Although the lamp is strong, it is known as the first sub-saint between the present and the present, but it is not arrogant enough to think that it can be one against five.

After all, the five Terran sub-saints, even among the sub-saints, are also the people of merit and creation.

Xuanyuan Sui’s attack was amazing, there was an invincible defense of the Chao Clan, Shen Nong was good at divine attacks, and Fu Xi mastered various secret methods!

Moreover, the five Terran sub-saints, who are also Terran atmospheric fortunes, and against one enemy, will affect the luck of the burning lamp a little.

Attacking five at the same time, even the saint is not willing to do it easily, how dare he burn the lamp?

At this moment, surrounded by several people, under the balance of the pros and cons of the lamp, he could only temporarily hold back the vigorous killing machine in his heart for Luo Nan, and his face darkened with a cold hum, before he stopped and looked into the enchantment again.

After ordaining Maitreya Buddha with one designation, Luonan’s attack did not stop, and the seven rays of chaotic power merged into his right hand, directly prompting the spear of Hades.

Suddenly, the palm of Ronan’s right hand flashed a black glow.

Along with the appearance of this black light, a large number of hell shadows descended directly into this boundary.

Looking at the various and completely different hellish appearances, everyone was shocked.

Only because none of them had ever felt this breath, although it was only a shadow, compared to the hell they had seen before, it was like a joke, and it could not be compared at all!

And that is like Kong Xuan, at this moment, it is even more trembling in his heart. Shivering, because the black spear formed in Ronan’s hand actually made them feel a life and death crisis!

You know, Rulai’s life-saving ability can even rank first among quasi-saints.

Even if he faced Xuanyuan’s attack before, he was only injured.

And that Kong Xuan, the five-colored divine light is nothing but brushed, and it is even more powerful and abnormal.

At this moment, even the two of them felt a strong life-and-death crisis, not to mention the Maitreya Buddha who was targeted by Luonan?

Maitreya Buddha’s eyes were wide open, and they were full of fear.

At the moment, he couldn’t cherish the Buddha’s power, and the energy in the fat body was violently bulging, just to be able to break free of the confinement and quickly escape.

Under the bombardment of Maitreya Buddha, regardless of consumption, the surrounding imprisonment trembled violently, and even the space was shattered inch by inch, and it seemed that it was about to be completely broken.

However, at this moment, the Spear of Hades in Ronan’s hand had already come out of his hand.

“Damn, after giving me two breaths, I can break free completely, damn!!”

Maitreya Buddha was stunned to see this, and his heart roared with reluctance.

At this moment, the confinement around him was only half of the explosion.

But the black spear, which had absorbed the shadows of the hell around him and was once again much more powerful, had already come to him with an extreme speed beyond time!

Maitreya Buddha knew in his heart that if he was righteous, he was afraid of nine deaths.

At the moment, there is no other concern, and there is a glimmer of no-nothing in the eyes of the teeth. Mobilizing a Fa Xiang blocked in front of him.

Na Fa Xiang’s hands squeezed the Zhen Demon Seal, and a shield rose around the body of the cyan light.

However, in front of the black spear, this shield was as fragile as paper paste, and it was directly broken with a soft sound, and even the Dharma of Maitreya Buddha was pierced.

Feel the rapid flow of the Fa Phase life force, as if it was swallowed up by an invisible big zui, and then look at the unabated black spear.

Maitreya Buddha did not hesitate any longer and directly mobilized another Fa Xiang to intercept the Black Spear again.

However, due to the distance being too close, the second Fa Phase had not yet had time to strike, and it had already been pierced by the black spear.

After piercing through the two Dharma phases of Maitreya Buddha, the power of the black spear finally weakened a little.

But even after the weakening, it was not Maitreya Buddha who dared to resist.

At the moment, Maitreya Buddha could only once again urge the Golden Lotus of Meritorious Service under the seat to hold up the golden light shield.


There was a roar, and suddenly it sounded.

The black spear and the golden shield met directly.

If it was a complete merit golden lotus, under the urging of the quasi-saint, this black spear might not be able to penetrate.

But the golden lotus of merit where Maitreya Buddha sat down has long ceased to be complete, twelve to three, and only nine pins remain!

These nine golden lotuses were also unable to resist in the face of this spear of the underworld that was catalyzed by the power of the saints.

Along with a series of “clicking” sounds, above the golden light shield, there was also a crack in the Dao, and it was not far from completely shattering.

Maitreya Buddha saw this, and the fear in his heart could no longer be expressed in words.

At this moment, he almost saw the coming of death!

Under the crisis of life and death, Maitreya Buddha could no longer care about the treasure of pain, and directly shouted angrily under his teeth: “Explode me!” ”

Along with the sound of Maitreya Buddha’s voice, the golden lotus of merit under his seat was directly detonated.

A terrifying force that instantly spread out in all directions, centered on Maitreya Buddha.

The space around Maitreya Buddha was completely shattered at this moment, and even with the black spear, the power was directly weakened by as much as 80%.

Under this unparalleled strong impact, it is not only space that is shattered, but even the turbulence of the dark space is also directly cracked and violent. Revealing the endless chaotic void beyond the world!

Directly tearing the world apart, revealing the endless chaotic void, which Ronan had seen once in the past.

And that time, it was the saint Shi Po Tian who personally shot it!

Now Maitreya Buddha detonated the Golden Lotus of Merit, and its power was almost the same as that of the saints!

And the black spear, which had only 20% of its strength left, was also directly photographed by Maitreya Buddha into the endless chaotic void, and he didn’t know where it went.

When the crisis was lifted, Maitreya Buddha breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there was no joy in his heart, and his face became more and more pale.

The Golden Lotus of Meritorious Virtue, even if it is eaten by the Mosquito Dao people, it is still a thing with the care of heaven and earth.

Now that he had completely detonated it, it had already caused the heavens and the earth to cry, and the anti-devouring force had caused the qi and blood in his body to surge, and if he hadn’t forcibly endured it at this moment, he would have already vomited blood.

What made Maitreya Buddha even more uncomfortable was not the physical injury, because his qi luck was also in the midst of the mourning of heaven and earth, and it was not a small impact, and even the cultivation realm had a tendency to fall.

It can be said that although the spear of the underworld did not hit the body of Maitreya Buddha, it had already caused unbearable losses to Maitreya Buddha.

Not to mention that those two Fa-phases had gradually withered and dissipated at this moment because of the passing of life force.

In this battle, Maitreya Buddha has been defeated! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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