Olympus World.

In the Fintilk Valley, three figures were fleeing at this moment.

All three of them had eastern faces and black eyes and black hair, but at the moment they were very embarrassed.

One of them broke his arm, and the other two were also pale, their clothes stained with scarlet blood.

Behind the three of them is a group of monsters surrounded by a dark house.

These monsters opened their teeth and claws, and the fishy smell emitted from the blood basin spread across the sky, not only in large numbers, but also in each of them, and the breath emitted by each of them was actually the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It is no wonder that these three people will be invincible, so that they will end up in such a messy situation.

In fact, with the combat power of these monsters, it was only a breeze to kill these three people.

The reason why they were not directly killed was that these monsters just wanted to enjoy the pleasure of teasing their prey.

They have been bored in the underworld for too long, and they have been released by Lord Orisses, how can they not have fun?

However, thinking of the task commanded by Lord Orisis, a dozen monsters with vicious appearances did not intend to continue this game of teasing and torturing their prey.

“Those three guys are running out of the Fintirk Valley, kill them!”

“Don’t let them out, or Lord Olysses will surely send down the punishment!”

“Eat them and head to the next battlefield!”

Under the collision of divine thoughts, more than a dozen vicious-looking monsters quickly unified their decision.

The next second, a dozen monsters opened their blood basin mouths at the same time!


With a roar, the Dao Dao was mixed with the spatial fluctuations of black qi, directly swaying up, attacking the three people in front from the rear.

The fluctuations of this space were mixed with terrifying powers, and the three people who escaped might not be able to stop them safely even in their heyday.

What’s more, now that it is deeply damaged, once hit, it is basically certain to die!

“We… It’s over! ”

“I’m sorry Emperor Fu, the mission failed…”

The three people who were fleeing were all looking dim.

They had originally followed the instructions to enter the Fintírk Valley as a group of ten people, but encountered these monsters from the Nile God Realm ambushed, and were directly wiped out by several people.

The rest of the people simply do not have the ability to fight these monsters head-on, so they are able to escape.

The three of them were already the last remnants of the ranks.

But now, the three of them have also been forced into a dead end.

Thinking of this, a trace of reluctance appeared on the faces of the three people.

They were not afraid of death, because as long as the war was won, and the Apostle was sanctified, any Immortal Buddha below the Great Luo Golden Immortal would be resurrected.

What they were not willing to do was that the information they had received at the expense of several immortals would most likely not be able to be transmitted back to the Terran sub-saints!

If that information can’t be returned, people are likely to leave more lives in this valley!

“I’m waiting, my heart is not willing!”

The three of them watched the black space fluctuating closer and closer, and sighed at the same time.

However, just as the black space fluctuated, and was about to engulf the three of them, an incomparably mysterious power suddenly appeared between the heavens.

At the same time, the seemingly powerful black space fluctuations were directly calmed down, as if they had never existed at all.

This scene not only made the unwilling three people on the other side look confused, but also the dozen or so monsters that were being hunted down and killed on the other side were also shocked at the same time, as if they were facing a great enemy!

“Who’s it?”

“These guys, and reinforcements!”

“Hurry up and report to the rear and ask for assistance!”

Several monsters, communicating with each other.

But soon, a monster reached out to stop his companion who was preparing to report back.

“Wait, there’s only one guy!”

Hearing this, the rest of the monsters looked away at the same time, and then they saw a young figure appear above the sky.

“Their reinforcements, only one!”

“And it seems that the realm is still a long way from the quasi-saint level!”

“Well, since we’re going to die, let’s kill him together!”

When more than a dozen monsters saw that there was only one person in the so-called reinforcements, the hearts that had originally been raised were also directly put down, especially when they saw the cultivation behavior of this reinforcement, but the Ninth Order Great Luo Jinxian did not have a sense of tension in his heart.

But unlike that monster, the one in the middle of the three Terran Great Luo Golden Immortals had a flash of ecstasy on his face after seeing the young figure!

Immediately afterward, he directly held his fist and bowed to Luo Nan: “The old generation has seen Luo Xian!” ”

Lo Sin!!

Could it be that Luo Xian, who had killed several quasi-saints outside the realm and then killed Maitreya Buddha at the Lei Yin Temple?!

The other two Terran Great Luo Jinxian originally had a little worry on their faces, but after hearing their companions’ words, their eyes burst with essence at the same time!

The name of Luo Xian has long been spread throughout the Pangu world.

Although most people have never seen Luo Xian’s face, almost no one does not know Luo Xian’s name!

In the Pangu World, there is a list of great powers, and in addition to the sage Yasheng, most of the famous people are among them.

And Luo Xian, ranked in the top five!

You know, in this list, the top one hundred are all occupied by quasi-saints, with the exception of Luo Xian!

And the evaluation of Luo Xian is only one sentence.

Good to kill the saint with the Golden Immortal!

If the real Luo Xian came, these ugly monsters in front of him were just clouds of smoke, and they would disperse as soon as they were blown!

Thinking of this, the remaining two people also bent down at the same time: “Thank you Luo Xian for saving your life!” ”

The monster on the other side frowned when he saw this scene, and he deeply felt that this young figure that suddenly appeared did not seem to be as simple as they thought.

But at this moment, the arrows had to be sent on the strings, and there was not much time left for them.

“Concentrate your firepower and kill the one who came after you!”

With a single order, a dozen monsters focused on the young man at the same time.

Suddenly, a black light struck the Dao.

The young man, on the other hand, only took one step, and the faint spatial fluctuations spread towards the front.

The next second, more than a dozen monsters directly disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke and completely dissipated! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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