Seeing this damage, even Zhang Yi himself was shocked:"Good guy, change the weapon, the damage will be doubled!"

Looking at the silver longbow in his hand, Zhang Yi was a little surprised. It seems that the value of this bow has exceeded his imagination.

A player of level 8 or 9, even with a hat and clothes that increase the health value, a 1-star quality player can only have two or three hundred health at most when the reinforcement level is not high. The one who was just killed by Zhang Yi with one arrow did not even have a hat on his head.

After all, even Zhang Yi still has no hat.

After Zhang Yi killed one of them with one arrow, the others continued to rush over without fear.

Zhang Yi shook his head. If they knew that this was a real death game, they probably wouldn't waste the resurrection opportunity that could not be bought with more money.

However, the people of King's World were not worthy of Zhang Yi's sympathy.

So, he continued to draw the bow and shoot at them.

Whoosh- whoosh- whoosh- three more arrows were shot out, landing on three different King's World players, bringing three damages that made the surrounding onlookers gasp.——

-248! (Critical Hit)

-324! (Lucky Hit)

-432! (Critical Hit)


Three white lights lit up, and the three players from the King's World were killed instantly at a distance of more than 20 meters.

The 14-point agility attribute not only gave Zhang Yi a speed bonus, but also a lot of critical hit bonuses.

Some people tried to use S-shaped movements to dodge Zhang Yi's attacks, but it was useless in front of Zhang Yi.

Because Zhang Yi in his previous life was an archer, and he had been playing archers for eight years. It was impossible to show off his movements in front of Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi's attack could accurately predict the enemy's movements.

So, under Zhang Yi's high long-range output, white lights lit up one after another in the dark forest. All those hit by Zhang Yi were killed instantly, except for the King's Supreme and the King's Return, who were hit by one more arrow.

More than 30 players from the King's World were wiped out before they had time to get close to Zhang Yi.

And because they had launched a siege on Zhang Yi before, all of them were gray names, so after killing them, Zhang Yi was still white name, and did not gain any sin value!

Looking at the copper coins, potions, strengthening stones and equipment scattered all over the large area in front, the individual players around who saw Zhang Yi single-handedly wipe out a team of more than 30 players in King of Glory were stunned.

Player A:"Oh my God... It feels like a dream. This guy wiped out a team of dozens of people in King of Glory alone?"

Player B:"The scary thing is that all the people were killed by him in one blow. The damage is too terrible!"

Player C:"My God, who is this guy? How can he be so powerful? Is he an internal staff of [Apocalypse]? So he doesn't seem to be afraid of King of Glory at all, because the backer behind him is [Tianyun Group】??"

Player D:"You've overthinking it, brother.

[Tianyun Group] has long issued a statement that the game of Apocalypse guarantees absolute fairness and justice.

There are no bugs, plug-ins, or insider operations.

This guy's damage is so high, and he probably got a high-level talent that increases damage at the beginning.

But I think he has completely offended the King of the World.

No matter how powerful he is, it will be difficult for him to gain a foothold in Safety Zone No.

886, or even the entire Zone 8 in the future~"

Although he was drooling at the coins and equipment scattered all over the ground, the people around him didn't dare to pick them up, because they were afraid that they would be killed instantly by an arrow from this"Yinuo Qingcheng" while trying to snatch the spoils. By then, they would become part of the spoils.

Ignoring the discussions of the people around him, after the battle ended, Zhang Yi finally had time to focus his eyes on the exquisite silver longbow in his hand.——

【Silver Moon Bow】【 25]:

Quality: 2 stars

Level: 8

Physical attack power: 105 (75)

Additional attributes: Strength 14 (10)

Exclusive talent: Armor penetration (the wearer's attack can ignore the target's 35 points of physical defense)

Occupational restrictions: Archer (can also be equipped by non-transferring people)

Description: It is said that this is a top-grade weapon made by a high-level forging master of the human race on a full moon night using rare silver-white ore. The Silver Moon Bow absorbs moonlight and has a strong lethality...

Wow, it's actually a 2-star level 8 one! No wonder the King of Glory equipped with this Silver Moon Bow had such high damage!

I had thought that this weapon must have been enhanced to more than 20, but Zhang Yi didn't expect it to be fully enhanced!

This King of Glory is really willing to invest. To enhance a 2-star equipment to 25, at least 400 to 500 level 2 enhancement stones are needed, which is equivalent to nearly 1,000 level 1 enhancement stones!

Crazy, investing so much in a level 8 equipment that has a fast transition in the early stage. Zhang Yi doesn't understand the thoughts of rich people.

However, it seems to be very easy for King of Glory to collect strengthening stones. He has more than a thousand people under his command. If everyone contributes one, there will be a thousand.

Opening the status bar and taking a look, Zhang Yi found that after equipping the Silver Moon Bow, his attack power has reached 216 points. No wonder every arrow he shot just now almost caused 216 damage. In front of the talent [Armor Break], the players of King of Glory are almost equivalent to having no defense. All the damage Zhang Yi dealt is real damage.

When he put away the Silver Moon Bow and was about to clean up the spoils, he suddenly heard a voice from a casual player nearby:"Everyone, check the regional channel, King of Glory has spoken again!"

Zhang Yi also opened the regional chat interface casually, and sure enough, he saw King of Glory madly refreshing the screen.——

"Yinuo Qingcheng, you bastard, you have killed me twice. Give me the Silver Moon Bow back, otherwise I will never let you go and make you crawl in the Apocalypse World from now on!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng, return the Silver Moon Bow to me, and I will give you a chance to reform!"

""The guy next door, Yinuo Qingcheng, is he dead?"

Looking at the disgusting abuse in the chat channel, Zhang Yi was not angry, but rather a little amused.

So, Zhang Yi finally spoke in the chat channel and attached the illustration of [Silver Moon Bow]——

【Yinuo Qingcheng] (Male, Level 9 Player):"Thank you for the weapon, I have tried it and it is very useful [Silver Moon Bow】"

As Yinuo Qingcheng attached the Silver Moon Bow's illustration to the message and sent it out, the chat channel in area 886 suddenly exploded.

【Yuwangqimiao] (Male, Level 7 Player):"Oh shit! A 2-star, Level 8 weapon with a 25-strength upgrade. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit……"

【Please don't give it away] (Male, Level 8 player):"I've made a fortune! This bow is a magical item in the early stages. I say it's worth at least 100,000 yuan, right?"

【Mo Yan] (Male, Level 8 Player):"@Yinuoqingcheng: Brother, I want to buy your weapon, you can name any price!"

【Xiao Daibi] (female, level 6 player):"This bow has a very high attack power. Brother Qingcheng, give it to me. Can I be your girlfriend? We can meet in person!""


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