Chapter 265

After returning to the City Lord’s Mansion, Ning Yuan still didn’t have any sleepiness, so he called a few soldiers and played Cuju in the yard, intending to consume the vigorous energy in his body.

“Report~~~, to the lord, Lord Cook Iwan has returned and is now coming to the city lord’s mansion.”

“Go, let’s meet the elven friends from the Death Forest.”

Hearing that Cook Iwan had returned, Ning Yuan was overjoyed. In order to show respect for the tribe of Windchaser, he directly greeted him with someone.

Soon, Ning Yuan saw Cook Iwan rushing to the city lord’s mansion, but he didn’t seem to be from the Windchaser tribe.

“Cook, what’s the matter? What about the messengers of the Windchaser tribe? Even if it is inconvenient for the Elf King Sauron to come, they should send an messenger over, don’t you find the Windchaser tribe?”

Seeing that Cook was surrounded by people with the Eagles, Ning Yuan suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

After seeing Ning Yuan leading the people out, Cook Iwan hurried to Ning Yuan’s front.

“Enlighten the lord, we have found the Windchaser tribe, but now the leader of the tribe is no longer the Elf King Sauron.”

“What the hell is going on, you can tell me carefully.” Ning Yuan asked quickly when he heard that the Elf King had changed people.

“Lord, it’s like this…”

Cook immediately told Ning Yuan what he had inquired about.

It turned out that after Ning Yuan left, Sauron continued to implement the guerrilla harassment tactics Ning Yuan formulated for him, and achieved good results.

Although Fengshou City quickly changed its owner, Chen Musheng, the new owner, had nothing to do with Wandering Xia, the elves of the Wind Chaser tribe.

In order to avoid unnecessary losses, he ordered the abandonment of the fight with the elves, and the entire army of tortoises directly retracted into the fortified city.

Chen Musheng’s retreat caused Elf King Sauron to rekindle his desire to seize Harvest City.

However, Sauron also knows that if there are too many defenders in the city, it will be difficult for his elves Wandering Xia army to break through the city, so he finally decided to attack those from the harvest on the harvest day at the end of each month. The food preservation army out of the city.

Although Chen Musheng chose the tactic of shrinking tortoise, at the end of each month, he would still send a large number of troops to protect the food transport teams going to Qicaifengshou Mountain. These troops are the food preservation army in Sauron’s eyes.

As long as these food preservation regiments can be defeated, then the defenders in Fengshou City will be in danger of running out of food. Because of the existence of Qicai Fengshou Mountain, there are almost no people plowing the fields, so many people rely on Qicai Fengshou Mountain to live.

Sauron’s tactics are very simple, that is, to fight those food preservation legions never dared to leave the city again, in this way, at most six months, Harvest City will be completely out of food.

Because Chen Musheng is not a soft persimmon, so in order to get a good start, Sauron directly united with several other large elven tribes to form an elven coalition of 200,000 people.

Facing an army of 200,000 elves, Chen Musheng was caught off guard at first, losing several tens of thousands of elves in succession.

However, Qicai Fengshou Mountain is an important food production base for the Palace of the Gods. It is impossible for them to let the elves behave here, so the elves are destined to be arrogant for not long.

As the Palace of the Kings continued to increase its support to Chen Musheng, the comparison of the military strengths of the various forces on the Colorful Plane has directly undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although Chen Musheng soon possessed the strength to suppress the Elf Legion, he still couldn’t bear it. He was waiting for an opportunity to completely defeat it in one fell swoop.

For the next period of time, Chen Musheng continued to use the tortoise tactics to paralyze those ambitious elves.

As the number of food preservation corps dispatched in Fengshou City became less and less, the elves were indeed fooled.

Sauron thought that Harvest City had not enough troops to compete with them for the food on the Colorful Harvest Mountain, so he directly sent a large army to siege the city and began to implement the trapped beast tactics.

Sauron’s strategic intention is simple, that is, to besiege Fengshou City without attacking it. After the city is completely out of grain, Fengshou City will not attack itself.

Sauron’s tactics were applied very correctly, because no matter how you looked at it, Harvest City was already a solitary city, and it was impossible to have reinforcements.

It’s a pity that he didn’t know that for the player lord, reinforcements often fall from the sky, and for large guilds like the Palace of the Gods, how many reinforcements are needed.

Facing the siege of the elves and not attacking, Chen Musheng knew that his chance to counterattack had come. He endured for so many days, wasn’t it just to lead the elves to Fengshou City?

On a night when he couldn’t see his fingers, Chen Musheng launched a Jedi counterattack against the Elf Legion. He had planned for this day for a long time.

As one hundred thousand werewolf warriors launched a surprise attack on the Elf Camp, the prelude to this counterattack was directly kicked off.

Although the elves always guard against the enemy’s night attacks, they are guarding against the enemies in Harvest City.

They never expected that the enemy would launch a sneak attack from behind them, and the army that launched a surprise attack was still a werewolf army that was good at night attacks.

This 100,000 werewolf army is one of the investments of the Palace of Gods in Chen Musheng.

In order to help Chen Musheng destroy this elven army and consolidate its rule on the colorful plane, the Palace of the Kings directly sacrificed a queen bee player at the peak of the Bronze Age, which is a bloodbath.

After getting the werewolf army, Chen Musheng hid them elsewhere in order to catch the elves by surprise.

As the werewolf legion launched a sneak attack, the gates of Harvest City were all opened. The human legion, the elven Wandering Xia legion, and the dwarf legion that had been reserving for many days in the city lined up, and then quickly went to the elven camp outside the city. Launched an offense.

If the Werewolf Legion’s sneak attack sounded the clarion call for the defeat of the Elven Alliance, then the 30,000 heavy infantry from Fengshou City would be the last straw that overwhelmed the camels.

Although the elves Wandering Xia are not good at night combat, they are not afraid of the werewolf warriors in small-range close combat. Even if they were caught off guard by the werewolf legion, they quickly stabilized their position.

However, with the appearance of this human heavy infantry corps, the battlefield immediately showed a one-sided situation.

Facing the invulnerable heavy infantry phalanx, the elves Wandering Xia are empty martial arts, but they have nowhere to play.

When their swords slashed on the sturdy armor of the heavy infantry, they had no effect at all except for sparking some sparks.

Then many elven warriors can only watch the enemy insert their swords into their own body.

The appearance of the heavy infantry completely shattered the elven coalition’s attempt to counterattack, and no elven warrior was willing to face the invulnerable Tin Man.

So wherever the heavy infantry went, the elven warriors evaded one after another, and soon this evasion turned into a defeat of the whole army.

I don’t know which elf warrior first started to escape, anyway, it quickly evolved into the Great Escape in the Night.

If it was during the day, then this defeat might not have lost much, but at night, especially when there was a werewolf army in the enemy’s formation, this defeat would be fatal.

The werewolf warriors may not be the opponents of Wandering Xia in the heads-up, but when chased in the dark, they can easily kill the panicked elves.

This battle has been fought from night to dawn. Except for a small group of elves, Wandering Xia, fled back to the Death Forest, the entire elven alliance was basically destroyed. Elven King Sauron also died on the battlefield in this battle. .

After Sauron died in battle, his daughter Tina Windchaser became the new Elf King.

However, because of their vitality, the elves of the Windchaser tribe were no longer able to attack the Death Forest, and they did not dare to walk out of the Death Forest easily.

Because the entire elven coalition was formed by several elven tribes, the loss of so many adult elves at once was a fatal blow to each tribe, so in order to protect themselves, these elven tribes had to be merged together. Together, and Tina is the supreme leader.

Cook and his party met Tina soon after arriving in the Death Forest. When he explained his intentions and gave the half piece of jade to Tina, the new elf queen Tina did not have any happy expressions.

For Ning Yuan, a dishonest human lord, Tina was instinctively unwilling to believe him.

However, considering that Ning Yuan had already captured Harvest City, after discussing with her generals, she finally decided to see Ning Yuan and see what his plan was.

Because they didn’t trust Ning Yuan, Tina and others did not follow Cook into the city. They brought an elf guard and stopped at a place ten kilometers away from Harvest City, where Yo Ningyuan met.

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