Chapter 294 Taking Advantage (6)


After Ning Yuan hung up the phone, he happily gave a victory sign.

He never dreamed that a temporary decision could achieve such great results. Sure enough, the opportunity would only be reserved for those who were prepared.

Listening to Ouyang Yichen’s meaning, it seems that other big guilds don’t want to continue beating him because they are afraid of the loss of sending troops. This is really great news.

Although Ning Yuan defeated the Palace of the King of Gods, he still knew how many catties he had.

He is not afraid of one family or two, but he is afraid of wheel fights and gang fights. After all, his ally Robert is so landless.

It’s alright now. These great guilds have temporarily given up on dealing with him, and the Condor collar can finally regain peace, and he can let his people rest and rest for a while.

If he had a choice, Ning Yuan really didn’t want the war to spread to his own territory, because the destructive power of war was too great.

In less than ten days, Haotian City had been destroyed so badly, and it would take at least several months to restore its former appearance.

Ning Yuan estimated that this was almost the case in the other fallen cities.

In addition, some villages outside the city have also been devastated. Many innocent civilians have died tragically under the enemy’s butcher’s knife. To appease these refugees will also be a major project.

Although the Shenying Ning won the final victory in this war, the war brought some irreparable losses to the Shenying Ning.

Thinking of the disabled soldiers and the displaced people, Ning Yuan vowed to himself that he would never let the flames of war spread to his own territory in the future.

Through today’s events, Ning Yuan began to worship the wisdom of the ancients more and more.

Going to attack the army, then attacking the cross, then attacking the army, and then attacking the city. These short sixteen characters condensed countless essence.

The reason why he was able to make the big guilds who were eyeing the eye to retreat collectively this time was actually taking advantage of their weakness of fear of suffering huge losses.

What happened to Qin Lang was just a fuse, not universal.

But as long as this is possible, those big guilds have to take these factors into consideration.

Fighting is definitely killing people. They don’t worry about how many troops will be lost, because the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and they are useless to worry.

What they are really worried about is the recurrence of the Qin Lang incident. Although this situation is not universal, what if it happens to your own person?

If the army is lost, they can also choose to recuperate and recruit slowly, but if the leader is gone, then everything is gone.

It is not easy for every big guild to cultivate a player lord who has entered the feudal and empire ages. Every time such a top lord is lost, they will suffer for a long time.

The existence of these top lords is related to their overall strategic layout in the era of planetary hegemony. Each lord is a treasure of the guild, so the safety of these lords is the first.

Because the rules of warfare on the plane are very unfriendly to these big forces, in order to avoid unnecessary losses, they take care of these top lords very strictly and easily not allow them to leave their own plane.

After the opening of the open world, many player lords applied to go hunting dragon souls in the open world, but they all rejected them without exception.

Because the open world is too messy and too dangerous, and you may never come back if you are not careful.

These top lords represent the future of their respective guilds, so before the arrival of the planetary hegemony era, they will not allow these lords to make any mistakes.

They don’t want to be like the Palace of the Gods, their strength will directly go backwards.

After losing so many top lords, the strength of the Palace of the Gods has been reduced by at least 40%. At least for a long period of time, the Palace of the Gods can only be a human being with its tail clipped.

The loss of these top lords will have a huge impact on the overall layout of the Palace of Gods in the future. When the era of planetary hegemony arrives, they will probably be the first big guild to take the lead in strategic defense.

It was because of the overall strategic layout in the future that these big guilds chose to give up temporarily.

In their view, if they could not occupy the land, they would lose a lot of money for a colorful harvest mountain, so they would rather let Ning Yuan continue to occupy the colorful harvest mountain.

As for the coalition forces of the Grand Guild that Ning Yuan was worried about, they were completely worried, because in this case, the so-called coalition forces could not be formed at all.

Dongfang Ming said that Ning Yuan is an unstable factor that may pose a threat to them in the future. Other people agree with this, but their biggest threat in the future is actually other guilds. Compared with their peers, Ning Yuan seems a little insignificant. NS.

When the era of planetary hegemony arrives, Ning Yuan will definitely cause great troubles to the forces next to him, but who knows who Ning Yuan will be next to?

After all, Ning Yuan can’t be next to each of their guilds, so whoever is next to Ning Yuan will be unlucky.

They really can’t make the mistake of sacrificing soldiers and soldiers in order to deal with Ning Yuan, they should give Ning Yuan to the hapless future.

In fact, the ownership of Qicai Fengshou Mountain is just an excuse, and the fighting between the major guilds is the real reason.

Dongfang Ming kept saying that every guild of 500,000 elites can afford it, but if a coalition is really formed, then it is difficult to say whether the major guilds will send elites, because no one will be stupid, he will lead the elites. Come and die.

What is elite? They are all elite soldiers carefully selected from countless soldiers, equipped with sophisticated weapons and equipment, and they can even win more with one top ten and less.

There are countless elite troops (special arms) in the history of China, among which the most well-known elite soldier is the Beiwei Army under the Southern Song Dynasty famous general Yue Fei.

The Beiwei Army is the absolute elite of the Yue Family Army. Relying on the bravery of the Beiwei Army, the Yue Family Army has broken the myth that the golden men are invincible.

One of the most classic battles of the Beiwei Army was the victory in Zhuxian Town. It is said that the five hundred backwei cavalry directly defeated the 100,000 golden soldiers stationed in Zhuxian Town.

Although the elite army in the hands of the players is not as good as Yue Fei’s Beiwei army, at least they have the potential to grow into the Beiwei army. Therefore, using the elite army as cannon fodder, only people with a brain can do it.

Those elite troops are the lifeblood of the major guilds to attack the city in the future. Why should they put these elites to death in order to deal with a Ning Yuan?

Instead of sending elites, what did they do to destroy Ning Yuan? If you end up making an anticlimax, I am afraid it will only be ridiculed.

Therefore, the formation of coalition forces is simply a false proposition, because it is not in their interests.

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