Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 130 The Test of the Dragon Eagle Knight

Chen Fei was really curious as to how Xia Peng was involved with the Raiders of the Lost Ark. However, he understood that now was not the time to delve into this. The Raiders of the Lost Ark, players in previous lives only knew about them. They have the ability to sell all kinds of good equipment, but not many people know about the deeper level. It is worth mentioning that they have never participated in official large-scale events. Whether it is an online competition or the subsequent WXG World Series, I have never heard of them participating.

Obviously, they keep a low profile about themselves.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Fei to say that he has no ideas for Raiders of the Lost Ark. With such a team, not to mention the guild in the future, it is completely possible for a group of people on my own side to obtain more equipment. However, Chen Fei also understood that it was definitely not a simple matter to get them to join. In the previous life, so many guilds wanted to invite them to join, would the conditions offered be bad? Absolutely impossible!

Therefore, in order to get the Raiders of the Lost Ark to join, Chen Fei felt that this matter still needed to be done slowly. Anyway, with Xia Peng, Chen Fei felt that he still had a good chance. Especially now that the server has just been launched, the capabilities of the Raiders of the Lost Ark have not yet been fully formed. This is also a point that improves the success rate.

After getting acquainted with Xia Peng and others, I realized that Chen Fei was Yi Tian, ​​and the Raiders of the Lost Ark also showed surprises and surprises! For them, the strength of Chen Fei and others is still recognized, and the way of doing things is very similar to them, high-profile to become famous and low-key to level up.

He added friends with the Raiders of the Lost Ark and others. Looking at his growing number of friends, Chen Fei really didn't expect that his friends column would have so many powerful player names without even realizing it! It seems that after traveling back, a lot of things have indeed changed.

I didn't chat with Xia Peng and others for too long. After all, they were all still leveling up. Moreover, Chen Fei is also going to continue to transfer to his own Dragon Eagle Knight. He was quite looking forward to the first aerial mercenary...

According to the coordinates, Chen Fei quickly found the friend mentioned by the senior knight, the Dragon Eagle Knight-Wrath of Heaven!

Tianwu: Oh? Kai actually recommended someone to come over? It really surprised me. However, if you want to become a Dragon Eagle Knight, you don't just have to ride the Dragon Eagle to be called a Dragon Eagle Knight. More importantly, you need to cooperate with the Dragon Eagle so that driving the Dragon Eagle is the same as driving yourself. The body is the same. Therefore, if you want me to transfer your job, you need to complete my test first.

After the monologue to Tianwu ended, the system gave a prompt box asking whether to start the Dragon Eagle Knight test.

Needless to say, the choice is yes. However, Chen Fei thought of the time when the Gale Swordsman changed professions, and the test at that time was not easy. I just don’t know what the Dragon Eagle Knight’s test will be like.

As the mouse clicks further, the prompt box disappears, and another screen frame that is three-quarters of the screen size appears. Above, the description of this test is shown first:

By pressing the space bar, you can control the mercenary to fly on the Dragon Eagle. You need to avoid various obstacles while flying. The test can be passed if the flight distance exceeds 100. Tip: Players have three chances. In addition, the longer the flight distance, the higher the chance of obtaining additional rewards of the Wrath of Heaven.

etc! Why does this introduction look familiar? Could it be...

After reading the test instructions, Chen Fei had a very familiar feeling in his mind. Suddenly, he thought of the time when the elemental mage was tested. As he clicked to start the test, a sideways dragon eagle flew out from the left side of the screen, and a big tree appeared in front of him. Originally, the flying height of this big tree was lower than that of the Dragon Eagle. However, after the Dragon Eagle appeared, it did not maintain a branch line flight at the same height, but slowly descended in a curve!

This, this, this... isn't this FLAPPYBIRD? That pixel game that people jokingly call the stupid bird that flies first?

Chen Fei was once again shocked by B Xue Company's extremely avant-garde game test! Could it be that many popular mobile games in previous lives were actually hidden in World of Warcraft by B Snow Company? Does this mean that what other people play with are all leftovers from B Xue’s play?

Chen Fei didn't react to this situation. He was so dazed that he forgot to control the dragon eagle, 'Pa! 'The dragon eagle directly hit the first big tree, the flight distance was 0!


Chen Fei was speechless when he came back to his senses. Was the first opportunity just gone? Well, the system will not show any mercy to the player, and will not compensate Chen Fei just once for forgetting the control.

Three seconds count down and the second chance begins. This time, Chen Fei became serious. However, when it comes to the game "The Stupid Bird Flyes First", Chen Fei has never played it in his previous life. Although it is very popular, the simple but not simple gameplay is not what Chen Fei likes. Relatively speaking, Chen Fei still likes competitive games, or single-player games with good plots, such as Fantasy Legend and Fire Emblem. [It shouldn’t have exposed anything. 】

However, there are some differences between the test and the stupid bird flying first. The stupid bird flies inside first. If you don't operate it, the bird will just turn its head and fall down. In the test, the dragon eagle will only decline in a curve, which relatively speaking reduces the difficulty a lot. Secondly, the stupid bird flies inside first. When controlling the bird's flight, it suddenly flaps its wings and flies upwards, leaving an arc. Players sometimes hit the water pipe above their heads because of this. However, when testing here, the Dragon Eagle was Beat your wings and rise smoothly. Last but not least, in the test, there were only big trees below and no obstacles in the sky!

Soon, the flight distance of thirty meters passed. According to the situation, Chen Fei really felt that he could get over it easily. Just let the Dragon Eagle fly at the highest place, right? It's not difficult at all.

It's a pity that when Chen Fei was thinking this, the flying distance reached fifty, and three dragon eagles flew towards him! And one of them was right in front of Chen Fei Longying!

In this situation, Chen Fei immediately stopped tapping the space bar. Immediately, his Dragon Eagle slowly descended and flew through one of the gaps. From here on, flying units began to appear in the sky, such as dragon eagles, griffins, and horned eagles. When maintaining a high altitude, you must also avoid colliding with them. The difficulty was invisibly reminded. If the flying unit needs to increase its altitude to dodge, it is relatively simple. Just press the space button a few more times. But if it needs to lower its altitude to dodge, it requires a certain amount of luck. After all, the descent speed is not something Chen Fei can control! We can only let Dragon Eagle descend!

Fortunately, there were not many flying units. Although it was difficult to avoid them, it was safe.

Finally, the flight distance of one hundred meters was reached! Finished test!

However, what Chen Fei never expected was that he wanted to fly a little further to see if he could get the extra reward Tianwu called, but when he just flew to 110 meters, something suddenly appeared above the big tree. spider! Spew out a huge spider web! He actually pushed Dragon Eagle down at once!

The Raiders of the Lost Ark are still thinking. However, considering the issue of equipment production, we will mainly start with making equipment ourselves and improving skills such as dropping treasure. . Any ideas to support this?

Then, no one voted. . A little depressed.

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