that was smashed by a punch, Saitama jumped back to the top with a light jump.

The doctor is still here, but the Tianlong man has disappeared.

I see you brought a lot of hemostatic bandages.

Saitama walked past the doctor with a flat tone, unable to hear any meaning: Go down and help them deal with their wounds first. If one person is not enough, call more people... I will be back soon.

With a simple sentence, the doctor felt inexplicably horrified, and all the hairs on his body stood on end in fright!

He scrambled and picked up the medicine box on his back and jumped into the basement.

He was also stunned by what he saw in front of him!

After a long time, he came back to his senses, endured the nausea and bitterness, and used the phone bug to contact the commander-in-chief of the three armies who was waiting for news from the World Government—— Kong.

Hearing what the doctor described just now, Sora's first reaction was that it was absolutely impossible!

He knew that the Tianlong people were human scum, but he didn't know that they were so insane!

What an inhuman animal would do such a thing! ?

The old man will go in person!

Kong couldn't sit still anymore, stood up abruptly, and shouted to his subordinates: Take the medical team and the communication team and go with the old man immediately! If everything is true... After the Navy and Whitebeard decide the winner, everyone please Be ready to declare war on the Celestial Dragons at any time! Do you understand!?

Those who can stand here are all Kong's confidantes.

After years of forbearance, concessions, and compromises, Kong finally accumulated enough strength to pull the Tianlong people down from the altar!

A group of people came to the residence of the Tianlong people mightily.

The first thing I saw was the head of St. Listro, who had fallen at the intersection, and the deathless head, and the entire holy land was overturned, completely exposed to the dark side under the sun.

What you can see is shocking.

Countless slaves of all races, men and women, whose hands and feet had been cut off and even had knives stuck in them, were chained.

The blood fell drop by drop on the ground, and it was impossible to live or die.

This is a fate that I hate to the bone marrow...

Medical troops have quickly dispersed to begin rescue operations.

At this time.

The wind blew, and the clouds and mist that filled the holy land dispersed.

A bald man in a navy uniform stood in front of the ruins.

Desolate and lonely.

In Saitama's mind, he suddenly thought of the dancing girl slave he saw in Chambord Islands.

Her eyes that looked deathly at home.

finally, I understand……

What kind of sadness and despair is this...

Absolute power and absolute power...

With his back to Sora, Saitama raised his head, and slowly said: Isn't it boring to use this kind of thing to misbehave? I am too strong... so strong that I have almost lost my feelings, but now... for the first time I feel ... a little angry... the responsibility of heroes is to protect human beings, but are they... still human?

Old man... I'm really ashamed!

Kong sighed deeply, looking at the unshakable back like a mountain, he said firmly: The reason why the Tianlong people acted so recklessly, I also have an unshirkable responsibility...Please rest assured, all the people here will Take them away and protect them, even if it is the fifth old star, I will never let the old man back down!

To become a politician, Jean Kong has compromised too much.

He has almost forgotten.

When I first became a navy, wasn't it because I didn't want to compromise with the pirates! ?

They robbed food, burned houses, and killed villagers. Why should we wash our necks and kill them! ?

But now facing the Tianlongren, why did he compromise! ?

Is it fear?

But back then when I fought against the pirates who burned, killed and looted, I put my life and death aside, how could I ever be afraid! ?


after a long time

Kong has made up his mind to turn against the Tianlong people.

It's a pity that Wulaoxing seemed to have disappeared and never came back.

This disappointed Kong, who was planning to launch a violent attack today and lead his elite troops to completely wipe out Wulaoxing.

But it doesn't matter.

All the criminal evidence photographed today has been sealed up. We only wait for the Navy and Whitebeard to decide the outcome and expose the numerous crimes of the Tianlong people to the world!

The age of God is about to end!

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