One Year Marriage

Chapter 1012: Living in the Sun (12) Four thousand words!

  The attitude of the two men was equally tough, neither of them would give in.

After all, for Gu Qisen, the poison on Shen Qing's body can only be suppressed by blood jade for three months at most, and he can't wait for a moment, and in Xuanyuan Che's opinion, if he helps Shen Qing detoxify, it means losing it. The most advantageous weapon to contain Gu Qisen, how could he be sure that Gu Qisen would be willing to assist him?

   You must know that it was because of him that their husband and wife were forced to separate for more than two years. It's no wonder he didn't get rid of himself!

   Therefore, Xuanyuan Che would never agree to Gu Qisen's request, and help Shen Gently detoxify first.

  Time passed by, and the two were still at a stalemate.

  Shen looked at them gently, frowning involuntarily, feeling extremely anxious in his heart.

   However, before she set off, she had promised Gu Qisen to leave everything to him, so even if she couldn't hold back and wanted to call Xuanyuan Che a bastard, she could only force herself to endure it.

   Bear with it, if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. She believes that Gu Qisen must have a way to deal with Xuanyuan Che's...

  Thinking of this, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but look at Gu Qisen with whole-hearted trust in his eyes.

  Gu Qisen didn't respond to her, he pursed his thin lips tightly, his eyes were like knives, and he shot at Xuanyuan Che fiercely.

  Xuanyuan Che narrowed his long eyes, his eyes were as unfathomable.

The atmosphere in the    council hall became more and more tense. Fortunately, there were only the three of them here, otherwise others would have to be frightened to death by the chilling aura emanating from these two boss-level bigwigs.

   Afraid that they would fight later, Shen gently bit his lip, extremely anxious.

   After all, she couldn't help clenching Gu Qisen's arm.

   At this moment, Gu Qisen warned Xuanyuan Che in an extremely sharp tone: "Give you another minute to think about it!"


  Xuanyuan Che hooked his lips disdainfully, "I should have said this to you! Gu Qisen, your wife's life is in my hands, so you—have no right to pick and choose with me!"

   In the last sentence, he specially emphasized his tone.

   However, Gu Qisen suddenly laughed, "Really?"

  The sarcasm gradually spread between his eyebrows and eyes, "If you don't detoxify her, my wife may not be helpless, but..."

   Speaking of this, he deliberately paused and gave Xuanyuan Che a meaningful look.

   Xuanyuan Che was shocked by his strange eyes. For some reason, his heart thumped, and a bad premonition appeared faintly.

   Sure enough, the next second I heard him say calmly, "I'm afraid your forest base will be destroyed!"

   Forest base?

  How does Gu Qisen even know this?

  Shen lightly frowned, and there was a trace of confusion in her eyes, but she was relieved soon, and yes, her family's men even found out Xuanyuan Che's family hatred, let alone just a base?

  Wait, what does he mean when he said the forest base was destroyed?

  Is it…

   A thought suddenly entered Shen Qingli's mind. She widened her eyes in disbelief, and immediately looked at Gu Qisen. There was shock, excitement, and strong admiration in her clear eyes...


  Why is her husband so handsome and powerful!

  Compared to Shen Qingnian's excitement, Xuanyuan Che's face didn't look so good after hearing Gu Qisen's merciless threat.

   He didn't want to believe that what Gu Qisen said was true, but the other party's serious and cold eyebrows made him have to believe this fact—

  Gu Qisen is really powerful enough to start working on his base!


   Xuanyuan Che was about to say something when the phone in his trouser pocket rang.

   He took out his phone without thinking.

   Seeing the caller ID flashing the fixed number of the forest castle, Xuanyuan Che was more certain of his answer, and his face became more and more gloomy.

   pressed the answer button with a cold face, and he roared at the other end of the phone impatiently: "Tell me if you have something!"


It was the housekeeper Pei Hai who called. Hearing Xuanyuan Che's arrogance, he immediately understood something, and immediately said, "We are surrounded, there are dozens of military fighter planes above the forest, and there are several tanks outside the castle. Cannon, the other party warned that if Gu Qisen's conditions are not followed, they will raze us to the ground!"

   "What... what?"

   Xuanyuan Che's tall body trembled suddenly, as if he did not expect the matter to be so serious, Gu Qisen dared...


   "Master, just promise Gu Qisen, they are numerous and aggressive, we can't let this forest castle—"

   Pei Hai's words were not finished when Xuanyuan Che sternly interrupted him, "Okay, I see!"

   The voice fell, and without waiting for Pei Hai to speak, he hung up the phone.

   raised his eyes and met Gu Qisen's sharp eyes.

   Xuanyuan Che squeezed the phone tightly, took a deep breath, and then gritted his teeth: "You are amazing!"

   "Over the top!"

   Gu Qisen raised his eyebrows, and then said coldly, "Help her interpret it, and I will let people retreat!"

   "What if I say no?"

   Xuanyuan Che still wanted to make a final struggle.

   Gu Qisen said expressionlessly, "Ten, nine, eight..."

   "Okay, I promise!"

   He was reluctant to gamble with the ancient forest castle that he cared about the most. No matter how reluctant he was, Xuanyuan Che had to bite the bullet and agree.

  How could he tolerate seeing his own home and being baptized by blood again?

   He will definitely protect the Xuanyuan family...

   In this negotiation, Gu Qisen won.

   Xuanyuan Che carried the antidote with him and took it out on the spot.

   It was a white medicine bottle, and the liquid inside it looked similar to an ordinary medicine.

   Xuanyuan Che handed the medicine bottle to Shen Qingqing and said, "Just inject the liquid in this medicine bottle!"


  Shen gently took the medicine bottle and put it directly into the bag.

   She was not in a hurry to have someone inject her with antidote, but planned to go back and let Dr. Liang test to see if there was any poison.

   Xuanyuan Che is such a cunning person, she really can't believe him easily, if he gave her a more poisonous medicine, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

  So, she's not that stupid.

Gu Qisen expressed satisfaction with Shen Geng's defensiveness, he gave Shen Geng a deep look, and then turned his eyes to Xuanyuan Che, his voice was cold and gloomy: "You better make sure there is nothing wrong with the antidote. Otherwise, I will definitely make you pay a painful price!"

   Xuanyuan Che snorted, "If I wanted to harm her, would she still be alive in this world?"

When Shen heard it lightly, he retorted angrily, "Danqing, you still don't want to hurt me? Xuanyuan Che, you have done so many **** things, which one is not hurting me? Just poisoning me is enough. Prove how dark your heart is."

   "If I really want to be against you, do you think you have a good life in RT?"


   Shen was lightly choked by him, and was speechless for a moment.

   Looking back and thinking about it, it seems that apart from poisoning himself, it seems that he has not tortured himself much in the past two years. Instead, he has learned a lot of knowledge, and the whole person has more knowledge than before...

   But... so what?

   No matter how good or bad he has been to himself in the past two years, it is impossible for him to erase the guilt of his wickedness to break up her and Gu Qisen. More than 800 days, not 8 days, this person is simply bad!

  Shen swears gently that he will definitely draw circles and curse this villain in the future!

   Xuanyuan Che didn't miss the little eyes she hated so much that his teeth itch, but he didn't care at all.

The antidote was given, of course he couldn't put himself at a disadvantage, so he immediately said to Gu Qisen: "I have done what I promised you, can you let your people withdraw now?"

   "When my wife's body fully recovers, I will naturally let people withdraw!"

   Gu Qisen said with a cold face, in a tone that could not be ignored.

   Xuanyuan Che heard the sound, his eyes sank, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "That's fine. But don't forget, you promised to help deal with the Shenlong Group!"

  Gu Qisen is a very trustworthy person. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry that he will go back on his promises. However, now that he has no negotiating tools in his hands, Xuanyuan Che is somewhat uneasy.

Fortunately, Gu Qisen did not intend to break the contract, "Since I promised to help you deal with the Shenlong Group, I will definitely do my best to do this, but one thing is the same, the damage you have caused to me and my wife, wait for the Shenlong Group. After it's over, let's take it slow!"

   "We're always waiting!"

   I have to say, Gu Qisen's broad mind made Xuanyuan Che treat him completely differently.

   This man who is full of righteousness and more radiant than the sun **** Apollo, is indeed worthy of a pure and beautiful girl like Shen Qingheng, and even a gloomy girl like Gu Ranran is only greedy for his warmth...

   At this moment, Xuanyuan Che was extremely envious of Gu Qisen.

  People, how happy it is to be able to live a life of magnanimity under the sun.

   Once, he also had such a life, but unfortunately, the monstrous hatred made him lose all this...

  Gu Qisen didn't stay in the RT organization any longer, and soon walked away with Shen Gently.

   Shen Qingchen reluctantly bid farewell to the sisters of RT, and boarded the plane with Gu Qisen.

  The plane rises slowly, getting farther and farther from the ground, and finally, it swims freely in the sky.

  Shen sat gently and quietly in her seat, and she didn't say a word since she got on the plane.

  Gu Qisen touched her head and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Not happy? Can't bear your sisters?"


  Shen gently shook his head in denial.

   "What's the matter?"

   "It's nothing, I just think that even if you didn't agree to the conditions Xuanyuan Che put forward, it seems that he can't do anything to you."

  Shen said gently and truthfully.

   She didn't want Gu Qisen to deal with the Shenlong Group at all. That group was definitely not a good group. What if Gu Qisen couldn't match?

   Their life has been rough and hard enough, why can't they live a peaceful and stable life?

   Xuanyuan Che has a **** feud with the Shenlong Group, he will just go and avenge it himself, what's it to them?

   She admits that she is very selfish, but whether it is selfish or self-interested, she just doesn't want to see Gu Qisen's accident...

   Therefore, Shen Qingqing strongly disagreed with Gu Qisen's decision.

   "I can't do anything to me, but I promised to deal with the Shenlong Group, not all because of him."

   Gu Qisen took her by the shoulders and said seriously.

  Shen's eyes flashed lightly, with a puzzled look on his face, "Then what's the reason?"

  Gu Qisen didn't answer, but sold his words, "I'll tell you later, huh? You obediently close your eyes and sleep, and I'll call you later."

   "Why do you want me to sleep? I'm not sleepy."

  Shen pouted softly in protest.

  Gu Qisen smiled lightly, and the corners of his eyes and brows were full of doting, "Because I'm sleepy. If you don't sleep, it will affect my rest."

He didn't lie, he was indeed sleepy. In order to deploy today's battle, he hardly slept in the past few days, and he stayed up all night yesterday. His body had already reached the critical point of being exhausted. He could finally relax and rest.

   Shen Qingqing didn't know that Gu Qisen hadn't slept for a few days, because Gu Qisen went to bed with her every time, and she often slept very deeply. Of course, she didn't know that Gu Qisen just accompany her to sleep, and then got up again.

   However, looking at the dark circles under Gu Qisen's eyelids, she was still distressed, "Well, then I won't quarrel with you, you should rest quickly, come, I'll lean on my shoulders for you!"

   As she said, she pressed his head against her shoulder, very gently.

   Gu Qisen smiled and cooperated with her obediently, leaning on her shoulder and slowly closing his eyes.

   Perhaps he was really too tired, or maybe the smell on Shen Qing's body was too good, and after a while, Gu Qisen fell into a deep sleep.

   Listening to the man's even and deep breathing, Shen Qing's heart was soft and messy.

   She also closed her eyes, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and the curved arc was perfect like a crescent moon.


   After more than three hours of flight, the plane landed in the back garden of the castle.

  Gu Qisen and Shen got off the plane gently and saw Dongfang Jue, Helianlu, and Dr. Liang hurriedly greeted them.

   Seeing them, Shen Qing smiled brightly, "Hello, we're back. Isn't it very fast? It takes a long time to go back and forth."

   Dongfang Jue ignored her words and couldn't wait to ask, "Where's the antidote? Did you get it?"

   "Looking at me like this, I definitely got it."

  Shen said with a light smile, and then took out a medicine bottle from the bag.

"show me."

   Helian Lu was about to reach out to take it, but Shen Qing disliked it, "You are so thick, what if you break my antidote later?"

   "You underestimate me too, don't you?"

  Helian's law expressed dissatisfaction.

  Shen gently nuked his nose, "Be careful to make the Wannian ship."


   "Doctor, please test it first."

   She carefully handed the medicine bottle to Dr. Liang.

  Dr. Liang respectfully took it with both hands, took a serious look in the sunlight, and said with a smile, "Young Madam, I will give you feedback as soon as possible."

"Ok, alright, Thanks."

  Shen nodded lightly and said sincerely.

   Handing over the things to Dr. Liang, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

   And what about Dr. Liang?

   Holding the medicine bottle in his hand, the big stone that had been pressing on his heart for so many days gradually removed half of it.

   I hope this antidote is real, otherwise, it will be left to fate.


  PS: Continue coding. There will be an update around 12 o'clock.

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