After the Pantheon was removed, there was no longer any barrier between Lonan and Uranos.

After being provoked by Ronan’s words, Uranos’s anger surged and he did not say much more, and shot directly at Ronan.

It was a much larger figure than ordinary people, with the momentum of air pressure on all things.

In the middle of Mount Olympus, Ronan only felt that at this moment, it was as if the entire sky was pressing towards him!

If he had been placed in Ronan’s place, he would have been horrified and trembling at this moment.

But Luo Nan, in the face of such a powerful power, did not move at all!

There is a big face of self-confidence that allows you to swell and stand still!

All this is only because Lonan has no fear in his heart for Uranos, who is in the quasi-holy realm.

What about even quasi-saints?

Ronan didn’t kill it!

Originally, in the Great Brahma World, the War Knight, who was one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, was directly killed by Ronan with his own strength!

The rank of this Uranos, although it was higher than that of the original war knights.

But today’s Luonan is also much stronger than before!

Name: Uranos

Rating: 1v330

Identity: Lord of the Sky, common ancestor of the Titan and Olympian gods, the first generation of god kings, created by Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth!

The probing technique flashed in his eyes, and the specific information of Uranos was imprinted into Ronan’s eyes.

“The original War Knight should have been at a level of around 320, and this Uranos was ten levels higher than the War Knight…”

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, “But now I’m stronger than when I killed the War Knight, not only level ten!” ”

After muttering, Ronan wiped his hands and took a white bead directly from the storage ring and swallowed it into his mouth.

This white orb was the pure heaven and earth power that Luo Nan used the Heaven and Earth Oven to sacrifice, which could instantly restore the immortal power and physical strength he had lost.

A white orb swallowed into his abdomen, and Luo Nan only felt the thick power of heaven and earth fill all parts of his body, being swallowed frantically by the hungry Immortal Infant Yuanshen.

With this large amount of Heaven and Earth Force replenishment, the Immortal Force that Luo Nan had lost in the previous battle was instantly replenished and restored to its peak state!

The next moment, Lonan, who had opened the Super Race II and the Battle Holy Law, crashed head-on towards Uranos.

Nowadays, Luo Nan’s role in the body of the Lord and the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Lotus plus the powerful body obtained by cultivating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength, whether it is defense ability or melee ability, are no longer what they used to be.

With a hundred times the bonus of Super Race Two, even if he is an ancient god who has been famous for a long time, Luo Nan dares to smash it with his fist!

Lornan and North are unquestionably quasi-jihadist forces that are fully exerted!

The speed of the quasi-saint was so fast, but in a flash, the two directly collided together!


A roar suddenly sounded over Mount Olympus, and the next moment two figures flew upside down at the same time, and they were evenly matched!

However, a single confrontation obviously did not satisfy Uranos and Ronan, so after the moment, the two streamers collided again!

Suddenly, the rumbling sound was incessant, as if the whole heaven and earth were beating a fierce war drum at this moment.

Along with the collision of Luonan and Uranos, a series of shock waves that are difficult to face are even more centered on the two and spread in all directions.

Where this shock wave passed, the space collapsed inch by inch, and even the dark turbulence of space was stirred up under the action of this shock wave.

And the Olympus Mountain below, at this moment, is like a disaster.

The mountain and stone crumbled, and the formation prohibition dissolved at the same time, turning into ashes.

If you look at it from a distance, you will find that this ancient sacred mountain, which has stood in the Olympus world for an unknown number of years, is actually at this moment, as if it is melting, and it is cut at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene also made the gods in the pantheon stunned!

Originally, when Uranos appeared, all the gods thought that their savior had arrived, and that the hateful boy from the outside world would surely be easily taken away by the first generation of god kings.

And just as the gods were preparing to chant the praises of Uranos and raise a glass to celebrate the impending victory, the loud sound of the collision was like a slap in the face, regaining their consciousness.

“This guy can actually be equal to Lord Uranos!”

“The aftermath of the battle between the two men actually caused Mount Olympus to continue to disintegrate, which was terrible!”


At the same time as the gods below were amazed, Zeus, the supreme god king, his face was also extremely ugly.

If he had known that Lonan was so powerful that he could fight with a generation of god kings, Zeus would definitely not have offended Lonan.

Using a daughter to win over such a powerful and potential existence is definitely a sure thing to lose.

“It’s a pity that it’s too late to think about all this now, and I can only expect a generation of god kings to be able to subdue this guy, otherwise…”

Zeus’s eyes flickered, and he had already begun to think about the way back for himself.


Over Mount Olympus, in just a few breaths, Lonan had collided with Uranos hundreds of times!

After hundreds of collisions, the two seemed to find that continuing such a collision was a meaningless move at all, so they invariably stopped.

However, the pause in the body does not mean that the battle between the two people has stopped.

Only to see Uranos’s hands raised above his head, his already huge body, at this moment looked more like a giant holding up the sky.

The next moment, Uranos grabbed both hands as if he were holding the entire firmament directly.

Then, the body of Uranos merged with the boundless firmament!

As the Lord of the Sky, Uranos naturally has access to the power of the Sky.

At this moment, Ronan only felt as if he were standing on the opposite side of the entire firmament.

However, Luo Nan’s heart did not panic, and his face was as calm as ever.

The next moment, Luo Nan directly controlled all the remaining chaotic forces in his body to flow into his palm, and then a burst of black light lit up in his palm. _

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