So, Zhang Yi squeezed through the crowd and came to the red house where he had received the quest before. He found that the NPC girl Lingling was still squatting at the door with a sad face, but the question mark above her head had changed from yellow to gray, indicating that the number of quests on her had been triggered. Within today, the player could no longer receive quests from her.

Zhang Yi approached Lingling, who was alone, and triggered a conversation.

"Little sister, I have avenged your father and killed those monsters."

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Lingling raised her head, blinked her beautiful big eyes and looked at Zhang Yi, finally showing a happy smile on her face:"Really? Thank you, big brother, thank you for helping my father to avenge!"

As she spoke, the girl took out a crystal blue ring from somewhere and handed it to Zhang Yi:"Big brother, this is a gift my father once gave me. I give it to you to thank you for avenging my father!"

As soon as the voice fell, as Zhang Yi chose to submit the task after triggering the dialogue, a pleasant prompt sound came from the air——

"Ding~ Congratulations on completing the mission [Revenge for the Father's Murder], and you have received 600 experience points, 100 copper coins, 10 level 1 strengthening stones, 24 human reputation, and equipment [Lucky Ring] 1! Intimacy with [Civilians] 6!"

Looking at the blue ring Lingling gave me——

【Lucky Ring]:

Quality: 1 star

Physical attack power: 9

Occupational restrictions: None

Level requirement: 4

Description: This is a ring that contains the power of luck. It is said that it can bring good luck to the wearer. Moreover, this ring can not only be used as equipment, but also as a special token...

In addition to being used as normal equipment, this ring actually has a mysterious function. This has been hinted to the player in the description of the equipment...

However, basically no player would think of this based on the description, except for Zhang Yi who has been reborn.

So, using the Lucky Ring to replace the Level 1 3 Attack Power [Novice Ring] in his hand, Zhang Yi's attack increased from 41 points to 47 points.

It's a pity that there are not enough strengthening stones, otherwise the Lucky Ring can be strengthened to level 25 to get more attack bonuses.

The 100 copper coins rewarded by the task, that is, 1 silver coin, Zhang Yi already has 11 silver coins plus more than 30 copper coins. In the Novice Village, he is considered a small local tyrant.

So, Zhang Yi went to the pharmacy. When other players were reluctant to use the level 1 red potion that cost 1 copper coin per bottle, he spent 90 copper coins to buy 30 bottles of level 2 red potion that could restore 100 health points at a time.

After completing the supply, Zhang Yi left the safe zone and came to... the Doomsday Factory again!

When he came back here, he found that there were already many players in the Doomsday Factory doing tasks by killing man-eating worms. Most of these players were only level 2, and it was a bit difficult to fight those level 3-4 man-eating worms alone, so basically they formed teams of two or three. Although the experience would be greatly reduced in the team state, it could ensure safety.

Zhang Yi's purpose of returning to the Doomsday Factory was not to come back to kill these man-eating worms again.

So, bypassing those man-eating worms and players, Zhang Yi went straight into the factory.

Zhang Yi remembered that in his previous life, a player in the 886 safe zone had triggered a rare hidden task in the Doomsday Factory!

It seems that there is an NPC hiding in the Doomsday Factory. The hidden task is to safely escort the NPC to the safe zone.

But in addition to finding the NPC, there is another condition to claim the hidden mission from him. This is why Zhang Yi chose the mission of slaying man-eating worms in the Doomsday Factory among so many missions in the safe zone, and why he did not go directly to the NPC when he first came to the Doomsday Factory, but did the mission first. Because the reward [Lucky Ring] that will be obtained after completing the previous mission is the necessary condition to trigger this hidden mission!

After a tour inside the factory filled with the smell of chemicals, Zhang Yi found an NPC in a storage room!

It was a middle-aged man with messy hair, untidy beard, and a broken right hand. He was lying in the corner of the storage room, as if waiting to die.

Except for the blue NPC ID logo of"Yil", there is no yellow question mark above his head, because there is no surface prompt for the hidden mission.

Approach the dying Yil to trigger a conversation

"It seems that you have been trapped here for a long time, uncle, let me take you to a safe place."

The sudden voice made Yi Er, who was curled up in the dark corner, look up. Seeing Zhang Yi, he was a little surprised and asked:" did you find this place?"

Skipping unnecessary nonsense, Zhang Yi, who knew the plot of the game, went straight to the point:"I met a girl named Lingling in Hope Town. She asked me to come out and help her find her father."

"Lingling……"Hearing this name, Yier couldn't help crying.

Looking at his right hand that had been eaten by man-eating worms, Yier shook his head and said,"Forget it. I'm already useless. Even if I go back like this, I'll still be a useless person. It's better to die here and put an end to it all."

Based on the memory of his previous life, Zhang Yi knew that at this point in the game, no matter how the player persuaded him, it would not arouse Yier's desire to continue to survive, that is, it would be impossible to forcibly trigger the hidden task of escorting Yier back to the safe zone, unless...

Zhang Yi took out the lucky ring and placed it in front of Yier:"Do you really not want your daughter?"

It was not until he saw the ring that Yier's inner defenses completely collapsed:"Lingling, my daughter...……"

As he spoke, Yier slowly got up from the ground:"Okay, young man, please take me back to Hope Town."

This ring is more effective than a thousand words, so the lucky ring is a must to trigger this hidden task.

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded in Zhang Yi's ears:"Ding~ Congratulations, you have triggered a rare hidden task, do you want to accept it? [Guardian] (This task is difficult, the system recommends that you consider it carefully)" He accepted the task without hesitation, and the system prompt sounded again.

"You have received the hidden mission [Guardian]. Since you are the first player in Security Zone 886 to receive the hidden mission, the system will make a regional announcement. Please choose to make your ID public or hidden?"


Regional announcement:"Ding~ Congratulations to the player***Trigger the hidden mission. As the first player in the 886th safe zone to trigger the hidden mission, you will be rewarded with 1200 human reputation and 1 gold coin!"

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