Following the attack of the Undead Dragon, the entire cave shook violently, with gravel rolling.

Seeing this, Ren You became more cautious.

Although he had learned before that the final BOSS of the Bone Soul Cave was a mage, the ability of the final BOSS of the Master-level Dungeon still exceeded his imagination.

Yes, the Undead Dragon's skills are all magic damage...

But its huge body, even with ordinary physical attack range, is really hard to resist!

If you want to avoid the opponent's attack, you can only rely on time and space stagnation!

But, use it with caution.

Once the mana is exhausted, he has almost no way out.


The Undead Dragon roared, and its body of more than ten meters in length flipped in the air, and it pounced towards Ren You again.

It realized that Ren You's body movements were too slippery.

Therefore, on the way to pounce, the Undead Dragon stretched out a huge bone claw and grabbed the void.

The next second, several chains formed by soul energy appeared out of thin air and whistled towards Ren You.

——【Soul Chains!

These chains are not only extremely fast, but enemies bound by them will be imprisoned in place and receive continuous spell damage.

However, for Ren You's low HP and dual resistance, the control effect of the soul chains is completely redundant. One hit means death!

Ren You's eyes were stern, and he dodged at high speed, shuttling through the cave like a ghost.

He knew that at this moment, he was like a dancer on the edge of a knife. If he was not careful, he would fall into an irretrievable situation.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh——"

The soul chains followed closely behind, and the air in the cave seemed to be cut by these chains, making a sharp whistling sound.

Ren You held his breath and focused all his attention on the rapidly approaching chains.

Just when the chains were about to touch his body, his body suddenly stopped, and the whole person seemed to disappear on the spot.

——Time and space stopped!

In an instant, everything froze!

The whistling soul chains also stopped in the air.

Ren You flashed and appeared beside the undead dragon, and quickly attacked with the double blades in his hands.

-74, -74, -74...

This still comes with 10% armor penetration and true damage!

Moreover, the Undead Dragon's spell damage is too high, and the Evil Ghost Illusion has no effect on it...

Ren You began to estimate his own damage in his mind.

【Mana: 1560/1710 (200)

【Attack Speed: 1.41

780 seconds!

Add two accessories with 100 mana each, that's 880 seconds, the damage of a two-handed attack is 74, and the attack speed is 1.48...

Total damage: between 85,000 and 90,000!

"Then... I'll beat you to 60,000 HP first!"

Ren You took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with determination.

This battle will be extremely difficult.

But, he can't lose!

The effect of time and space stagnation is still continuing, Ren You must hurry up and cause as much damage to the Undead Dragon as possible.

He jumped up and stood on the Undead Dragon's head. The double blades in his hands kept slashing out like two lightning bolts.

-74, -74, -74...

Damage icons kept popping up. Ren You had completely entered the state. All he could see was the Undead Dragon and the double blades in his hands.

His movements became faster and faster.

The attacks became more and more frequent, forming a trail of afterimages.

Seven thousand, fourteen thousand, twenty-one thousand...

As time went by, he successfully knocked down 60,000 HP of the BOSS.

【[Undead Dragon]: 129846/180000,

130,000 left!

Although the health of the Undead Dragon has dropped by half, once the effect of time and space stagnation ends, it will launch a more crazy counterattack.

At this time, Ren You glanced at his mana

"It's time to retreat!"

As he said this, he flashed away and quickly moved away until he was a few hundred meters away from the Undead Dragon...

The time stop was lifted!

Everything around him resumed its flow.


The Undead Dragon felt a bone fracture in its skull and immediately let out a deafening roar. Its huge body trembled violently, shaking off all the gravel on its body.

It quickly turned around, staring at Ren You with a pair of dark blue flaming eyes.

It seemed to want to eat him alive.

Then, it turned its body and rushed towards Ren You quickly.

At the same time, the Undead Dragon began to gather energy.


With a roar that shook the earth, the Undead Dragon opened its terrifying mouth, and a stream of dark blue flames instantly gushed out of its mouth, forming a long tongue of fire that swept towards Ren You.

——【Bone Dragon Breath! 】

This flame is not only extremely hot, but also highly corrosive.

Once hit, a small body like Ren You will be turned into smoke and dust.

Seeing this, Ren You's face changed slightly, activated the time stop, turned around and fled madly to the side.


A loud bang echoed in the cave, and the shock wave from the explosion blew away the surrounding rubble.

Immediately afterwards, the temperature within a 200-meter radius of the cave rose rapidly!

Although Ren You activated the time stop to avoid hundreds of meters, he was still affected by the explosion. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

【[Tip]: The area is affected by the breath of the bone dragon, especially in high temperature areas. Players will receive 60 points of spell damage per second for 5 seconds!

-3, -3, -3...

Fortunately, Ren You still had 57 points of magic resistance, otherwise he would be dead in two seconds!

Without time to think, Ren You got up and ran!

Just as he evacuated the high temperature area, the second wave of attacks from the Undead Dragon followed.

——【Cursed Cloud! 】

The Undead Dragon waved its huge bone wings, and the surrounding dark energy quickly gathered, releasing rolling black fog, covering the area where Ren You was.

The field of vision is blocked!

The dual resistance drops by 2% per second!

Of course, for Ren You, the loss of dual resistance is not very meaningful, after all, he will die if he is touched by the opponent.

The important thing is that the field of vision is blocked...

Ren You's heart tightened, and he had to leave this range quickly!

The Undead Dragon's external skills were almost all released.

At this time, it took the opportunity of Ren You's blocked field of vision and relied on its huge body to launch a fierce attack.

Its huge bone claws drew sharp arcs in the air, and each swing was enough to tear Ren You into pieces.

Although Ren You could not see the surrounding scene clearly, his perception was extremely sharp.

He heard the sound of the strong wind brought by the Undead Dragon swinging its bone claws, and felt the sharp murderous aura blowing in his face...

Time stopped!

In an instant, the whole world fell into stillness.

The fierce attack of the Undead Dragon also stopped in the air, only a few centimeters away from Ren You's body.

"Shit... it's not over yet!"

Ren You was still frightened and angry.

He took out a bottle of mana potion from his backpack and poured it into his mouth.

It restored 80 mana points!

Then, he started to hack at the BOSS for 40 seconds!

-74, -74, -74...

When the time is almost up, turn around and keep running!

Ren You's speed reached the limit.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the range of the curse cloud.

When he regained his vision, he found that he was nearly a hundred meters away from the Undead Dragon.

However, he did not relax.

As long as he was in the Bone Soul Cave, the Undead Dragon would catch up sooner or later.

In addition, the BOSS skills were almost released...

What Ren You had to do next was to minimize the use of time and space stagnation, rely on a lot of body skills to dodge attacks, and wait for the mana to recover and the cooling time of the primary mana potion!

At this time, the Undead Dragon had already let out a thunderous roar and rushed towards him again.

""Okay, okay... you're not done yet, are you? I'll show you what I can do!"

Ren You snorted coldly, and fled in a slightly narrow direction.

In the following time, Ren You and the Undead Dragon launched a thrilling chase.

Whenever the Undead Dragon was about to catch up with Ren You, he would rely on his agility and accurate prediction to cleverly avoid the Undead Dragon's attack.

His flexible figure kept shuttling in the cave.

However, although the Undead Dragon was powerful, its speed advantage was greatly limited in this narrow and tortuous terrain.

It could only follow Ren You closely, constantly roaring in anger, trying to force Ren You into a desperate situation.

However, Ren You did not give it this opportunity.

He kept using the terrain and obstacles in the cave to avoid the pursuit of the Undead Dragon, while waiting for the recovery of mana and the cooling time of the primary mana potion.

An hour later.

Ren You's mana gradually recovered to its peak state, and he turned around and attacked the Undead Dragon again... a single-point burst!


At this time, the BOSS's health is less than 20,000!


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