A level 14 warrior and a level 14 assassin, this pair of identical twin brothers, Du Bu Ling Yun and Du Bu Tian Xia, quickly approached Zhang Yi.

The level 14 magician Happy Fat House, who was casting a spell in the back, looked at Zhang Yi as if he was looking at a dead man, as if in his eyes, Zhang Yi, who was just a useless level 13 beastmaster, was already a corpse.

Not only the three of them looked at him this way, because they were on the main road, there were also many passers-by players around, who saw this 1v3 battle and cast their eyes on Zhang Yi... like looking at a dead man.

Because Zhang Yi hid his ID, almost all the passers-by players around him did not recognize Zhang Yi.

Passer-by A:"Although I don't know what the grudge is, one against three, and the one who was beaten is still the beastmaster with the lowest attribute growth in the whole apocalypse and the most fragile. He is dead, no suspense."

Passer-by B:"Of course, it has nothing to do with the profession. Even if you change your profession, you can't beat one against three~"

The discussion of passers-by made Happy Fat House even more proud.

"Even if you start with god-level talent, you are still such a rubbish, with such a low level, and you actually chose such a useless profession. It's such a waste of a god-level talent!"

"I was so excited. I even informed the boss to deal with a piece of trash like you. It was totally unnecessary." Looking at Zhang Yi standing there motionless, the happy fat man couldn't help but sneered:"Are you scared so quickly? You are such a coward!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Happy Fat House waved his staff and"boom" a fireball spell blasted towards Zhang Yi, who was more than 30 meters away and within his attack range.

The fireball passed over the heads of Du Bu Lingyun and Du Bu Tianxia, arrived first, landed on Zhang Yi's chest, and caused more than 80 points of damage on his head!

The damage is not bad, it seems that he is a full intelligence point, a pure burst type mage.

Zhang Yi's current 60 points of magic defense can no longer withstand the damage of any mage player above level 10, but compared to ordinary players, such defense is already very high. Happy Fat House was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that his fireball spell only caused such a little damage. He expected the damage to be at least more than three digits.

After being attacked by Happy Fat House, Zhang Yi still stood in the same place, waiting for Du Bu Tianxia and Du Bu Lingyun to approach, and attacked Zhang Yi with [Charge Slash] and [Assassination] respectively.——

"Ding~ You were attacked by the player [Du Bu Ling Yun] and lost 41 health points! The opponent has been grayed out!"

"Ding~ You were attacked by the player [Du Bu Tian Xia], and lost 59 health points! The opponent has been grayed out!"

Looking at the blood bar above Zhang Yi's head, the three opponents' round of attack only knocked off one-third of his health!

Du Bu Lingyun and Du Bu Tian Xia, who were standing in front of Zhang Yi, looked at each other and said,"This guy has such a high defense!"

In the eyes of Du Bu Lingyun and the others, they were 100% sure that they could kill this level 13 beastmaster in a round of concentrated fire. Such a result was beyond imagination.

Indeed, even though Zhang Yi was not satisfied with his current 67 points of physical defense, he had to admit that his defense was comparable to that of a knight of the same level.

You know, Zhang Yi's profession is the most fragile of the seven professions of Apocalypse, and the basic endurance growth is only 7 stars of the beastmaster. This is the most shocking thing!

This is before reaching level 14 and not equipped with [Magician Pants]. If equipped with Magician Pants I was afraid that the three attacks I had just received could only cause 1 point of mandatory damage to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi, who was standing there waiting to be hit, saw that the IDs of the three opponents all turned gray, and then he slowly took out the flame staff. At the same time, a hint of murderous intent suddenly bloomed in his originally calm eyes, making Du Bu Lingyun and Du Bu Tian Xia feel an inexplicable fear!

Locking on the assassin Du Bu Tian Xia, Zhang Yi took a step back to increase the distance, while swinging the flame staff, a general attack ball bombarded Du Bu Tian Xia's chest, and with the 17-point agility attribute, he used another general attack to cause a second combo on him.——



Two super high damages of more than 200 points jumped out from Du Bu Tian Xia's head, accumulating 400 damages, which undoubtedly killed Du Bu Tian Xia, a level 14 assassin, instantly.

The soldier Du Bu Ling Yun beside him was stunned when he saw his brother being killed instantly. Zhang Yi was not polite at all. He took advantage of Du Bu Ling Yun's daze and used [Fireball] to bombard Du Bu Ling Yun, instantly hitting a damage on his head that almost scared the fat magician behind him, Happy Fat House.——

-734 Critical Hit!

Except for the Knight, no other professional player's health value can exceed 600 points at around level 14.

Therefore, there is no suspense.

Without even the chance to trigger the [Burning] of the [Flame Staff] talent, Du Bu Lingyun was killed instantly by Zhang Yi!

Even with ordinary attacks, Du Bu Lingyun and his team could not withstand the damage brought by Zhang Yi's 249 attack points.

With the 20% skill damage deepened by [Fireball] and [Skill Enhancement], plus the bonus of [Lucky Hit], Zhang Yi's fireball with a 180% damage coefficient just now has a record-breaking damage.

Wow - two consecutive white lights lit up, and as Du Bu Tianxia and Du Bu Lingyun were killed instantly by Zhang Yi without any resistance, potions, silver coins and two pieces of equipment exploded all over the ground, and then turned into white light and flew away. The happy fat house in the back was so scared that he quickly stepped back a few steps, his face full of disbelief.

"How could a beastmaster have such high damage! How is this possible!"

You are kidding, Zhang Yi is a super beastmaster who has all intelligence points added, and his intelligence growth is as high as 14 stars, which is more violent than a mage!

Although his level is only���At level 13, with the bonus of a set of enhanced level 25 divine equipment, Zhang Yi's strength has already reached the level of a level 20 player.

After killing two people in a row, Zhang Yi turned his attention to the only remaining Happy Fat House and said,"Do you know who I am?"

Happy Fat House swallowed his saliva and subconsciously looked above Zhang Yi's head, only to find that the other party had hidden his ID.

At this time, Zhang Yi opened the settings and displayed the ID above his head -

Level 13 First-level Beast Tamer Yinuo Qingcheng!

Yinuo Qingcheng!

Seeing this name that has appeared countless times in the regional chat channel and the regional system announcement since last night, not only Happy Fat House, but even the passers-by who were watching the excitement around were stunned.

"Oh my god! This hidden guy turned out to be Yinuo Qingcheng, who triggered the system announcement twice in a row, killed the captain of King of Glory twice, and was called out by the entire King of Glory area?!"

Happy Fat House was shocked:"Yi... Yinuo Qingcheng!"

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