The White Tiger Seven Star Jun, the Xuanwu Seven Star Jun, the Third Prince of Nezha, and many Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals all flew out from the bottom of the tower at this moment.

Looking at the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda that originally belonged to him, Li Jing’s gaze was also quite complicated.

Especially when he sensed that the breath of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was actually much stronger than in his own hands, Li Jing’s face was also indescribably shocked.

However, Li Jing now had no idea of retrieving the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

Being able to exchange for his son’s freedom was already very satisfying for Li Jing.

Soon, everyone landed.

Meng Zhang’s Divine King and Lingguang Divine Emperor soon met the White Tiger Seven Star Jun and Xuanwu Seven Star Jun, and Li Jing naturally recruited Nezha to himself.

At this moment, the White Tiger Seven Star Jun and the Xuanwu Seven Star Jun suddenly fused and transformed into the Guiding Divine King and the Overseer Divine King.

When the two saw the eldest brother Meng Zhangshenjun here, the long-suppressed anger in their hearts directly broke out, turned to look at Luo Nan angrily, and scolded: “You bastard, you actually dare to suppress me and the two of you in the tower, and now the four of my brothers are gathered here, and they are determined to kill your little boy!” ”

Saying that, the Divine Emperor of the Guardians and the Divine Emperor of the Guards said to the left and the right, “Big Brother (Third Brother), let’s go up together, let this boy see how powerful we are!” ”

When the Divine Emperor of the Execution and the Divine Emperor of the Overseers wanted to come, the four of their brothers gathered together, and the combined strike technique was not as good as the quasi-saint, and it was certain that Luo Nan could clean up a good meal.

But the two did not see that the faces of Meng Zhang Shenjun and Lingguang Shenjun had already turned blue.

In particular, Meng Zhang Shenjun had just promised Luo Nan that there would be no more offense, and as a result, as soon as these two pawns came out, they kept shouting, which was simply punching Meng Zhang’s face in the face!

Moreover, Meng Zhangshenjun was more worried that these two biao goods would really rush to Luo Nan without a word.

That way, things are in trouble!

Therefore, Meng Zhang’s god Jun is also directly extended. Slap two palms on their shoulders.

Although the Ming Divine Emperor and the Overseer Divine Emperor were both the strength of the Eighth and Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortals, there was still a huge gap compared to the Meng Zhang Divine Emperor at the limit of the Great Luo Golden Immortals.

At this moment, he was patted on the shoulder by Meng Zhangshenjun, and he only felt the huge force pressing down, and he involuntarily fell to his knees on the ground.

“Big brother, what are you doing?”

The Overseer God King changed color and asked, and the Commander God King also had a puzzled face.

But Meng Zhangshenjun was already gritting his teeth at this moment: “You two fools, don’t you hurry up and apologize to Luo Xian!” ”

“Apologize? Just him?? ”

“Big brother, are you crazy, this boy is just a gold, we apologize to him?”

“Our brothers join forces, even if we can fight in the face, why should we be afraid of this boy?”

“Although there is a flintlock standing behind him, there are also saints standing behind us, so why should we be afraid of this?!”

The Overseer Divine King and the Celestial Divine Emperor said everything I said, and there was no concealment of contempt for Lonan in his words.

After all, in their opinion, the four elephants joining forces is absolutely stable to eat Luonan.

And Meng Zhangshenjun, at this moment, was already speechless by these two goods, and immediately only wanted to slap these two fools to death.

When I was really accustomed to being a blessing in the heavenly court, now I didn’t even have the ability to observe the color at all?!!

“Big brother, what are you still hesitating about, let’s join forces quickly!”

Seeing that his eldest brother had no reaction, the Overseer God King urged.

Hearing this, Meng Zhangshenjun couldn’t bear it any longer and directly scolded: “Stupid!! Join a fart hand! Luo Xian had even killed two quasi-saints, and even the distant Olympus World God King Uranos had died at the hands of Luo Xian, and you two still wanted to turn the sky upside down?!! ”

Meng Zhangshenjun scolded out a word, the entire mountain peak, in an instant, a dead silence, even the air was completely frozen between this and that.

Whether it was the Divine Emperor of the Ming Dynasty or the Divine Emperor of the Guards, or Nezha and those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, they all stopped breathing at this moment.

Kill the two sub-saints!

One of them was the first god king of the Olympus world!


A moment later, a sound of inhaling cool air sounded directly at the top of this mountain.

The faces of the Guardian Divine Emperor and the Executioner Divine King, who had been clamoring incessantly, were even more pale as paper in an instant, and the horror in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

They couldn’t have imagined that Ronan was now so powerful!

If you think about what you said before, it looks like a joke.

And the two of them are just the jumping beam clowns who tell that joke!

After waking up, the Overseer Divine King and the Meng Zhang Divine King also hurriedly bowed to Luo Nan: “My two have eyes and no pearls to offend Luo Xian, please don’t be surprised by Luo Xian!” ”

When Meng Zhang’s god saw this, he also quickly took out a jade bottle from his arms and handed it to Luo Nan.

“Luo Xian, this is the Past Life Dan that Lao Jun personally refined, as long as a wisp of remnant soul is bound, it can be resurrected after death, and it has an effect on the realm below the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal!” I also hope that Luo Xian will accept this Dan and forgive my second brother and fourth brother for being unreasonable! ”

The actions of the Overseer Divine King and the Executioner Divine King naturally made Luo Nan unhappy in his heart.

Originally, I was planning to take a punishment, but when I heard what Meng Zhangshenjun said, my heart couldn’t help but jump.

“As the head of the top four gods and kings of Lao Tzu’s throne, this Meng Zhang Divine Emperor really still has some good things in his hands!”

Among the several women in Luonan today, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan are all players, even if they die unfortunately, they will only halve their ranks, and there is still a chance to rebuild.

But Artemis, who was a primitive deity, was different, and if he encountered misfortune, it would really be destroyed.

With this past life, it is equivalent to having an insurance, and the value to Ronan is simply immeasurable!

Meng Zhang’s divine king sacrificed this treasure, and Luo Nan didn’t bother to think with the other two, and after receiving the Immortal Dan, he disappeared directly on the top of this mountain.

When Meng Zhang’s god saw this, he prayed again in the direction where Luo Nan had disappeared, and only then did he quickly leave here with his brother and turn into a streamer.

And those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who were released together also dispersed on their own under the leadership of Li Jing.

It wasn’t long before the valley returned to calm! _

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