Chapter 254

At the moment when the open world closed, Lionheart City, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly had a big movement.

At that time, the six members of the War Ancient Tree Alliance each occupied a city area, and then they basically cut off communication.

Because the six had no idea about Lionheart City, they all became the sweet pastries that the major guilds wanted to win.

Although the other people did not reach an agreement with others as early as Ning Yuan, they also evacuated from Lionheart City in the last month. The defense areas they were stationed in became the sites of major guilds, but it seemed that one person was exception.

The exception is Robert Pišček of Poland.

Robert Pischek is the founder of the War Ancient Tree Alliance, and the only person in the Ancient Tree Alliance who has never seen Ning Yuan through.

From the establishment of the War Ancient Tree Alliance, Robert Pišček has shown a selfless side.

In the face of disputes over interests in the alliance, he was often the one who sacrificed himself. When fighting against the Russian Grim Bear Guild, he even took the initiative to abandon the benefit he deserved.

The original intention of the War Ancient Tree Alliance was to eliminate two rivals in the Great Guild, to seize the Lion Heart City, and then to enjoy the natural wonders of the Lion Heart City for ten months.

However, until the successful victory of Lionheart City, Robert Pischek lost several of the most important trophies.

In the end, he was only allocated some ordinary resources, which was completely contrary to his original intention of forming the War Tree Alliance.

It stands to reason that, as the founder of the War Ancient Tree Alliance, Robert Pishcek should be very dissatisfied with the results of such a battle, but it is strange that he has no response to the loss of the precious resources of the youth spirit.

Is he really a selfless person?

Although Ning Yuan couldn’t see through Robert Pišček, he believed that Robert Pišček was definitely not a selfless person. There must be some reason for him to do this.

Unfortunately, after thinking about it, Ning Yuan didn’t want to understand why Robert Pischek did this.

However, as the open world closed, the answer Ning Yuan wanted to know finally surfaced. Of course, he learned the whole details only a few days later.


At the moment when the open world was closed, a large number of troops burst out from the southern part of Lionheart City. These troops included not only humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs, but even the Devil tribe.

After these troops rushed out of the Nancheng District, they immediately rushed to the southwest and southeast urban areas.The southwestern city was stationed with 200,000 elite troops of the Tianxiahui. After discovering the enemy, Tianxiahui was stationed at the top of the Lionheart City and began to organize the army for defense while asking for help from the troops outside the city.

In the eyes of the senior officials of the Tianxiahui, there are 200,000 elite troops defending the southwestern city, not to mention that there is only one enemy army in the south. , It’s not a problem to keep for a month.

But what is unexpected is that the 200,000 elite troops of the World Society have not been able to hold on for a long time, and the defense line of the southwest city is completely lost.

Because the main task stationed in the southwest city is defense, the elite army of the World Society is mainly composed of humans and Wandering Xia. The heavy infantry of the human race and Wandering Xia, the elf with excellent shooting skills, are very suitable for defending the city.

It stands to reason that it is very correct for the senior leaders of the Tianxiahui to have this idea, because this is indeed a combination that is very suitable for defending the city.

So since this pair is the best choice to defend the city, how did their defense be broken?

The root cause is that there is a large number of Devil tribes in the enemy’s line.

The racial talents of the Devil clan are: solid scale armor, super bloodline, powerful body, forbidden realm, evil sharp horns, natural enemies.

The sturdy scale armor allows the Devil warriors to basically ignore the shooting of the wizard Wandering Xia. They only need to pay attention to protecting the eyes and face where there are no scales.

Because after Robert Pischek fitted them with a special helmet, their exposed weakness was only their eyes.

The powerful body allows the Devil warriors to attack the city wall unscrupulously, even if they are knocked down by the enemy from the city wall, as long as they are not directly killed, they can quickly stand up and return to the battle.

The evil horns added another deadly weapon to the Devil warriors holding battle axes. When they rushed up the city wall, they were often able to knock the enemy into the air by surprise, creating a place for the friendly forces behind.

If the defenders on the wall were the troops led by the Condor, then Ning Yuan would definitely let them line up the wall, and then rely on the number and the advantages of long-handled weapons to push the enemy down, because Ning Yuan had already taught the Devil warriors. The power of.

It’s a pity that this defender of the Tianxiahui has never been in contact with the Devil clan, and they don’t know how terrifying the Devil clan fighters are.

When more and more Devil fighters rushed up the city wall, it was impossible for them to defend the southwest city, even if they still had an army of nearly 180,000.

In fact, it is the best choice to deal with the Devil race, which is thick-skinned and likes savage collisions. The huge orc warriors are the best choice, because they are more powerful than the Devil warriors, and they can rely on brute force. Kill the Devil warriors.

It is a pity that the Devil clan cannot be found randomly. Their appearance must meet certain conditions, so many people have a black eye on them.

In addition, Robert Pischek has done a very good job of confidentiality. No one knows that there is a Devil in his territory, and no one would have thought that he would want to take the Lionheart City, so these five settled in the Lion City. The Great Sanhedrin of Heart City had no defense against him at all.

Although the Devil race is a natural fighting race, they are not invincible. The reason why Tianxiahui was defeated so quickly was entirely because they did not understand their opponents and were caught off guard by their opponents.

If they were given another chance to come back, they would definitely not be defeated in such a wasteful manner.

With the fall of the city wall, more and more Devil warriors rushed into the city. When the stone blocking the gate was removed, the world would completely lose hope of defending the southwestern city.

The person in charge of the Tianxiahui was also a decisive person. Seeing that the situation was over, he immediately dispatched a death squad of 20,000 people to stubbornly dragged down the enemy, and then took the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops to escape from the southwest gate. Got out.

Although Tianxiahui was defeated very miserably and very aggrieved, they were not alone, because the Crusader guild stationed in the southeast city was just as miserable as them.

The defenders of the Crusaders were also defeated by the Devil tribe. They and the Tianxiahui were basically the time for the front and back, and they were also very aggrieved and driven out of Lionheart City.

Although the fighting in the southwest and southeast urban areas of Lionheart City attracted the attention of the defenders stationed in the other three urban areas, when a steady stream of Devil and other ethnic armies pounced on them, they quickly stepped into the front. Following in the footsteps of the two guilds.

The Northeast defense area stationed by the South African Lions Guild, the Northwest defense area stationed by the Western Cowboy League in the United States area, and the northern defense area stationed by the Canadian North Border Alliance fell one after another.

The battle in Lionheart City continued until late at night. It took Robert Pischek only half a day and midnight to successfully drive out all the five great guilds stationed in Lionheart City. world.

When the game ended on June 10th, the players who had played the game were shocked by the news, and could not believe the news for a long time.

Many people have imagined that one person will fight against a big guild, but they absolutely can’t imagine that one person will fight against five world-class big guilds, because this is definitely a pebble attack.

However, the appearance of Robert Pischek completely overthrew their cognition.

One person fights against five world-class big guilds at the same time, and then succeeds in one day, this is simply crazy, I guess the craziest script is afraid to write like this.

After being shocked, the players began to study the man Robert Pischek.

Robert Piszczek is a rich second generation in Poland. His family is very rich and he is unmarried.

This is the personal information of Robert Pischek. As for the game, people only know that he is an elven race, the human race and the dwarf race in the territory, the others are not too clear.

After the battle of the Lionheart City, people learned that there were Orcs and Devil tribes under Robert Pishcek.

However, although the civilization of the five races is strong, it is not enough to support him against five world-class guilds at the same time.

The most curious thing about people now is why other urban areas can only be stationed with more than 200,000 people, while the Nancheng District where Robert Piszczek can station more than 700,000 people.

Although there is no specific statistics, according to the observation of several failed big guilds, Robert Piszczek’s army in Lionheart City definitely exceeds 700,000. The most obvious example is that his army attacked the southwest at the same time. The city and the southeast city.

One person attacked two big guilds at the same time, then divided the troops into battle, and finally won a big victory. It can be seen how huge his army is.

The most incomprehensible thing is that the Nancheng district where Robert Piszczek is garrisoned is about the same size as several other districts. It is already crowded with 200,000 people stationed in such a large area, and 700,000 people are stationed there. It’s not crowded.Facing the doubts of the players, the proud Robert Pischek took the initiative and solved the doubts for them.

It turned out that after entering the South City, Robert Pischek immediately transferred a large number of rat artificial soldiers and rabbit artificial soldiers from the own plane.

These engineers had only one task, and that was to build an underground barracks in Nancheng where they could hide soldiers for a short period of time, and then secretly sent the troops from the territory to be placed in the underground barracks.

It stands to reason that the two people next door could not be aware of such a big movement, but since Ning Yuan and the others were also digging soil to build the defense of the inner city at that time, they did not particularly care about the movement of Nancheng District.

And Robert Pišček ordered that all the earth and rocks excavated from the ground were used to build the inner city walls, so from beginning to end, the people in Ningyuan did not discover Robert Pišček’s conspiracy.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they didn’t think that Robert Pischek’s real intention was Lionheart City.

Robert Pischek is so crazy, I am afraid that even true lunatics would dare not do it.

But Robert Pischek did this, and then achieved unprecedented success. This made Ning Yuan and several people who learned the details afterwards suddenly felt ashamed, unable to accept this result for a long time.

Ning Yuan originally thought that the own plan was crazy enough. He never expected that there were people outside the mountain, and a mountain was even higher than the other.

When he met Robert Pischek, he had no choice but to bow down.

However, Ning Yuan was gratified that the main guild forces were all in the outer area of ​​Lionheart City. Robert Pischek only won a small victory when the main guild forces arrived under Lionheart City. , Robert Pischek was guilty.

Although Ning Yuan is not very cold to those big guilds, he now very eagerly hopes that those big guilds will kill Robert Pischek.

Because once Robert Pishcek achieves the final victory, then he and the other four members of the War Ancient Tree Alliance will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

Why Robert Pischek was able to seek the Lionheart City was not the way for the five of them to be stupid.

Robert Pischek’s success is their shame, so Ning Yuan didn’t want him to succeed in his heart.

And the most important thing is that Ning Yuan knows the strength of the Devil warriors. Although the great guilds do not have an accurate statistics on the number of the Devil army under Robert Piszczek, it is conservatively estimated to be more than 200,000.

What kind of concept is the 200,000 fully armed Devil army? It is simply daunting.

And once Robert Pischek achieves the final victory, his strength will definitely be further Ascension, I am afraid that in more than ten years, he will be able to pull up a million-level Devil tribe army.

At that time, no matter who is facing such a powerful army, his legs will tremble.

Although Robert Pišček is a Polish player, he and Ning Yuan will probably not have any intersections in the future, but Ning Yuan just doesn’t want to see him become stronger. He hopes that this lunatic will be defeated. It is best to fight. Died in Lionheart City.

The only pity is that Robert Pischek should have some special life-saving props on his body, so even if he fails this time, at most it will be hurt. Just give him time to breathe. The foundation will definitely develop again.

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