Online Game Tianlong: Killing God In The World

Chapter 52 Fighting for the stars

(Note: Su Yu used the Purple Gold Dragon Card, which can naturally carry a level 75 rhino)

Now, with thirty possessions, Su Yu's image is much more handsome now.

Of course, for him now, the most important thing is to upgrade.

The higher the level, the stronger!

In Tianlong, in addition to hanging up and brushing monsters, the dungeon is also an important source of experience.

Such as Suzhou Sijuezhuang, Old Third Ring Road, New Third Ring Road, Yanziwu, etc., can gain a lot of experience.

Nowadays, there are few hang-up points in the underground palace, and there are studios eyeing them.

So for Su Yu, brushing a copy to upgrade is a good choice.

"Let's go and see if there are any teams that are able to win the Four Absolutes."

Su Yu activates the sunflower daily skill and goes to the copy of Suzhou Sijuezhuang.

The dungeon of Sijue Village is very close to the rare beast NPC, and Su Yu walked up a few steps to get there.

However, the time is now 9:00 in the morning, which is still early, many people are hanging up or doing other things, and many players have not reached level 70, so there is no one here in Sijue Village.

No one, Su Yu can only give up.

Su Yu thought for a while: "Then let's fight horse thieves for a while! 35

The horse thief, the full name is the horse thief.

When players dig treasure maps in various scenes, there is a chance to attract them. Killing a thief who steals a horse has a chance to get a rare beast skill book, a level 1 gem, a fashion pattern and other props.

It is the target that many players are keen to kill.

At the same time, killing horse thieves will also gain a lot of experience.

Horse thieves are also a good way to gain experience!

Su Yu made up his mind and rode his mount to the NPC teleporter on the left of the Suzhou Blacksmith.

Players like to team up to brush horses here.

Sure enough, it's very lively here.

"Bring the horse into the group, come to Xiaoyao thugs, Jiajiajia!"

"To brush the pony, only brush the Taihu Lake Jinghu West Lake, the speed of coming!"

"Professional coachman, level 60 brush horse +++"

"Come on the horse, the roaring crowd is waiting for you!!

There are seven or eight teams here that are recruiting horse thieves.

As soon as Su Yu arrived here, several teams threw olive branches to Su Yu and invited Su Yu to join the team.

Su Yu chose a higher-level team that only brushed "Malaysia" to enter the group.

The captain is a 70-level constellation, claiming to be a professional horse thief coachman.

The team members are basically level 60 or above, and there are either level 3 or level 4 numbers. The configuration is quite satisfactory.

So, Su Yu followed the team and picked up horse thieves.

Because the captain's level is only level 70, the maps they brush horses are all stone forest, grassland, Wuyi, Meiling and so on.

Then, brush the horse thief for two hours.

Not to mention, Su Yu really got several rare beast skill books.

The blood sacrifice is worth about 400 ingots.

The combo is worth about 500 ingots.

Advanced ice cream, worth about 500 ingots.

Strengthen your body, 4 gold.

Of course, Su Yu doesn't care about that, he brushes horses mainly for experience.

Two hours of horse thieves, two tubes of experience, this speed is not very fast, it can only be said that it is okay.

Su Yu clicked to upgrade to level 75.

"It's still a bit slow..."

Su Yu felt that the efficiency of gaining experience in this way was not very high, and the upgrade speed was not fast enough, so he said hello to his teammates and quit the group.

Now that the time is more than 11 o'clock, the number of players must be more.

So Su Yu wanted to go to Sijuezhuang to see if there was a team. If there was no team, if there was no team, you could form a team yourself, shout a horn, and you should be able to form a team.

However, at this moment, someone shouted from the small speaker.

[(Small speaker) Chunqing little monk: Violent thugs from Taihu Yanziwu, there is Xiaoyao Wudang, 4=2, plus about level 70! 】

Su Yu saw the horn message and stopped.

"You can also brush swallows!"

Swallow dock dungeon can also gain high experience.

So, Su Yu applied to join the group and joined the team.

[Innocent little monk: Everyone, let's gather together and open the brush! 】

After the formation of Su Yu, the team was full, and the captain immediately shouted ji-he in the team.

Su Yu was passed from the post station to the head of the Beggar Gang, and then from the Beggar Gang out of Taihu Lake. This distance is much faster than running directly from Suzhou to Taihu Lake.

The team's configuration is also very good.

(The configuration of low early stage can't brush Swallow Dock at all)

Captain, innocent little monk: level 72, is a 5444 Shaolin, with a high blood volume, more than 150,000!

Then who will marry you: Level 70, 4433 Wudang, a must for Swallow Wudang!

A small Xiaoyao: Level 69, 4333 configuration, Xiaoyao is also an indispensable occupation for brushing swallows.

Rumeng: Level 67, only played 4 gems and glyphs, only accumulated blood, nearly 70,000 blood, Su Yu had a relationship with Su Yu (previously opposed to Su Yu)

Biting cold: Level 70, 4443 Tianshan, Tianshan brush swallows burst high, can increase ice resistance to teammates, very good.

Soon, everyone came to the NPC of Taihu Yanziwu.

Rumeng recognized Su Yu at this time and greeted: "Hey, Su Huo, we meet again! You've already reached level 75, so fast ¨"!

"Hey, my God, how come you have 140,000 blood, amazing!

When Su Yu and Rumeng were fighting against thieves before, they only had more than 50,000 blood. Now that they have disappeared for a long time, they have doubled or tripled. Rumeng was really surprised.

Su Yu politely replied: "Haha, it's okay.""

[Then who will marry you (Wudang): Wow, Mingjiao is also a 5th-level number, and the blood volume is about to catch up with the monk! 】

Su Yu: "It's still a level 4 number for now."

Everyone in the team was a little confused, and immediately checked Su Yu's equipment information.

Su Yu is indeed still a level 4 number.

Crowd: This Ni-Ma!

[Cold Biting (Tianshan): Lying-trough, this Mingjiao is too ruthless, stronger than the 5th grade! 】

【Xiaoyao drunk (Xiaoyao): Hahaha, this is good, our team is absolutely violent enough, swallows should be able to brush it! 】

Seeing Su Yu's blood volume, the innocent little monk couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

He is a 5-body Shaolin. Fortunately, Su Yu's blood volume is a little lower than him. Otherwise, as a 5th-level monk, if his blood volume is not comparable to that of a 4th-level number of other sects, his face will be somewhat awkward.

[Innocent little monk: Cough, since everyone is here, let's start brushing! 】

Open the brush!

Copy created successfully!

Everyone entered the copy of Yanziwu.

Immediately, Yanziwu's exclusive exciting game background music sounded, giving people a sense of urgency.

The copy of Yanziwu is divided into three levels.

The first level: protect the Huyan Leopard.

After entering Yanziwu from Taihu Lake, first of all, five Qinggongs are used to fly from the land to the boat where the Huyan Leopard is located. Then click on Huyan Leopard to start fighting.

The second level: blocking reinforcements.

After defeating the first level BOSS Duan Yanqing, Huyan Leopard's mission is completed, then fly from the boat to the land on the right, click Qian Hongyu to start the battle, and 18 waves of reinforcements will come out to intercept and kill.

The third level: the battle against Murong Fu.

Kill Murong Fu to complete the copy of Yanziwu.

There are six people in the team, all of them are old players, and they all know how to play.

After everyone entered the copy, they immediately walked forward.

Using light work, he quickly leaped between the lotus leaves, and soon came to the flagship of Song Jun.

【Innocent little monk: It's started!】

The innocent little monk clicks on the NPC Huyan Leopard and starts to fight!

The first small-boss to appear in the first stage is Yue Laosan (Yun Zhonghe and Ye Erniang appeared after killing Yue Laosan), and a wave of small soldiers surrounded the team.

There is no trick to brushing this level, just slap it directly and you're done!

Su Yu directly swung the knife forward, and slashed at the third child of Yue.

The rest of the team also focused their fire on Yue Laosan.

Crackling, Yue Laosan lost blood very fast, and soon lay down.

Yun Zhonghe, Ye Erniang, and more soldiers appeared.

I don’t care much about small soldiers, gather fire and cloud cranes,

The innocent little monk (Shaolin) opened his own King Kong indestructible body, paid respect to Tathagata (rebound), and fought against monsters with Lion's Roar (attract monster hatred).

He is a 5-body Shaolin, with more than 150,000 blood, plus the 50% injury-free of King Kong's indestructible body.

Whoever wants to marry you (Wudang) has only 60,000 HP and doesn't dare to use group attack skills.

Biting Cold (Tianshan) started to move flowers and trees, pounding and pounding, attracting the hatred of many mobs, and the blood volume dropped quickly.

Fortunately, Rumeng (Emei) added blood to him, otherwise he might not be able to carry it.

Xiaoyao Drunk (Xiaoyao) is a Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao's trek and mountain travel skills double the damage, and it has always been a weapon for brushing dungeon bosses.

So Xiaoyao's task in the copy is to enlarge!

Xiaoyao drunk attacks the boss Yun Zhonghe.

"Xishan trip, give me big!"

It's just that whether Xishan can be magnified, not just by shouting loudly, but by looking at the face.

Sure enough, Xiaoyao's face was black and he couldn't magnify the success.

However, the output of this team is very high, and it doesn't matter if it is not amplified.

Under the violent output of everyone, Yun Zhonghe, Ye Erniang and Yue Laosan fell to the ground, and Duan Yanqing appeared.

Everyone set fire to Yanqing.

"Up control!" The innocent little monk reminded.

Duan Yanqing is a small-boss in the first level, he can use group attack skills, it is best to control him to death.

"Okay!" Whoever marries you will immediately let him fly out of the sky and beat Duan Yanqing for 6 seconds!

Su Yu has been slashing flat, occasionally adding some attacking skills.

Xiaoyaozui continued to enlarge, but still failed.

"My magnification is fake, right? It's not big after playing it three or four times in a row. My face is really dark!" Xiaoyao Zui was powerless to complain.

"Haha, it's normal, your face is black." Whoever married you laughed.

"Xiaoyao, you have to work harder. If you can't make it big later, it's not very easy to hit Murong Fu. [Smiles]." Rumeng also said.

This team's output is very high, and it is not difficult to kill Duan Yanqing at all.

Soon, Duan Yanqing fell to the ground.

[Little monk Chunqing: Everyone remember to pick up the bag! 】

Duan Yanqing will drop the antidote of the sad and crisp breeze, and he must pick it up, otherwise it will be very difficult to beat Murong Fu.

Everyone picked up the bags and went to the second level to intercept the eighteen waves of martial arts masters.

The second level is not difficult, you can block monsters, of course, it's fine if you don't, just stand at the interception point and wait for the waves of martial arts masters to come and fight them all.

Gradually, the martial arts masters came one after another.

People are easily killed.

In the eighteenth wave, the boss Kumozhi appeared.

However, there is no difficulty, and everyone defeated Jiu Mozhi easily.

Everyone entered Yanziwu from the tunnel and began to play the last boss, Murong Fu!

Murong Fu, can be said to be one of the most difficult bosses in the early days of Tianlong. Murong Fu has a Dou Zhuan Xing Yi (this Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is not the Ming Cult's anger skill Dou Zhuan Xing Yi) that counters all damage. As long as this skill appears, any attack on Murong The damage on the complexion will be rebounded, no matter what level you are, even if it is a 7th level number, you will be bounced a few times.

is to die.

Moreover, Wang Yuyan was on the side, pointing out that whoever Murong Fu hits would do much more damage.

Murong Fu also had a skill that was icy and snowy, and the group damage was very high.

In short, in the early days of Tianlong, it was really not easy to clear Yanziwu.

"々`Tianshan give the rest of the team a state of ice muscle and jade bone (ice resistance)! 35 Su Yu reminded.

Murong Fu will release ice and snow to increase ice resistance to resist some damage.

Su Yu's more than 140,000 HP and nearly 300 ice resistance can almost ignore Murong Fu's ice and snow.

Bitterly Cold (Tianshan) added ice resistance to everyone.

Su Yu also tied Rumeng (Emei) with a Li Dai peach stiffness skill to prevent Emei from being stunned, but also to stand up and increase the fault tolerance rate.

Su Yu used an internal force attack to attract Murong Fu.

This is to be on the safe side, let Murong Fu's Xing Xuan's counterattack status refresh and then launch an attack after the end.

[Innocent little monk: I'm here to yell at Murong Fu, you stand up and fight. 】

[As soon as Murong Fu goes out, he draws the ground at Xiaoyao, and then puts the Eight Arrays and the Zhuxian Array under his feet, and the Eight Arrays will explode as soon as he finishes painting the ground. 】

[Wudang can also pull the line at the right time, it is best to pull it when Xiaoyao is successfully enlarged! 】

The innocent little monk used the lion's roar to attract Murong Fu's hatred and commanded.

Xiaoyao Zui (Xiaoyao) and Who Marry You (Wudang) nodded.

This team has Xiaoyao and Wudang, which can be said to be the perfect match for Yanziwu.

The various controls of Xiaoyao and Wudang can control Murongfu, and even cooperate with the violent output of teammates, it is not difficult to pass the dungeon of Yanziwu.

"It's a counterattack, draw quickly! Rumeng (Emei) typed quickly.

Xiaoyaozui had been waiting for a long time, and he used the painting as a prison to directly trap Murongfu.

With Murong Fu being painted on the ground, everyone doesn't have to worry about getting hurt and being able to fight back against them.

At this time, the time for painting the ground was over, and Murong Fu's state of star-shifting disappeared.

Xiaoyaozui immediately detonated the eight-array map, and released another trip to the mountains and rivers, but his face was still so dark, it was not big!

(Zhao of Qian) "What's the matter with me... I'm playing a fake Xiaoyao, right?

Xiao Yaozui twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to cry without tears.

Of course, continue playing without zooming in.

Everyone used all kinds of skills to throw Murong Fu's face!

At the end of the state of the Eight Array Diagrams, whoever married you gave Murongfu a flying immortal, and continued to control Murongfu.

"Don't throw the control first, I will pull the line directly when the sky is over!

Then whoever married you ended the 6 seconds of flying immortals in the sky, and then resorted to a closed-off, holding Murong Fu!


Under the violent output of everyone in the team, Murong Fu lost blood very fast, and one of the three blood was knocked out!

And it seems that the closing time is passing quickly, so whoever marry you will be able to refresh the cooldown time of all skills with ease, and use the closing and closing time again to pull the line for Murong Fu!

I have to say, it is cool to brush swallows with Wudang!!

Under the control of Wudang's two sets of skills and the group fight of the crowd, Murong Fu only had one blood left!

If Xiaoyao can zoom in, maybe it can be instantly killed!

Of course, it doesn't matter if he can't get rid of Murong Fu in seconds, according to the situation, customs clearance is close at hand.

Murong Fu, who had only one blood, completely resisted.

Fighting to the stars, ice and snow, Wang Yuyan's guidance, and sadness and refreshing wind poison.

But they were all broken down one by one!

In the end, Murong Fu screamed.

The dream of reviving Dayan was shattered and fell down.

People pick up bags.

Or picked up a new mang rune level 4, or a 3-level gem carving rune, or a falling-horse arrow, silk mithril (binding) and the like.

Easy clearance!

What is worth mentioning is that Xiaoyao Zui did not magnify any BOSS in this dungeon...

This face is really black!

Yanziwu's experience is very high, Su Yu brushed Yanziwu once, and the experience bar is full!

And you can brush swallows three times a day,

So, keep brushing.

After brushing Swallows three times, Su Yu was promoted to level 76.

At the same time, there are still two tubes of experience, one step closer to level 80!.

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