Factions within the navy also gradually began to split.

The disagreement between the generals made the already tense navy even more unstable, and the pressure from all sides was exerted on Sengoku and Sora, making them almost overwhelmed.

cause such a result.

It is the purpose of the Five Old Stars.

When civilian casualties reach a certain level, civilians will question the existence of the navy, why are we a member of the world government, we pay taxes, but we don't get better protection?

People will not blame the pirates who actually killed them, but they will definitely blame the navy.

Because pirates don't make sense.

And it doesn't matter if the navy can scold at will.

This is an unsolvable problem.

If the navy is delayed by the hostages, more civilians will be killed elsewhere in the sea, and once the hostages are taken into account, the casualties of the navy will inevitably skyrocket! This leads to the embarrassment of insufficient troops when going to destroy other pirates.

But compare your heart with your heart.

Do the hostages being held have to sacrifice for this? Isn't it the duty of the navy to protect every civilian?

The actions of the hawks cannot be wrong, nor can they be right.

Really deserve death.

It was Roger who started the era of the great pirates.

And the five old stars who released all the prisoners in the city.

In this way, the first half of the great route controlled by the world government was in a mess, full of gunpowder, and fell into a huge crisis of trust.

In contrast, in the second half of the great route.

The emperors of the new world went all over the place, and a large sphere of influence was vacated. Countless pirates fought bloody battles, trying to become the new emperor.

At this time, five people in cloaks appeared.

Not only are they extremely powerful, but they also use extremely bloody and cruel methods to suppress and massacre wherever they go.

No one will say anything to them.

Because they are pirates.

It is natural to do what civilians do.

And the other pirates also felt that they had the demeanor of kings, so they took refuge in the hands of these five people and became members of the affiliated large fleet, helping them conquer cities and suppress civilians.


The Heavenly King pirate group headed by these five people completely occupied the territory of Whitebeard, BIGMOM and Beast Kaido, and launched an attack on the last emperor, the red-haired Shanks.

The front and rear sides of the great route are busy with each other.

No time to take care of each other.

But for now, the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides has gradually favored the five old stars who pretended to be pirates!


The premise of all this is.

The result of the comparison after excluding the bald head of a certain interest...


Saitama has not been idle these days.

There was a sudden commotion at sea. Civilians were killed all the time, and Saitama was rarely motivated to go out to sea with Tashiki to pacify various pirate-infested locations.

He had no idea of ​​the divisions that had arisen within the Navy.

Just keep on going every day to eliminate pirates.

No matter the number of people, no matter how strong or weak, Saitama can completely solve it with just one punch.

Then repeat the same work.

On the deck of the warship, Saitama leaned on the deck chair with blank eyes, looking at the sky.

There are so many pirates recently...


And they are all very weak, making people unable to lift their spirits...

Thinking about things one after another, Saitama lay there and yawned like a retired veteran cadre.

But what he didn't notice was.

Not far away, someone has been watching him on the island for a long time!

Oh...it's a warship...

On a remote isolated island, a burly man who looked very unprovoked greedily looked at Saitama's warships with a binoculars: After escaping from prison, dozens of warships were snatched by those bastards from LEVEL6. , this is a good thing that can cross the windless belt, I didn't expect to be met by my uncle today...hehehe...

That's right, this is another jailbreak from Boost City.

I have been locked up in LEVEL5 for more than 20 years. I don’t know what the world is like outside. I haven’t bought a newspaper in the past two days.

Although he has no fruit ability, he is proficient in domineering!

With this kind of configuration, isn't it going sideways in the first half of the great route?

So he swelled.

Seeing the navy's warship passing by, he didn't say he ran away, but wanted to take the initiative to come to the door to snatch the warship!

Let's applaud his courage!

A prisoner who ran out with him didn't know why, and his heart was beating.

Otherwise forget it, Boss Terry...

The prisoner said cautiously: It's better for us not to attract the attention of the navy. It is said that almost all the generals of the navy headquarters were dispatched to capture the monsters of Level 6. If the warship belongs to Akainu, wouldn't we be dead?

What a coward!

Terry sneered, and smashed the binoculars with his right hand: How can I say this, I was also one of the members who once competed with Whitebeard and Roger for maritime supremacy. Although the loss was a bit miserable, it can be regarded as the glory of a 'silver medal'... ...

The prisoner next to him murmured cautiously: But boss, you can't even beat a lieutenant general...


……Without further ado!

Terry carefully glanced left and right, and then said viciously to the prisoner: Idiot! Do you want to talk too much? I have just confirmed that the guy on the deck is the highest officer on that warship... long You look like a fish, you know you're a rookie! If you can't even beat that guy, you'll punish me for eating noodles with my belly button!

The prisoner waved his hands in shock: But I don't want to see it at all...

Shut up! Get on board! Get out with me!

Terry gave an order, and the two immediately got on the speedboat, and rushed out from the side of the island like flying arrows, blocking the way of the Saitama warship!


Terry stretched out his hand and shouted: Leave the warship for me...

Before he finished speaking, Saitama's warship was directly smashed into two by Terry's small speedboat, crushed by it, and ignored him.

Saitama on the deck felt something and raised his head: I seem to hear something...

Dashiqi, who was contacting the headquarters over there, looked up and listened, and smiled slightly at Saitama: Did Mr. Saitama hear the mermaid's singing?... It is said that there is a water monster in the sea that can imitate the mermaid's singing. If you are confused by the singing, you will be lured to eat it...

That's it.

Saitama was stunned, then lay down again, and said without sincerity, That's really scary.


at the same time

Under the surface of the sea, Terry grabbed the warship and beat it desperately: You are the water monster! Stop the boat for me quickly! You bastard!

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