‘Ding, kill the level 4 wild wolf, gain 25 experience points, drop a wolf skin! ’

‘Ding, kill the level 4 wild wolf, gain 25 experience points, drop a pair of wolf teeth! ’


In the midst of a pack of wild wolves, Ronan’s body was very flexible and moved, and the long knife in his hand cut at the waist of wild wolves at various angles.

With every blow, you can cut off a wild wolf half a tube of blood!

And at this moment, in the surroundings, a lot of wild wolf corpses have accumulated.

After leaving the wild boar range, Ronan came here.

Level four wild wolves are much easier to kill than level three wild boars, and the reason why they become level four is because wild wolves are social animals, and a wild wolf howl will attract a lot of wild wolves!

Ronan had been here for almost an hour, and he couldn’t count how many wild wolves had died under his own knife.

Finally, after killing the last wild wolf in his field of vision, Ronan breathed a sigh of relief.

Tired, really tired!

However, after seeing the 20,000 points of experience he had accumulated, this exhaustion immediately dissipated.

‘Ding, player level increased to lv4, free attribute points +2! ’

‘Ding, player level increased to lv5, free attribute points +2! ’

‘Ding, player level increased to lv6, free attribute points +2! ’

With more than 20,000 experience cast, Ronan’s level has directly increased by three levels, reaching level six!

“Although I don’t know what happened to other novice villages, in this novice village, I should be the highest level now!”

Ronan raised his eyebrows with a little excitement, and then added all the newly obtained free attribute points to his strength.

I’ve been getting more agile because the +40 attack weapon is enough to deal with monsters!

But now that Ronan is level six, he will definitely challenge higher-level monsters, and these attack powers are a little inadequate, and they must add strength.

Character name: Night Scourge

Attack: 34+ (45-50).

Power: 17

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 11

Skill: None

Grade: LV6

Freely assignable attribute points: 0

(The character’s initial recognition attribute is all 5, and each attribute is +1 for each level, and 2 assignable attributes are obtained).

Opening his character panel, Ronan found that his attack power had reached an average of 80, and he also had a bottom in his heart.

After resting for a while, he headed for the periphery again.

After the fourth-level wild wolf, there are also the five-level cheetahs.

But Ronan directly crossed this area and came to a group of sixth-level rhinos.

I found a rhinoceros and slashed it with a knife.


Looking at the amount of up to hundreds of HP, Ronan wisely gave up this group of thick-skinned big guys and continued outward.

Soon, a group of level seven monsters appeared in front of Ronan’s eyes.

However, these level seven monsters are no longer beasts, but a group of robbers with knives and axes.


Ronan’s eyes lit up!

This was the first time he had seen a humanoid monster in the game, and he couldn’t help but hide on the side and observe it carefully.

After a while, Ronan found that although these robbers were humanoid monsters, their intelligence was not much stronger than that of beasts, and they belonged to the kind of monsters that did not have much independent consciousness.

Think about it, if there are highly intelligent humanoid monsters in the novice village, then the player must not be slaughtered by the monster?

After making sure that these robbers were not difficult to deal with, Ronan’s eyes lit up!

The beasts that were killed before dropped teeth, bones, flesh, and fur.

Ronan didn’t believe that killing a robber could still shed a pair of false teeth!

“Whatever, you have to drop some money and equipment, right?”

After muttering a word, Ronan rushed straight forward.

Where is the weakness of the humanoid monster, Ronan does not need to be tempted at all, that is, the throat and head!

Of course, the crotch can also be counted as one. 、

And most importantly, humanoids have much lower defenses than beasts.

Therefore, every time Ronan goes up, slashing at a weak point can cause hundreds of damage!

One robber is more than three hundred HP, and he can’t withstand Ronan’s three swords!

‘Ding, kill the seventh-level bandit, gain 150 experience points, drop an item ordinary weapon, drop a hundred berry! ’

“Hey, how poor he is, a robber only has enough money to buy a newspaper, which is a disgrace to this industry!”

After cursing secretly, Ronan picked up the weapon dropped by the bandit.

“You can actually increase your attack power by 25!!”

After seeing the attributes of this weapon, Ronan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Now, most players except him are holding a tattered +10 attack power gift from the village chief.

This +25 attack weapon is an artifact for them!

“Rare opportunities, it seems that God wants me to make a windfall!”

After laughing a few times, Ronan no longer hesitated and began the crazy slaughter!

On average, each of these bandits can drop more than a hundred berries, and about every third can drop a weapon with +25 attack power!

Ronan slashed all the way, and in less than half an hour, he slaughtered more than a hundred robbers!

After cleaning up the battlefield, Ronan began to tap his loot.

“More than fifteen thousand berry, forty-one weapons with +25 attack power, and more than twenty thousand experience, much richer than I thought!”

With these two thousand experiences, Ronan was not in a hurry to upgrade, because he had other plans in mind.

In addition to the game system, he also has this mall system bound to his body.

The exchange currency required by this mall system can be exchanged for money in the game or real money.

Therefore, money is very important to Ronan.

Now, Ronan is ready to use the forty-one weapons he has at hand to make a windfall fortune, and then go to the mall to spend some money!


Well, there is a vote on the heroine’s setting, everyone actively participates, in addition, ask for the collection of flowers evaluation votes….

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