One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1061: Something grabbed by strength

In the Pegasus Third Fleet, there are planet-star energy warriors on six large battleships.

Therefore, with one punch, the total number of divine energy exploded is more than one million.

Fang Yuan stood in the ruins of the battleship, absorbing the divine energy, but staring at the three-eyed flagship in the distance.

On that flagship, Karaksi, the commander of the Three-Eyed Fleet, looked down slightly, staring at the carbon-based life in the fire, and already saw what the punch wanted to express.

He said in a low voice, "Is this a demonstration?"


Fang Yuan's answer was very simple, and there was no emotion in his voice, cold and calm.

"Do you think this is useful? I have a thousand ways to destroy your civilization, as long as I want to. And, I promise you don't have any ability to stop it." Karaksiel said.

"Perhaps so, but you should think about what you once said. When a civilization has the ability to destroy stars, it has the qualifications to establish diplomatic relations..."

Fang Yuan said this sentence slowly, neither humble nor overbearing: "You can destroy my civilization. In that case, I will ask Palese if I need a carbon-based avenger."

Karaksi heard the words "Carbon-based Avenger" and his expression sank again.

The implicit meaning of the words "carbon-based avengers" is already obvious.

In fact, there have been many "vengeful civilizations" in the universe.

This kind of civilization is usually a civilization with a higher technological level, and the descendants of civilization remaining after being destroyed.

The descendants of this civilization usually choose to escape from the parent galaxy and go to a remote galaxy to re-development.

But there is also another situation where the descendants of civilization give up the opportunity to re-development, choose revenge, and madly attack the planet of blood feuding civilization.

This kind of civilized descendants who choose revenge is called "revenge civilization".

In the universe, there are not many "avenging civilizations". After all, it is a better choice to re-choose galaxy development.

However, once a "revenge civilization" emerges, it is usually difficult to entangle.

"Vengeful civilization" often has some commonalities, and usually cherishes compatriots very much, because they can't bear the pain of the death of their loved ones, they choose revenge. .

Usually "revenge civilization" is mostly a dictator civilization, built with a powerful life form as the core.

The determination of revenge also depends on the will of this powerful being.

However, because the "revenge civilization" chose revenge, it gave up the opportunity for redevelopment.

The level of this civilization will stagnate or even slowly regress.

Therefore, the "civilization of revenge" is a hopeless civilization, and the end of civilization is the aging and death of the core of the revenge.

However, before the core of vengeance ages, the civilization of blood enmity will be in the nightmare of vengeance all the time.

Moreover, the "revenge civilization" is only a result of relatively easy handling.

Fang Yuan's "carbon-based avengers" implied another meaning.

That is to choose to join the Palestine civilization and become a "carbon-based avenger", which will be even more terrifying.

Moreover, Karaksi knew very well that as long as the "carbon-based avengers" were strong enough, the Palese civilization would definitely be willing to raise such a war weapon.

Originally, Karaxi did not put a primary civilization creature in his eyes at all, just wanted to use it.

However, the punch just now made him feel that things exceeded his expectations.

He fell silent, thinking about the possibility of completely killing this elementary civilized creature.


Fang Yuan continued to absorb divine energy, and his body strength, cell activity, and surrounding attributes were all rapidly rising.

In the attribute panel, the surrounding attributes have increased rapidly, and the average attribute is showing signs of breaking through 15,000 points.

"Captain, how do you act?" Zhao Anya's voice came from the communication channel.

"Wait." Fang Yuan answered only one word.

The members of the military scientific research team in the bridge heard the request made by Karaxi.

Therefore, everyone knows that the current situation is dangerous.

To some extent, the three three-sided star cores obtained this time were cut from the hands of the three-eyed tribe.

Of course, the three-eyed tribe originally wanted to use humans to help them divert the transport fleet.

The relationship between using each other is not from the Three-Eyed Clan, and it is impossible to talk about who grabs the other.

The human beings got the three-sided star core after killing Ulysses, not from the three-eyed tribe.

Whoever gets this kind of thing counts.

However, there is one sentence that is true even if it is placed in the civilization of the universe.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

When a wolf-like civilization feels that you have grabbed something, you'd better grab it by strength.

Fang Yuan's punch was telling Karakxi that whoever gets what he grabs with his strength counts.

Karaksi was very angry.

As the commander of the Three-Eyed Carinae Fleet, he struggled to attack Palese’s transport fleet, but he didn't get any benefits.


"That was originally my thing." Karaxi suppressed his anger, and there was a cold air in his voice.

"The thing was originally in Ulysses's hands, can you intercept it?" Fang Yuan asked with a sneer.

In fact.

The Three-Eyed Fleet is not completely unable to intercept Ulysses.

In terms of speed, the Three-Eyed Fleet has hopes of intercepting Ulysses.

However, the Centaur arm is not controlled by the Carbon-based Alliance.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Three-Eyed Fleet to enter the Centaur to wander around.

Just like the Third Fleet of Pegasus, they did not dare to enter the Perseus spiral arm at first.

As a result, they couldn't bear the pressure of their home planet, and came here bitterly, and the result was a pile of ruins.

If the Three-Eyed Fleet had blindly entered the Centaur Spiral Arm before, it would be them who would turn into the ruins of the battleship.

Moreover, the three-eyed fleet's goal is too big.

The Carbon-based Alliance and the Palestine civilization have fought for tens of thousands of years, exhausting each other's various surveillance methods.

If the Three-Eyed Fleet really enters the Centaur spiral arm to intercept Ulysses, Ulysses will most likely be able to detect it in advance, and then choose to detour to avoid the interception.

It may even converge with the Third Fleet of Pegasus, kill a carbine, and leave all the Three-Eyed Fleet in the Centaur arm.

On the contrary, with a small broken ship of humanity, the situation is completely different.

Because the target is small, the probability of being discovered is also small.

Moreover, it will not be monitored by the Palestine civilization.

Secondly, even if discovered, Ulysses will not necessarily change course.

The fact is indeed the case. When Ulysses discovered the Counterattack, what he thought was not to escape, but to kill the Counterattack directly.

The gathering together for various reasons enabled humans to obtain the three three-sided star cores of "Photon Leap" and "Soul of the God of Fighting."

It may not be available if it is replaced by the Three-Eyed Fleet to intercept.

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