Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

053: The Collapsed Skeleton Lord Is Deadly!

The Skeleton Lord, who lost his mount, had his movement speed greatly reduced, and one of his charge skills was directly scrapped.

But at this moment.

He still rushed towards Lin Tong angrily with his sword waving.

His mind was full of one look...

Horse thief, die!

Fortunately, this guy couldn't speak, otherwise he would probably point at Lin Tong and others and curse them first.


The angry roar resounded throughout the dungeon.


The arrow shot by Lin Tong had already gone straight to the Skeleton Leader.



Since Lin Tong had not left the battle before.

So the enchanted heavy attack could no longer be triggered, but other negative passives could be attached to him.

The undead curse looted from Di Tong before was just right for use.

An arrow shot over...

The Skeleton Lord's defense was reduced by 50% again, and Lin Tong's damage successfully reached a new level.

At the same time, a value would appear on Lin Tong's head.




The absorption and the blood-sucking effect of the skeleton can make his blood return per second reach a terrifying level of 1.3w+.

And his eyes turned to the Skeleton Lord.

A layer of black flames attached to his skeleton frame, burning his whole body all the time, which made his speed drop again.

He couldn't touch Lin Tong at all...

And Lin Tong was constantly outputting from a hundred meters away.


The sound wave exploded in an instant.

[Roar] 09

Originally, this skill was released by the Skeleton Beast, but now that the Skeleton Beast has been stolen, the Lord can only roar himself.

A powerful shock wave swept towards Lin Tong.


Just when the Skeleton Lord was secretly delighted and planned to take advantage of the victory to chase the horse thief away.

Lin Tong actually recovered from the control...

"High resistance is comfortable!"

With Lin Tong's current resistance to undead creatures, this kind of control can't be played for even a second.

"Swoosh" x7

Lin Tong continued to attack.

The original damage of the arrows was combined with various negative effects.

Lin Tong's damage per second was as high as 5w+. This was all thanks to the means of reducing the lord's defense.


Lin Tong could only think about how to scrape him to death.

The Skeleton Lord had never fought such a frustrating battle in this life, not to mention in his previous life.

He gritted his teeth and took two steps forward, and suddenly stepped on something.


It was the frost bomb that Lin Tong had left.


The sudden appearance of frost swept over the Skeleton Lord's body in an instant, turning him into an ice sculpture.

But the ice sculpture only lasted 0.5 seconds before the lord broke free.

However, Lin Tong once again opened a larger safe distance from the Skeleton Lord because of this 0.5 seconds.

Anyway, Lin Tong's attack distance was enough.

There was no need to worry about not being able to hit the Skeleton Lord...

The next battle.

The Skeleton Lord was always passively attacked. Every time he was about to touch Lin Tong, he would release the flash acceleration.

Once again, he came to a safe distance.

In this battle, Lin Tong almost used the kite tactics to the extreme.

No matter how high the Skeleton Lord's attributes were, it would be useless if he couldn't touch Lin Tong.

Speaking of which.

I really have to thank Ma Feifei for being able to fight like this.

If he hadn't used his talent to confiscate the Skeleton Lord's mount, I'm afraid this battle would be much more difficult.

Now he can't even use all his strength.

He can only be played around by Lin Tong's kite tactics...


The Skeleton Lord roared unwillingly.


How could this be?


I'm a dungeon boss. Whose dungeon boss uses this kind of tactics?

Disgusting, it's simply too disgusting.

In the distance, other players who have been watching were a little emotional.

"How miserable-boss"

"It's embarrassing for the nightmare dungeon........."

"Come on, Master Canghai, we can definitely take down this idiot easily."

As if he understood these words.

All the actions of the Skeleton Lord suddenly stopped.

And his health volume also stopped at 50%.

Lin Tong smiled faintly: "Is it coming?"

The next second, powerful magic began to brew in the hands of the Skeleton Lord, which contained a terrifying killing intent.

Is it magnified?

The only long-range skill of the Skeleton Lord.

[Skeleton Forest]

The ground began to tremble slightly at this moment, as if something huge was about to break through the ground and penetrate the people on the ground.

The Skeleton Lord roared at Lin Tong with mental power.

"Damn bug, this blow takes a hundred years of skill........."

"I wonder if you can block it?"

As soon as the voice fell.

Countless sharp huge bone spurs rose from the ground around Lin Tong.

But Lin Tong still had a very relaxed smile on his face.

He had calculated the time, and this moment was exactly when the magic shield was refreshed.

This move is called Card Shield!

The first 10,000 points of damage caused by the bone thorns were all absorbed by the magic shield.



After the magic shield disappears, another passive is triggered.

[Dark Armor]


"The health value is detected to be reduced by 10%, +30% damage reduction triggers the hegemony effect, which lasts for five seconds."

In the original, the damage reduction is in the order of damage reduction, blocking, and finally defense.

After the bone thorns are consumed by the magic shield, damage reduction and blocking need to be calculated, and the final damage to Lin Tong is affected by defense.




The final damage can't even break the most basic defense.

[Skeleton Forest] disappears, and Lin Tong's health value is restored to its original state with a few random arrows, and the dark night moment is turned on at the same time.

The damage at this moment is added with real damage!

At the same time, after each arrow, Lin Tong will also get a short-term invisibility effect………………

In this case, the skeleton lord is basically at the mercy of others.

After all, the ultimate move is gone.

I can't touch Lin yet...

How to fight this?


The Skeleton Lord's original huge health bar dropped rapidly, and finally the flames in his eyes went out, and his health was reset to zero.

"Damn ants............"Lord Lucy will definitely crush you, crush you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Skeleton Lord turned into bones all over the ground again and officially died.


"You killed [Skeleton Lord] and got: 1.1w experience"

"Successfully plundered: Fear Roar (Excellent)"

"You reached level 20 and got: Four-dimensional attribute points +5 free allocation points +5"

"Tip: You have reached level 20, please go to the advanced task as soon as possible.

This wave not only successfully upgraded to level 20, but also plundered a passive of excellent quality.

You can no longer upgrade after reaching level 20.

You must go to the designated location to complete the advanced task before you can continue to upgrade.

After this trip, go...

Anyway, you can go directly to the main city after the main task.

Let's take a look at the passive first.

[Fear Roar]

Quality: Excellent

Effect: When the arrow flies, it will cause forced fear for 1 second to the target on the path, and can be superimposed with other effects, with an interval of seconds.

It is a very good hard control effect.

As for the seven-second interval, it means that after causing an effect, it will take seven seconds before the next effect can be caused.

Very nice.

Close the attribute panel and look at the loot not far away.

After the death of the Skeleton Lord, a lot of loot was dropped, basically all kinds of quality equipment.

It's dazzling.

Among them is the big knife used by the Skeleton Lord...

Lin Tong said: "You deal with the loot, I will go to the front to open up the wasteland for you."

There are still a lot of monsters in front.

Kill them in advance.

"Don't worry, Master Canghai. Leave this little thing to us. Just go and kill the monsters." "Professional aftermath..." Everyone agreed. Lin Tong didn't hesitate and went straight to the depths of the camp. He relied on the violent effect to fight the bloody battles that started from time to time. Tong's monster-killing speed is outrageous.......

Han Jiang and others are dealing with the spoils.

"【Skeleton Heavy Sword】+1"

"【Unyielding Shield】+1"

All kinds of equipment were thrown into the warehouse by everyone.

The Skeleton Lord is indeed a nightmare-enhanced boss. There are actually two gold-quality warrior equipment in the spoils.

And the attributes are very perfect.

Everyone is almost drooling......

"President Han, can you buy this weapon later?"

"What for?"

"Touch it, I've never touched a gold-level weapon..."

On the other side.

"President Jiu, look at this shield, do you want to take it?"

The two presidents were helpless.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and deal with the spoils, and then go to help Canghai kill monsters.


After Lin Tong killed the Skeleton Lord, everyone can get relevant information.

"World Announcement"

"Kill the first level boss [Skeleton Lord] in Rosikaya Village, progress value +10%"

People all over the world were confused.

"Is the nightmare level copy so simple?"

"God! How can we get the first pass of the copy in this way?"

"Is this person a pervert?"

"He is not a pervert, he is a monster............"

Brand suppressed his anger: "Didn't there just be an accident? Why were they able to kill the first level boss?"

"How did they do it?"

The assistant on the side said: "According to the undercover in Rosikaya Village, Canghai killed the boss alone."


"How is it possible for one person?"

"President, this is absolutely true............"

Brand's face changed drastically at this moment.

"Why... Can't we Archangels really get the first pass of the copy? We have obviously invested a lot of resources."

He was not convinced............

But facing this fact, he felt powerless and helpless.

Suppress the mood of collapse.

"It seems that there is no hope for the first place, but the second place must be obtained. I will explain it to the Congress.

Others replied: "Understood"

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