Speaking of this, Sanqing’s brows couldn’t help but frown, and he couldn’t make up his mind whether the would-be Tidao people would come to participate in this war.

If the would-be Tidao didn’t participate in this battle, then they might still have a chance to win.

But if the would-be Tidao people came to participate, then there was no hope of winning, and it was even very slim, and even no hope.

After all, the combat strength of every saint cannot be ignored.

“Forget it, don’t think about this matter for the time being, the soldiers will come to cover the water, then if the quasi-Tidao people have to come, we will die together!”

Taishang Laojun said calmly, and there was a faint look between his looks, as if he had already looked down on life and death.

When the Master of the Tongtian Sect heard this, he smiled and waved his arm directly, “Well, to die together is, although it is not shameful for you two old people to be human, after all, I was born on the same day as you, and being able to die on the same day is also a good beginning and an end!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Tongtian’s body shook, and the four immortal swords flew out directly from behind.

Above these four Immortal Swords, all of them exuded extremely terrifying power, and this kind of power even made the faces of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun change from the same!

It was as if the fierce aura wrapped around the four immortal swords could even stab their clothes.

“The Four Swords of the Immortals!”

Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the four immortal swords in front of them and murmured involuntarily.

Tongtian said in a deep voice, “Wait for me to arrange the Immortal Sword Array, and wait for the Amitabha Buddha and the Outer Realm Gods to come!” ”


At the same time, Nishi-Niuga, which is far away from the heavenly court.

Near the edge of the boundless sea in West Niuhe Island, there is a fairy mountain.

This immortal mountain is hidden in a mist, looming in the distance and looking from time to time.

At the top of this Immortal Mountain, there are still places of spatial fluctuations that are difficult for ordinary people to find.

If you look into this spatial fluctuation, you will find a new world.

This new heaven and earth is also a blessed sacred mountain, named Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain.

There is a cave house in this mountain, called the Sanxing Cave of the Oblique Moon!

At this moment, in the past calm oblique moon three-star cave, the atmosphere is quite solemn.

Only because a few days ago, an uninvited guest came to this three-star cave of the oblique moon!

Prior to this, Master Bodhi seemed to have anticipated this, so he had dispersed all the disciples and servants on the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain early, and only one person was waiting here.

Now, in the three-star cave of the oblique moon, Bodhidharma is sitting on a futon, looking squarely at the kneeling figure in front of him.

“Idiot, you’ve been kneeling for seven days, and if you really don’t open your mouth, you won’t get up?”

Grandmaster Bodhi flashed a look of helplessness between his eyes and spoke.

Sun Wukong, who once had many titles such as Qi Tian Dasheng and Dou Victory over Buddha, is now fading. Went to the gorgeous armor shirt, wearing only the most simple Daoist robe.

And this robe was exactly the clothes he wore when he was studying art with Bodhi Grandmaster on the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain.

At this moment, hearing Bodhi’s words, Sun Wukong slowly looked up and said, “This body of my abilities is all given by the master, come here today, kneel down to the master to give thanks, and come to ask for a true solution.” ”

“What’s the explanation?”

Grandmaster Bodhi sighed, and although he guessed in his heart what his disciple was going to ask, he still did not say it directly.

But Sun Wukong obviously did not have so many scruples, and said directly: “Did you ever participate in that incident back then?” “_

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