One Punch of Justice

Chapter 292 New Home

Putting on his mask and hat again, KING walked through the crowd, pushed his bicycle and walked out the door.

At this time, Genos who turned on the turbo speed also just arrived.

KING! Where is the weirdo?

The infrared device in Janos' eyes kept scanning the video game city with high energy, but found nothing: ...are you hiding?

It's Janos.

Seeing Genos, KING said with a little apology: I have already dealt with the weirdo. I'm so sorry that I asked you to make a special trip.

is that so.

Genos shook his head, and then he released the fighting state: It doesn't matter, I happen to be nearby, and I just came by the way.

KING pushed his bicycle and Genos out of the video game city.

Talking while walking.

By the way, Janos.

King suddenly remembered something, and asked Janos: Since I defeated the hungry wolf, I haven't seen Saitama, and I can't reach him by mobile phone. I think his house is gone, and he should be in the association. The apartment arranged by the headquarters is right, so I plan to move there, after all, he has already been promoted to A-level...

The mobile phone is broken.

Genos replied: The teacher did disappear for a while before, but he came back this morning... It is said that he was traveling for a while because he got lost.

That's right.

KING was a little surprised: He said he was not interested, but Saitama seems to have listened to my suggestion.

At an intersection, Genos seemed to have received another text message.

If you want to find a teacher, you can go to 104 in the hero's apartment.

After talking to King, Genos turned and walked towards the street on the right: Dr. Cusno needs me for something, I'll be back soon.

Ah, be careful on the road.

Farewell to Genos.

KING pushed his bicycle alone and took the express line directly to the headquarters of the Heroes Association, and soon arrived at the destination.

After putting his luggage into the apartment arranged by the association, KING found room 104.

Excuse me, is Saitama at home?

Knocked on the door, no one answered.

He tried to pull the door handle, but found that the door was not locked, so KING opened the door and walked in.

Saitama is not at home.

KING was a little disappointed, but thinking that the door was unlocked, maybe Saitama hadn't gone too far, so he simply sat down and waited for Saitama to come back.

But ten minutes passed.

Saitama didn't come back, but there was a hasty doorbell ringing at the door...

KING just stood up and hasn't passed yet.

Another shout came from outside the door: Hey! Don't hide at home! New here!

Doesn't seem like a friendly guest...

Ah, here we come.

KING walked quickly to the door, opened a crack in the door, and saw three people standing outside the door: ...well, what's the matter?

We are neighbors in rooms 101~103.

Standing in the middle, the young man who had been wearing earphones and sunglasses raised his head slightly, and said in a frivolous tone, You moved to this room three days ago, right? Because you haven't come over to say hello to the seniors, we made us come here in person. I'm looking for you... Hey, show me your face, kid!

A neighbor?

Although KING felt that the other party was a little rude, he still felt that it would be better to explain clearly, so he opened the door completely: Actually, I also came to look for this owner, and now I am just helping to look after the house, sorry...

In the beginning, the three people standing outside the door stood there with a proud and senior attitude.

But when KING shows his face.

When they saw the three iconic scars on KING's face, they were suddenly stunned!

It was creepy, and my back was drenched in cold sweat!

The little face turned pale with fright!

Fuck! ?

K... KING! ?

Sorry to bother you!!!

The three people who had come to ask for trouble were so frightened that they could not speak coherently. They bowed and apologized to KING, and then ran back to their room shivering in embarrassment.

I... We shouldn't have said anything too exaggerated just now...

It won't anger KING, right?

Will we be killed!

The more the three thought about it, the more afraid they became, and they were even considering whether to move.

But obviously they have made up too much.

KING turned around and forgot about them all, and went back to 104, waiting for Saitama to come back.

Where did you go... Saitama...


So where did Saitama go...

After leaving the previous world, this time Saitama was lucky and returned directly to his original world.

Originally, he happily thought about using the bonus from the previous World Police Department to eat beef at night.

Too bad he forgot two things...

The currency of that world cannot be spent here.

Banknotes simply cannot pass through the barriers of the world.


Saitama, who had just arrived home and was supposed to be very happy, found that he had just got a million yuan, which was not hot yet...


He squatted in the corner of his new home for a long time with a shadowy expression on his face.

After finally calming down, looking at the empty new apartment, Saitama decided to go back to the place where he lived before.

Although the entire no-man's land was overturned by the tornado during the battle with the Weird Association, but if you are lucky, you may be able to pick up something that can be used...

Ah, yes, yes!

In the ruins of the no man's land in Z city.

Saitama, wearing slippers, rummaged for a long time, and finally found something good under a piece of cement: It's a microwave... but it seems to be broken...

As he was speaking, he suddenly saw a black fur ball approaching him from the corner of his eye.


Saitama looked down.

Found a black puppy.


The puppy let out a weak bark, not attacking, but getting closer.

Saitama watched for a while.


He squatted down and hugged the black puppy, and the puppy also flicked its tail happily and made a woo-woo sound from its mouth.

It's very close to people...

Saitama hugged the puppy and looked around: Is it a stray dog? How did it come here...

Before Saitama figured it out.

Suddenly, another strange black man with an antenna on his head came out from behind a big rock not far away, looking as if he was dying.

It is the former cadre of the Weird Association - Black Sperm!

As the only surviving cell in the previous battle, he was planning to escape after seeing Saitama unilaterally beating the awakened hungry wolf.

But after seeing with his own eyes that the dog Pochi, who was also a former cadre of the Weird Association, and the hungry wolf who had been turned into a weirdo before, were not killed.

Hei Jing, who is currently extremely weak and can't even beat wild dogs, is going to take a gamble!

Just bet on the strongest hero of the Heroes Association in front of you-right and wrong!

Just like that, Heijing and Saitama met each other's eyes, and neither of them spoke first.

But Hei Jing appeared motionless on the surface, as steady as an old dog, but secretly he was flustered, and his feet were trembling slightly.

Once you bet wrong, it is completely finished!

There was a stalemate like this for about 30 seconds, when Hei Jing was so frightened that he was sweating cold and dehydrated and didn't dare to move.

Saitama put down the dog in his hand...

Ignoring Heijing, he continued to rummage through the trash, looking for anything that could be used.


Hei Jing sat down heavily on the ground, gasped for a long time, and then calmed down the extremely nervous mood just now.

Just now……

Scared me……

I almost thought I was going to be killed!


I bet right!

Struggling to get up from the ground, Hei Jing was worrying about how to follow the man who might be the strongest man in the world next time, to ensure that he would develop into a dragon-level monster with the unit of mega again, but Suddenly, I saw that Pochi, who had shrunk, was actually helping Saitama to pick up useful electrical appliances and daily necessities, and then put it in Saitama's hands.

After Saitama took the thing, he patted its dog's head lightly.

Even dogs are better at flattering than themselves!

The black spirit was hit hard!

He quickly joined the trash picking team and began to help frantically, showing Saitama his role.



Hei Jing quickly found a rice spoon, but even though his face was flushed from the suffocation, he couldn't move the stone that was pressing on the rice spoon with all his strength.

Then Pochi trotted over, kicked the stone away with a flick of his hind legs, then picked up the rice spoon and wagged his tail to please Saitama.

It turned out that I was single-celled...

Will it be so weak?

Hei Jing knelt down on the gravel and rubble with a frustrated face, feeling as if his life had come to an end.


Kuroi, who can't help anything, can only cheer and cheer for Saitama and Pochi who are picking up trash.

Then when Saitama left, he pretended to be familiar with him, and followed him cheekily.

In this way, under the sun, Hei Jing and Saitama walked a long way.

No matter how Saitama bombarded him, he just had the cheek not to leave.


I told you not to follow me!

Saitama's head was full of black lines, and he looked back at the black spirit in dissatisfaction: Although I don't know what kind of animal you are, but don't pester me, my family is not that rich! Dogs are okay...

No, no, don't say that...

Hei Jing trotted all the way behind Saitama, rubbing his hands flatteringly and saying: Anyway, please let me accompany you, I really have nowhere to go, even if it's chores, I can do anything ...

There was no room for relaxation on Saitama Salted Fish's face: No!

Hei Jing was not frustrated at all, and continued to beg: Just lend me a corner of your residence, please, please!

Huh? I just moved in recently...

As Saitama was talking, he seemed to suddenly think of something: By the way, are pets allowed in that apartment?... Well, it doesn't matter, anyway, the dog house can be placed outside...

Hearing this, Hei Jing's eyes lit up!

Immediately found my place to use!

This dog's name is Pochi!

Heijing smiled and pointed at Boqi behind him and said, I will take care of it from now on, and I will live with it in the kennel, and it will never cause you any trouble. You should still feed it when you walk the dog. It's all on me!

Please, sir!

Saitama originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing the word Master, his footsteps suddenly stopped.


The word no was still left unsaid.

Even if you come with me...

Saitama looked back at Hei Jing, but suddenly, Hei Jing's figure seemed to have changed into a different look: ...Don't think that I will take care of you, absolutely! Yes! I won't make room for you.

Hei carefully hit it off.

Although I don't know why Saitama suddenly agreed to follow him, but no matter what the reason is, it's a good thing, so he quickly flattered and said compliments: Where is it, it should be the caretaker of our current people. I will definitely work hard and not let the master down.

Saitama didn't answer, just kept walking.

Walked a long way.


Ah, the new home has arrived.

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