Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 351 Beating the Roshan, 2

Fortunately, Chen Fei's previous push technique made the distance between the hero and Roshan very wide. With Roshan's moving speed, it would take at least five seconds for it to get close to the 1,500-yard distance. Come up!

Of course, five seconds is actually very short. However, right now, these five seconds are crucial.

After Roshan advanced nearly a thousand yards, the hero finally recovered from his dizziness. There was nothing to think about. I replenished a bottle of potion and followed the hero to continue running without looking back. As for the mercenaries, Chen Fei dispersed them to safe corners when Roshan did not target them. Anyway, with Roshan's percentage of health, their attacks would have no effect. It would be better to stay in the corner obediently.

Roshan is also very simple, and the spider queen he blocks seems to have the attributes of Zangzi. He stares at the hero and chases him. However, its speed was faster than that of the Spider Queen, so the distance between the hero and Roshan was quickly shortened to less than three hundred yards!

This distance is a bit dangerous!

Seeing the meat mountain getting closer and closer, Chen Fei turned around decisively and smashed the flaming meteorite down. It's still the previous purpose, as long as Roshan can be contained.

The flaming meteorite that appeared out of thin air hit Roshan accurately. Although it did not push Roshan out like before, under the impact of the meteorite, Roshan's progress was stopped! This result can be considered acceptable to Chen Fei.

Taking the opportunity to open the distance between the two, he looked at the magic scepter and saw that half of the cooling time had passed. The five-second blockage of the meteorite allowed the hero to increase the distance by another thousand yards. By the time Roshan caught up again, the magic scepter had almost cooled down.

However, so far, Roshan has only used one stone-throwing skill. Considering the setting of a level 40 BOSS, will Roshan only have one skill? The answer is of course no!

After the meteorite exploded, Roshan immediately activated another skill!

The whole body curled up into a ball, and then rolled towards the hero at an extremely fast speed! In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two shortened to less than 500 yards! If this situation continues, he will definitely be crushed by the Roshan!

However, Chen Fei's current skills that can be used to move or block are all on cooldown. It seems impossible to avoid Roshan's skill!

Pull the hero forward diagonally. No matter what, you still have to work hard to move. However, the hero's movement speed is completely useless in front of Roshan! Without being able to move another hundred yards, the Roshan stone ball had already rolled in front of the hero, crushing him directly in the next second! -


The horrific damage shocked Chen Fei, and the hero's blood tank was instantly empty!

Fortunately, Roshan's skill does not have a stun effect, nor does it push the unit out like the fire meteorite. Seeing the hero's blood tank plummeting, Chen Fei's blood bottle holy light was activated at the same time, and the recovery was combined together. After using it, the hero's blood tank can be raised again.

As for the Roshan Mountain, the rolling one didn't stop just because it crushed the hero. It still rolled forward, resulting in a distance of nearly a thousand yards between the two, which was barely a good distance. Phenomenon.

After replenishing the blood, the magic scepter had also finished cooling down. He launched it decisively at Roshan, knocking out another 500% of its health. Then, of course, he pulls the hero in the opposite direction to increase the distance again. Roshan's attack power is too exaggerated. According to its output, he may be killed if he makes a slight mistake. Chen Fei naturally doesn't want such a scene to appear!

Of course, Roshan who stopped immediately chased after the hero again. There is no skill to increase movement speed, which is probably Chen Fei's disadvantage. Thinking of this, Chen Fei then remembered that there was still group invisibility that could be used?

I didn't think about whether Roshan had anti-stealth ability, because it had no impact on Chen Fei. Let the hero continue to move, and then quickly switch to the great wizard's side, launching invisibility towards the knight, and then the knight rushed over with a charge like Roshan.

Chen Fei had no intention of letting the hero become invisible. If the hero relied on invisibility to get rid of Roshan, and Roshan had no anti-invisibility ability, then it would naturally want mercenaries to attack. With its exaggerated attacks, except for the knights, all the mercenaries were instantly killed - unless the swordsman was lucky enough to dodge.

Therefore, letting Roshan keep an eye on the hero and chase him is the best choice.

The knight's movement speed was pretty good, and he quickly rushed to the front of the meat mountain. After that, of course Chen Fei directly carried out the Z-shaped blocking position. With Chen Fei's blocking technique, Roshan's forward speed immediately dropped significantly, and the hero easily extended the distance to more than 1,500 yards. Later, considering that in order to cope with possible unexpected situations, Chen Fei did not further widen the distance. Anyway, as long as Roshan can't catch up with the hero, it's enough.

However, the situation that Chen Fei was worried about soon appeared. After Chen Fei obtained the magic scepter by using the Z-shaped card position to cool down again, before he had time to release his skills, Roshan suddenly raised his fist and punched the knight. At this moment, the knight's health tank was also immediately emptied to 90%!

Fortunately, Chen Fei had already made preventive preparations for this situation. The moment the knight's health tank was empty, Chen Fei immediately pulled the knight towards him, and then, the flaming meteorite that had cooled down fired for the second time. After smashing it down, the magic scepter's skill connected up and knocked out 500% of Roshan's life again.

With a quick operation, the meteorite crashed down in time, preventing Roshan's second attack, while the knight ran back towards the corner without any pause. Stealth blocking is obviously not feasible. It is safer not to let the mercenaries come out and move around at will. Of course, when the knight ran back to the corner, Chen Fei did not forget to use potion and holy light on him and pull the blood tank back up.

The five-second effect of the flaming meteorite was enough for Chen Fei to finish these operations, and as the effect of the flaming meteorite ended, Roshan's hatred was locked on the hero again. This made Chen Fei wonder if the magic scepter's attack itself had a taunting function.

Roshan raised his fist again, and at this distance, Chen Fei knew without thinking that Roshan was definitely going to activate his skill again! Another huge boulder hit us! With a separation distance of more than a thousand yards, just over a second was enough for the boulder to hit Chen Fei's hero.

However, relatively, this time is enough for Chen Fei to release corresponding skills in response!

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