One Year Marriage

Chapter 898: Reunion: My love for you is still the same (18)

   "This... Actually, I didn't think about it."

  Shen lightly bit his head.

As soon as she received this task, she immediately packed her things and flew to S City. The guidance given by the organization was to ask her to find Murong Xi to understand the specific matters of the whole project, and then formulate a corresponding plan, but she never thought about it. Xi asked her to give the plan as soon as they met. This style is too vigorous and resolute, and it really is the style of the CEO!

   "Don't think so?"

   Murong Xi did not expect her to answer so frankly, and frowned slightly.

   Shen Qingqing thought she would be angry, but she said, "That's fine, let's go to dinner first, I'm in a hurry."

   "Thank you, President Murong."

  Shen gently opened his mouth, thinking to himself, this Murong Xi looks very noble and glamorous, but after being in contact with him for a long time, he should not have any airs.

   At this moment, his affection for her was inexplicably a little more.

"You are welcome."

   Murong Xi's tense expression eased a lot, and then she gave her a slight smile, "If you don't mind, you can call me Crystal by my English name."

   "Well, okay, Crystal."

   Shen Gently hurriedly called her with a smile, this word Crystal, invisibly, brought the two of them closer.

   "What would you like to eat tonight? My treat!"

   Murong Xi picked up the bag and said to Shen softly.

"It is all acceptable."

  The big client treats them, and she dares to pick them, which is too weird.

   Therefore, Shen Qing replied without thinking.

   "Well, let's go."

   After Murong Xi finished speaking, she walked towards the door gracefully.

   Shen Gently saw this and hurriedly followed.

  I thought that a young lady like Murong Xi would probably go to the hotel's own high-end western restaurant, but she unexpectedly took Shen Geng directly to the underground parking lot.

   After getting in the car, Shen Qing couldn't help but ask her, "Where are we going?"

   "I heard that there is a snack street near S University. The specialty snacks there are very delicious. You shouldn't mind, right?"

   Murong Xi started the engine while saying that.

   "Of course I won't mind."

  Shen smiled lightly, she was too late to be happy, after all, how could she have had the chance to eat local snacks in S City over the past few years? Hey, even though I am in my hometown at this time, my homesickness is too strong to be dissolved.

   I don't know how Gu Qisen and Hao Hao Hao are doing now? Did they eat well? Will they miss her madly...

   "Anything on your mind?"

   As sharp as Murong Xi, it was easy to see that Shen Qing was absent-minded.

Shen Qingnian's pretty face changed slightly, and just as she was about to deny it, she heard her sharp-edged voice, "I can't imagine that you are a female agent from RT. Your emotions are too easy to reveal, and your weakness is easy to be caught by the enemy. ."

   Shen Qingqing also knew that he had problems in this area that needed to be overcome, and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry! Please give me some more time, and I will try my best to adjust it."


   Murong Xi nodded lightly and said nothing.

   She turned on the navigation and arrived at S University smoothly.

   After putting down the car, two women of the same age and beautiful appearance walked side by side on the streets of the night market. Even at night, they still attracted the attention of countless people.

   They were already used to the gazes of passers-by, and the two of them didn't take it seriously. They walked and chatted and came to a stall with the busiest business.

As soon as she saw the food she was familiar with, Shen Qing's eyes immediately lit up. At this moment, she completely forgot that she was the 17th member of the RT organization. A fragrant snack.

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