Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 123 Challenge the BOSS, Part 1

The attributes of the granite giant have improved a lot compared to before, and the panel attributes have doubled! This improvement is not a big improvement! As for skills, the existing skills, heavy attack and hardened skin have been greatly improved, and the earth absorption time has been shortened by half, once every five minutes, further improving its recovery ability.

As for other skills, there are no changes. But the additional resistant skin and heavy body jumping are additional new skills. However, although the resistant skin improves the granite giant's magic resistance, it also shows that it is not a magic immune unit - of course, basic skills such as fireball are probably directly ineffective, but it is not magic immune, after all. That's good. Wasn't it because of the magic immunity that War Puppet caused Chen Fei and the others to suffer for a while?

As for the heavy body jump, this skill is actually not very powerful. It may be more useful to make up for the shortcomings of the granite giant's movement. Although, its movement speed is not actually slow.

However, Chen Fei was originally treated as a granite giant or a level 15 BOSS. With his current strength, he would have no problem dealing with a level 15 BOSS. But now, this guy has been upgraded to level 20, so he needs to think carefully about whether to take action.

In fact, if Chen Fei really wanted to take action, he still had the strength to kill this granite giant. Although its attributes and skills are very strong, it is not much stronger than the original Wolf Rider Commander. It's not that Granite is bad, but in terms of skills, it doesn't have range, control, and summoning skills like the Wolf Rider Commander. Moreover, the damage of its skills is relatively weak. Its more advantages are its rough skin and thick flesh, as well as its powerful recovery ability.

Another point is that Chen Fei is now level 23. He has a T1 suit, four mercenaries, and second-stage professional skills. With these attributes, he is not afraid at all even if he faces the original Wolf Rider Commander!

beated! If it really doesn't work, the worst case scenario is just running away.

Without thinking too much, Chen Fei finally chose to fight. After all, Chen Fei would definitely not believe that a BOSS that could level up had nothing special about it! Moreover, now that the Granite Giant has been upgraded to level 20, will it continue to increase in the future? Chen Fei didn't know how fast this guy was improving. If it improved too horribly by then, it might be impossible to kill him!

However, the granite giant didn't care at all about what Chen Fei was thinking. When it sensed there was an intruder in its territory, it rushed out as soon as possible. After seeing Chen Fei, his heavy body jumped and started!

Seeing that it was still about 1,500 yards away from Chen Fei, but when this skill was activated, the huge body flew directly into the air! However, in less than two seconds, it fell directly in front of the knight and the wind swordsman. The damage caused by the skill caused both mercenaries to lose 150 points of life.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Chen Fei to react, this guy raised his huge feet and stomped on the ground! The next skill is activated immediately - Earthquake!

Another 150 damage shot came out from above the two mercenaries! Also appearing is a stun sign, a three-second stun time! This is enough for the granite giant to attack twice! Naturally, it raised its fist and hit the Gale Swordsman! This scene made Chen Fei feel surprised!

However, being moved unexpectedly does not mean that Chen Fei has forgotten to operate it. The connection between Granite's two skills only lasted for more than two seconds. It was acceptable for Chen Fei to not react for a while, but when he saw his mercenaries being attacked, he still couldn't. If there is no operation, it will not work! Immediately, the flame meteorite launched decisively!

A huge flaming meteorite fell from mid-air! No one was disappointed with this skill. Chen Fei pushed Granite's fist away just before it fell! Then, the potion was used on the knight, and the herbs were attached to the Wind Swordsman. By the way, Chen Fei's reserved skills at this time are Fire Meteor, Holy Light, Thunderstorm Flame, and Earth Trap Fire.

The flaming meteorite pushed the granite giant back from a distance of five hundred yards. This hard effect cannot be eliminated by magic resistance. However, the damage is not satisfactory, it only causes 150 points of damage, and there is no burning effect! It seems that this guy is immune to such effects!

The two mercenaries recovered from dizziness. Chen Fei immediately pulled the Gale Swordsman back, and the knight moved forward. Then, a basic attack was thrown over, and the underground fire was launched at the feet of the granite giant! -72, the damage caused by basic attacks is directly reduced by half! I have to say that this guy's defense is quite perverted! And as soon as it stopped, it was immediately carried in by the sunken terrain! Even though its body is huge, the effect of the ground fire still traps it!

However, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that when the Earth Trapping Fire was activated, the granite giant also activated his own skill, Boulder Strike! Watching a huge boulder fly out of its hand! The speed was so fast that in less than a second, the boulder hit the hero accurately!


300! Huge damage value emerged from the hero's head, followed by a stun sign! The stun effect of this boulder attack lasted for a full five seconds! What's even worse is...

Tips: Triggering the disability effect, attack, attack speed, and movement speed are all reduced by 80%.

I go! So unlucky!

Seeing the prompt given by the chest system, Chen Fei couldn't help but be speechless. This crippling effect is too exaggerated. After it is triggered, the hero will be disabled for the next twenty seconds! If you want to deal with the granite giant, the main output point is on the hero!

Of course, the effect of disability is already a reality that must be accepted, so Chen Fei no longer worries too much, and directly controls his musketeers and senior wizards to start attacking. However, the damage done by the two is quite slight, and the total damage is not much. Over thirty. If the two of them can kill it, the output will be around 600 in one minute. In five minutes, it will be around 3,000 at most. Then, the earth will absorb and restore 1,500. After a little calculation, it will take an hour! It will definitely be devastating!

Fortunately, Chen Fei's output point is not just two long-range mercenaries.

The five-second stun time is exactly the same as the terrain time of the ground fire. Therefore, when the granite giant got out of trouble, the hero just got rid of the dizzy state. Immediately, the thunderstorm flames started! Follow, switch elements, Lei Lei Lei! Combination, thunderstorm! Replace the Fire Meteorite! Launch together! And the time difference between the two skills before and after the release is definitely not more than one second! It has to be said that Chen Fei is becoming more and more proficient in the operation of transformation skills!

The distance of five hundred yards would take at least five seconds for the granite giant! Without the help of the heavy body jump, Chen Fei calculated the release point, and two seconds later, the thunderstorm flames were triggered! Over three hundred damage! And it comes with a one-second dizziness! Then, the thunderstorm spell also triggers an explosion! The damage of the Level 2 Thunderstorm Technique cannot be underestimated, it is also nearly 300 damage! The two skills directly took away more than 600 lives of the granite giant!

Chapter 2, come on, challenge the BOSS alone. By the way, some of the updated content can also be cashed out. Hey, you can take a guess.

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