In the middle of an ice and snow grotto, Hou Yi was sitting in it, and an arrow that emitted a sharp breath was now suspended in front of him.

Obviously, Hou Yi was already feeling the true meaning contained in this arrow.

And Luo Nan, sitting not far away, was practicing and studying his own magic arcane skills while protecting the Houyi.

When Luo Nan brought the arrow back from the temple and handed it to Hou Yi, Hou Yi was unspeakably excited and thanked Luo Nan for a long time.

After that, Hou Yi couldn’t wait to feel the Tao contained in this arrow.

According to Hou Yi, he was now only one foot away from the Quasi-Divine Realm.

As long as you fully understand the true meaning above this arrow, you will certainly be able to enter the quasi-holy realm.

And once you enter the Quasi-Saint Realm, not only will your combat effectiveness increase greatly, but also the backlog of injuries on your body can also be completely repaired in the instant that the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi enters the body!

However, Ronan’s trip to the Golden Palace was still important, and if it was delayed, it was likely to have a greater impact on the war in the Olympian world, so it was obviously unlikely to consume too much time here.

Therefore, Hou Yi also promised Luo Nan that it would be best if he could successfully break through within three days.

If it could not be broken through within three days, it would be forcibly suspended and Lonan would leave the place first.

Now, three days have passed since Hou Yi closed the door to feel that arrow!

“Three days have passed, and it’s time to wake up Big Brother Houyi.”

It is possible to feel the true meaning of the arrow, but it is the most important thing to go to the Golden Palace to prevent the Asa God Clan from alliing with the guys of the Nile God Domain!

And just when Luo Nan got up and prepared to wake Hou Yi from the retreat, this square world suddenly changed!

Above the originally calm sky, a huge whirlpool suddenly converged, and the wind and snow in the sky were swept into the whirlpool, and then a large amount of heaven and earth vitality gushed out from the whirlpool.

And its target is the Houyi in the ice cave!

“Brother Houyi, broke through!?”

Luo Nan’s face flashed a hint of surprise, never expected that Hou Yi would actually break through at the last moment!

You know, even among the Great Luo Golden Immortals, Hou Yi is still a rather powerful existence.

And his cultivation and understanding is also one of the most good arrows to attack, once such a person has advanced to the quasi-holy realm, even if it is only the first entry, the combat strength can stand in the middle of the quasi-saint!

The infusion of majestic vitality lasted for more than an hour before it gradually subsided.

And Luo Nan could also feel that the qi in Hou Yi’s body was rising step by step.

After his breath finally ascended to the quasi-sainthood, the huge vortex in the sky gradually disappeared.

“Congratulations to Big Brother for its successful breakthrough!”

Ronan flashed into the ice cave, and then saw Houyi standing where he was.

At this moment, Houyi’s face no longer had the slightest intention of weakening the injury, but the red light was full of abnormal health.

And standing there, from a distance, it looks like a longbow that has been full of strings, and the incomparably sharp breath is from the inside out, making people secretly feel the mood.

Hearing Luo Nan’s congratulations, Hou Yi looked straight at Luo Nan and directly bowed down to Luo Nan: “Hou Yi can have today, thanks to the help of his brother, this grace will never be forgotten in this life!” ”

“Brother Houyi is serious!”

When Luo Nan saw this, he quickly reached out his hand to convince Hou Yi, “Why should you and I be so polite, not to mention that retrieving that arrow is just a show of hands for me.” ”

“Your hand-raising work is a charcoal in the snow for me, and if it is useful to my place in the future, just open your mouth and go to the soup and go to the fire!”

Hou Yi said very seriously, he was originally a character who kept his promise to love and hate, and now that he had received the great favor of Luonan, he naturally remembered it in his heart.

When Luo Nan saw the situation, he did not say much more about this matter, but instead asked, “Brother Houyi, now that you have successfully advanced to the Quasi-Saint Realm, what are you going to do next?” ”

“Advancing to the quasi-holy realm is still some distance away from what I want to achieve.”

Hou Yi said, “Moreover, my current realm is still unstable, and I don’t have a good grasp of the power of the Aiming Saint Level, so I need to find some opponents and hone them well.” If there is a breakthrough in the battle, it is naturally the best. ”

Hearing of Houyi’s plan, Luo Nan suddenly had a thought in his heart, and said to Houyi, “Brother Houyi, the five sub-saints of the Terran race have gone to the Olympus world, and a great war is about to start between the gods, if you want to seek a battle, it is undoubtedly the best battlefield!” ”

Hou Yi’s eyes lit up: “Well, being able to kill some exotic gods is exactly what I want!” ”


At the edge of the Jotunheim plane, two figures broke through the boundary, it was Luo Nan and Hou Yi.

After agreeing to go back to the Olympus world together, Houyi temporarily followed Lonan and prepared to go to Asgard first.

“This is the extremely famous Jinlunga Gap among the nine planes of the World Tree, and the legend is that it is the most primitive abyss in the endless chaotic void, and no one dares to go deep into it.”

Hou Yi pointed to the incomparably huge one in front of him, separating the gap between the two worlds, and said to Luo Nanxi.

“On both sides of the Kinlunga Gap are Neferheim, the Mist Nation, and Musberheim, the Fire Nation, and it is said that the birth of the nine planes of the entire world tree was originally due to the confluence of hot and cold outside the Kinlunga Gap.”

“The Asgard we’re going to is just above the Kinlunga Gap!”

With that, Houyi reached out and pointed upwards.

Luo Nan looked in the direction of Houyi’s fingers, and a plane world wrapped in gorgeous golden light came into view.

After that, Ronan and Houyi crossed the void directly and attacked Na Asgard.

Hou Yi had been in the Nine Great Planes of the World Tree for several years, and he also knew some about various places, and along the way, he also told Luo Nan the information he knew, word for word.

Combined with the Norse mythology learned from Song Yuyan’s mouth, Luo Nan also had some understanding of the destination he was about to go to.

Asgard is the dwelling place of the Asa God Clan, so it is also known as the Asa God Domain.

And now the leader of the Asa God Clan is the god king Odin, who is known as the father of the gods. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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