Online Games: Everyone Else Works For Me

Chapter 275 Colorful Falling Cherry Blossoms!

In the Prime Minister's Office, the atmosphere at this moment became depressing, and everyone's eyes were focused on the Prime Minister.

They know that this shutdown of Origin has had a huge impact on the entire economic system.

Countless people's investments were wiped out, many companies were in trouble, and the entire country was likely to fall into an unprecedented economic crisis.

The Prime Minister took a deep breath and continued: "Our government has contacted multiple international organizations and financial institutions to seek their help and support. At the same time, we have also adopted a series of emergency measures domestically to alleviate the current difficulties. "

"What measures?" a consortium leader asked eagerly.

“First, we will provide certain financial assistance to affected investors to ease their burden. In addition, we will also work with major banks to launch preferential loan policies for affected enterprises to help them tide over the difficulties. ” explained the Prime Minister.

"Although these measures can relieve temporary pressure, they cannot solve the fundamental problem." Another consortium leader calmly pointed out.

The Prime Minister nodded in agreement: "It is true that solving the underlying problems will require more time and effort. But please believe that the government is going all out to find a long-term solution.

The Prime Minister was delivering an impassioned speech, but he had no idea that a crisis was coming quietly.

A rabbit that was sucked into the space crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the Prime Minister's Office.

It fell rapidly towards the Prime Minister's Office and seemed to smash the entire mansion into pieces.

The Prime Minister was relieved when he saw that most of the panicked people gradually calmed down.

However, at this moment, a deafening loud noise came from above.

Along with the loud noise, pieces of glazed tiles fell like autumn leaves.

Everyone looked up and saw an incredible sight unfolding before their eyes - a huge, calf-like rabbit falling from the sky at an alarming speed.

A huge hole was clearly visible on the roof, and the blue sky could be seen through the hole.


There was another loud noise, and the giant rabbit finally landed on the ground.

To be more precise, it hit the spot where the Prime Minister was standing.

Prime Minister Sakura was hit by the rabbit on the spot and fell into a pool of blood.

Blood splattered everywhere, and a strong smell of blood filled the air.

The people around him were stunned by the sudden tragedy, as if time had stopped at this moment.

The originally noisy conference hall instantly became silent, leaving only the heavy breathing of the giant rabbit and the slowly spreading blood on the ground.

Some people were so scared that they covered their mouths and pointed at the rabbit tremblingly. Their voices were full of fear and confusion: "What... is this thing? Why did it fall from the sky?"

Others fled in panic, as if the rabbit was some terrible monster that might catch up with them at any moment.

The whole scene was chaotic, with people screaming and crashing one after another.

At this moment, the leaders of these consortiums were only focused on escaping for their own lives, and they couldn't care less about Prime Minister Sakura, who was already lying in a pool of blood.

At the same time, this huge rabbit appeared in many places in Sakura Country.

Some rabbits fell from the sky as seen above the Prime Minister's Office; some appeared directly on land; and some even fell directly into the vast sea.

These rabbits are exactly those wild monsters that may be insignificant in the game, but in reality, there are very few that can threaten them.

They are the same group of rabbits that were sucked into the space crack before and survived by chance.

The Sakura Kingdom fell into huge chaos due to the appearance of this group of rabbits.

Maybe it's the space crack, at the edge of Sakura's suit. Most of these rabbits fell into the Sakura Kingdom, and only a few fell into other countries, such as the Dragon Kingdom.

In a city near the sea in the Dragon Kingdom, such a rabbit appeared unexpectedly.

Fortunately, the rabbit landed on an empty beach and no one was injured.

The beach was quite vast, and there were many people playing on it at the time, so the impact of this scene was quite large and it also caused quite a bit of panic.

However, not everyone is scared.

Some people immediately took out their mobile phones to take photos and uploaded the photos to the Internet; while others chose to call the police.

Fortunately, the rabbit fell down and was stunned, making no other movements for a while.

Otherwise, the behavior of these people seeking death is very likely to cause injury accidents.

In less than ten minutes, the police cordoned off the place.

At this time, there was a lot of news about the giant rabbit of the Heavenly General on the Dragon Kingdom network, which spread rapidly.

#The giant rabbit unexpectedly arrived! Is this a resurgence of spiritual energy or a biological mutation caused by environmental pollution?

#The giant rabbit figure on the sunny beach!

#Me and the giant rabbit, the hidden secret!


These various titles instantly dominated the hot search list.

Although these news were as short-lived as meteors, lasting not long before disappearing, they quickly aroused people's curiosity.

The discussion on this matter is like a tidal wave and cannot be contained.

On online platforms such as forums and Tieba forums, countless netizens discussed the matter enthusiastically and expressed their opinions.

Of course, some people are skeptical, after all, the size of this rabbit is extraordinary.

Because reports about the giant rabbit were removed so quickly, most people are still skeptical.

Just treat this matter as fun, and the discussion will be over after a while.

However, in the "Origin" game forum, this matter continues to attract attention.

This is because posts in this forum cannot be deleted by others except you.

Although there are not many related posts, the discussion has not diminished.

Just as this topic was gradually cooling down, another even more shocking news once again aroused heated discussions among netizens - the Prime Minister of Sakura Country was actually killed by a giant rabbit that fell from the sky.

This news was like thunder, once again pushing public attention to a climax.

At this time, Lin Feng was immersed in the game and was unaware of the turmoil in the outside world.

Suddenly, his private chat window flashed, catching his attention.

He hurriedly opened it and checked. It turned out to be a message from Roaring Heaven: "Boss, look at the forum!"

Lin Feng was confused and immediately opened the forum.

A pinned post immediately caught his eye:

#Shock! Justice comes from the sky, the Prime Minister of Sakura Kingdom is killed by a giant rabbit falling from the sky!

Full of doubts, Lin Feng clicked on this post and began to read it carefully.

Later, his eyes were firmly attracted by the illustrations in the post.

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