One Punch of Justice

Chapter 163 Monkey King

Although the trick he used just now was really powerful...

But if it's used against the Ginuit team, it shouldn't be enough...

And judging by his appearance, he doesn't look like the type who would conflict with others, so he shouldn't meddle in other people's business... Should I ask him...

Jake looked at Saitama for a long time, and finally shook his head.

never mind.

Still don't ask.

If not, it's okay, if he is really the guy who killed the Ginuit team, he will have to report to the headquarters.

There are a lot of people in the Galaxy Patrol, if it gets out, Frieza will know.

Then the planet is doomed.

In any case, in this universe, Frieza is absolutely not to be provoked!

Just like that, Jacques gave up asking.

And he did prevent Saitama from leaking out on Earth.

But he may not have thought of it.

It is because of his secrecy today.

Let Frieza live many more years...


Dr. Brive is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a genius among geniuses.

It took less than half an hour to roughly understand the structure of Saitama's spacecraft. Of course, his conjecture and research in previous years, as well as Jake's spacecraft reference, all played a big role.

However, it is not realistic to make a new spaceship in a short period of time, so after obtaining Saitama's consent, Dr. Breve called a transport helicopter to bring the spaceship given to Saitama by the Zevors back to the Capsule Company. headquarters.

That night, a group of people had a hot pot on the island.

Lobster, beef, octopus balls...

And the most important cabbage is absolutely essential.

Sitting in front of the table, Saitama held the chopsticks and was not in a hurry to start. He just stared blankly at the big pot of steaming hot pot and the familiar spicy cabbage, and suddenly thought of many things in the past.

What's the matter, hasn't Saitama ever eaten hot pot?

Dr. Brive saw that Saitama hadn't moved his chopsticks for a long time, thought for a while, then suddenly took out a small notebook from behind, and wrote down the words There is no hot pot in aliens.

It's not...

Saitama suddenly smiled: When I was in the navy, I couldn't buy cabbage at all...Speaking of which, this world is very similar to my world...


Hearing these words, the little girl Bulma looked at him eagerly, and suddenly asked, Did you come from another world?


Saitama finally moved his chopsticks.

Bulma seemed to be very interested in this matter, and asked quickly: Then... Saitama, what do you do in your world? Navy? What is that world like? There are flowers, grass, and the sun Bird?


Saitama took a piece of beef and put it in his own bowl: That's...a very long story...


The night was getting dark.

At this time, in the deep mountains of Baozi Mountain.

An old man in a state of embarrassment sat at the table, watching a child with a hedgehog head holding his own rice bucket and desperately eating.

With his hands curled up in his sleeves, the old man's eyes were troubled and friendly.


The old man watched the bucket of rice being eaten by the child. After thinking for a while, he passed his own bowl over: You should be more gentle when eating. After picking you up, how can you make such a fuss? Can eat so much...

The kid bared his teeth at the old man, grabbed the bowl, and started eating again.

But then again...

The old man leaned back on the chair and ripped the clothes that had just been torn by the child: Although I don't know who you are, but you are small, but you are very energetic. If the old man is not a martial arts master, he would have suffered a long time ago. ... and from the way you eat, it seems that you have not received any education...

It's okay for children not to read.

The old man looked at the spirited appearance of the child, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it: If you have no place to stay, just stay here... I can teach you many things, including arithmetic or martial arts...

The kid ignored him and just buried himself in his meal desperately.

You don't even know your name...

The old man rubbed his chin for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand and said, You fell from the sky, why don't you call me Wukong? Sun Wukong, how about it?

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky!

The child who was stuffing something into his mouth suddenly opened his eyes wide!

A white light mixed with black silk threads descended from the sky without warning, smashing the roof of Sun Wuhan's house directly, and rushing into Sun Wukong's body!

The wild, tiger-like eyes gradually became pure and peaceful!

Immediately afterwards, from his body, seven black lights shot up into the sky and scattered all over the world!

That is! ?

Sun Wuhan looked up in shock to the direction where the black air in the sky disappeared, feeling inexplicably horrified!

What a heavy evil spirit!

What it is! ?

How could it come out of this child's body! ?

Sun Wuhan was already a famous master in the world when he was young.

At that time, he had traveled around the world, and had fought against masters from the Outer Demon Realm.

Those monsters have extraordinary skills, and the aura on their bodies is extremely evil, making people uncomfortable just getting close to them!

But even those guys...

It's nothing compared to one ten-thousandth of the evil energy in the seven black lights just now!

Sun Wuhan stood up and sat down, panicking for a while, not knowing what to do.

But at this moment.

The child squatting on the dining table grabbing food seemed to suddenly become sensible. He put down the rice bowl in his hand, jumped off the table, and looked around in a daze.

When he saw the old man, Sun Wukong showed thought in his eyes.

Then, surprise.


Before Sun Wuhan understood what happened, Little Wukong had already run around the table, trying to hug Sun Wuhan, but stopped.

The small body raised its head and smiled like that.

Laughing and laughing, but wanted to cry again.

Sun Wuhan didn't know what happened, how could the kid who was so wild just now suddenly become so cute, and he was actually calling him grandpa! ?

Sun Wuhan raised his head and glanced at the direction where the black light disappeared, then squatted down.

It is different from the evil spirits that just escaped.

In the child's eyes, Sun Wuhan saw the purest and cleanest heart.

Not a trace of impurities.

How could such a childlike heart be a bad child...

Sun Wuhan smiled kindly, temporarily put the evil things behind him, touched Little Wukong's head and said, What's the matter, Little Wukong? Did you eat your stomach?

I won't spoil my stomach.

Little Wukong grinned and smiled happily: I miss you so much, Grandpa!

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