"Damn Nina, where did you think you were going? Am I that kind of person? How could I please her?" Rainfall retorted.

Unexpectedly, Nina actually nodded, still remembering the time when Rainfall first came to the Elf Forest.

It was a simple task, but I received it shamelessly and after saying a lot of nice things.

"You!" Rainfall was furious, and immediately started fighting with Nina.

The two fought for a while, and Nina was finally defeated. She still had something to do!

"Okay! Okay! What on earth do you want? I still have something to do!" Nina said.

"Do you still remember the adventurer from outside today?" Rainfall asked.

"Yeah!" Nina nodded. When Lucy took him to see the elders, she was there.

"You also know that we adventurers have some means to detect other people's attributes. When he met with the elder today, he also checked Elder Marshall."

"I also heard what he said. Believe it or not, that person said that there was something unusual about Elder Marshall.

I am also an elf now, and something big happened today, so I came to you because I want you to find other elders to confirm. "

"How is that possible? Although Elder Marshall is suspected of having a relationship, she will never betray the elves." Nina said loudly.

"What if, I mean just what if! You just said that Elder Marshall's level is not high. What if the enemy secretly controls her?" Rainfall said.

"So, I came to you, hoping that you would find other elders to confirm!"

"When the time comes, just let the adventurer and the elder go to confront Elder Marshall."

After hearing Rainfall's words, Nina also calmed down.

Rainfall arrived relatively late, so he didn’t know the details of his opponents. In fact, this was not the first time these enemies had invaded their Elf Forest, but their previous methods were not as sophisticated as this time.

Those enemies are obviously just half-dragons with a trace of dragon blood. Have you never heard that there is a way to control others?

In the past, the methods of those half-dragons were very crude, but this time it was indeed different. Is there really something wrong with Elder Marshall?

Rainfall looked at Nina deep in thought, and the stone in her heart dropped.

Nina's identity is not just a small patrol leader as she said.

Rainfall didn't know her specific identity, but every time he talked to others about her, they kept silent.

It was precisely because of this that Rainfall put down his face and approached her and became friends.

What is Rainfall’s identity? She is a player, so as long as there are benefits, losing a little face is nothing!

"You come with me!" Nina finally made her decision and said to Rainfall.

Rainfall followed Nina as instructed, and soon the two came to a place.

Rainfall has never been to this place before.

"What is this place?" Rainfall asked aloud.

"The Queen's palace is also where the Queen and the elders retreat. You wait outside while I go in and take a look," Nina said.

After saying that, she saw that she was about to enter, but was blocked by a barrier.

"Oops!" Nina exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

Nina ignored Rainfall and kept trying, but without exception, she couldn't get in.

"What happened?" Rainfall asked again.

"This palace is covered by a barrier. I can't enter!" Nina said.

"Didn't you say that the Queen and the others are in seclusion? It's not normal to have a barrier." Rainfall said matter-of-factly.

"You don't know, even if the Queen retreats, some people have the right to enter, and I also have this privilege. However, the current barrier is not original at all, and it does not seem to be the product of our elves."

Well, I said before that she is a small patrol leader and has privileges wherever the Queen retreats.

Only if you believe her evil will you believe her identity.

"No, I have to find someone to help!" With that, Nina was about to leave.

"Wait!" Rainfall persuaded Nina.

Although Nina was anxious, she still stopped.

"Don't be impulsive. Think about it. If something goes wrong here, can everyone else trust you?"

"What should we do?"

Although Rainfall doesn't know anything about barriers, the barrier here is obviously to deal with the people inside.

Don't let the people inside come out. If you think about it this way, the weakness is probably outside.

Rainfall told his guess, and Nina also thought it made sense.

"But, I can't see the route of energy flow, and there's nothing we can do with this barrier!"

"Is it true that as long as you can see the path of energy flow, you can break the formation?" Rainfall asked after hearing Nina's words.

Nina nodded, shook her head, and said worriedly.

"You can find the node only if you know the route. You need to break the node. The strength of this barrier is not low. I don't think we can break the node."

"Wait a minute, I'll find someone to find the node. We'll see if it can be broken." Rainfall comforted.

"Looking for someone? Who?" Nina asked. She had just suggested to find someone, but Rainfall stopped her. Who else could she look for now?

"Have you forgotten the outside adventurer today? Since he can detect that there is something wrong with Elder Macil, maybe he can also detect the formation barrier." Rainfall said.

"Difficult! Ordinary detection skills cannot detect..."

Ignoring Nina, Rainfall directly opened the friends panel and sent the coordinates.

Rainfall: "Come quickly!"

Red Dust: "?"

Rainfall: "Come on! The Queen and the Elder are trapped!"

"almost there!"

Lin Feng, who was waiting for news in the house, originally wanted Rainfall to come out to inquire about the news, but unexpectedly, news came that the Queen and the elders were trapped.

Not daring to delay, Lin Feng immediately approached the coordinates sent by Rainfall as soon as he received the news.

Soon, Lin Feng arrived.

"What is the specific situation now?"

Rainfall briefly explained the current situation and also explained the method Nina said.

"Can you explore this barrier?" Rainfall asked.

"Let me try!" Lin Feng replied.

He has never used the Eye of Truth to observe the existence of such a barrier.

After speaking, use Eye of Truth to look ahead.

A transparent cover covered the palace in front of him, and there were these colorful beams of light flowing on the cover.

It's amazing!

The naked eye can obviously see nothing, but under the Eye of Truth, there is nothing to hide.

"I saw a cover covering this place, and some beams of light were wandering around. I wonder if that's the energy you're talking about?" Lin Feng said to the two people around him.

"Can you see it? Then take a look and see if there is any node where energy converges." Nina, who originally had no hope, was shocked when she heard Lin Feng's words and said hurriedly.

"It's the intersection point! Let me take a look."

"This is it!" Lin Feng pointed to a place and said.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it!" Nina said.

Rainfall and Lin Feng both backed away.

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