There were many players of King's World guarding the resurrection fountain. Their levels had all dropped to around level 10. With many high-level equipment unusable and automatically removed, their attributes had been greatly reduced. They could no longer pose any threat to Zhang Yi.

Therefore, they could only watch their captain, King's World, being killed by Zhang Yi again and again, and then resurrected from the resurrection fountain again and again.……

"Yinuo Qingcheng, if you dare to kill me again, I will have plenty of opportunities to take revenge on you in the future!"


Just as Wang Zhaojun finished speaking, he was killed by Zhang Yi again.

Three seconds later, Wang Zhaojun was resurrected in the resurrection fountain, with only a pair of shorts left on his body, and his face was hideous.

"A promise to the city, lying……"


Honor of Kings is down again

"A promise that conquers the world!"


"elder brother!"





The players of the surrounding King's World turned their heads away, unable to bear to look directly at him.

Until ten o'clock, the regional announcement came from the sky.——

"Ding~ Players, please note that the system protection effect has expired. From now on, the safe zone will return to normal!"

Just then, a fireball from Zhang Yi hit the King of Glory who had just been resurrected, and the damage was directly immune.

Suddenly, King of Glory seemed to have the capital to be arrogant again. He walked out of the resurrection fountain with a swagger, stood in front of Zhang Yi with his big pants, looked at Zhang Yi arrogantly and said,"Come and kill me! Kill me again if you dare!"

Zhang Yi put down his staff, looked at King of Glory expressionlessly and said,"If you have the ability, you can hide in the safe zone for the rest of your life. Don't go out. Otherwise, I will kill you every time I see you." After a pause

, Zhang Yi continued,"You should only have one resurrection chance left that the system rewarded just now, right?"

King of Glory was stunned and dared not speak for a moment.

Zhang Yi inadvertently swept his eyes over the players of the King's World around him, scaring the group of players who had died at least 10 times at Zhang Yi's hands, and they all stepped back involuntarily.

"Remember what I said, the game has just begun."

Leaving only this sentence, Zhang Yi turned around and left.

The group of players who were left in the King's World were all terrified.

The King of Glory, who was killed to level 1 by Zhang Yi, stared at Zhang Yi's gradually leaving back with gnashing teeth and said:"One day, I will make you pay a hundred times the price! Yinuo Qingcheng, as long as I'm not dead, I will never let you go!"

At this time, the level 12 assassin King Supreme on the side hurriedly said:"Captain, otherwise we'd better not provoke this Yinuo Qingcheng, this guy is too fucking scary!"

"Damn you! He killed me and got me down to level 1, how can I just let this go like this!" King of Glory kicked the Supreme King and shouted,"Take off your pants and let me wear them!"

"I just bought these pants at the store, they are level 10, you can't wear them.……"


On the other side, Zhang Yi, who had just finished a fight that lasted for more than three hours, felt in a good mood. Feeling a little hungry, he entered a restaurant on the street.

The bowl of beef noodles he had before the battle was completely useless and had been digested by now.

So Zhang Yi ordered a mutton hot pot in the restaurant, plus a bottle of wine. At Zhang Yi's level of 23, he spent a total of 1.8 gold coins!

The first kill of the BOSS achievement reward was 100 gold, plus the whole area reward of 3 gold, and more than 120 gold coins from the Skeleton King. Now Zhang Yi's total assets have reached 227 gold!

So a dinner of nearly 2 gold coins is nothing for Zhang Yi, who is a local tyrant.

As soon as he sat down in the restaurant, Zhang Yi's appearance immediately caused a heated discussion among other players who were eating around him.

Player A:"Look, isn't that Yinuo Qingcheng? He slaughtered the entire King's World tonight, and it is said that he even killed the captain of King's World, King Wang, back to level 1!"

Player B:"Yeah, too invincible, this is a real boss, so awesome! He is the glory of our 886 District!"

Player C:"But it seems that the Storm Family and King's World suffered heavy losses tonight, even Storm Angel dropped to level 15, and he was the second on the Heavenly Ranking before! The average level of the two teams has dropped to level 12 or 13, which is terrible.……"

Player D:"Isn't this a good thing? It saves the king from bullying others. Now let's see how they can bully others!"

The discussions of the casual players around him did not affect Zhang Yi's eating hot pot.

While eating mutton hot pot, Zhang Yi had the opportunity to check the income tonight.

He opened his backpack, which was full of Skeleton King's explosions and system rewards. Each one was priceless!

Zhang Yi counted them. There were

3 two-star treasure chests, 1 three-star treasure chest, and 1 five-star treasure chest.

Three skill books, four pieces of equipment, and I was too lazy to count the strengthening stones. Five first-level energy crystals exploded directly!

Together with the 3 collected before, Zhang Yi now has 8 first-level energy crystals on him, which is only 2 short of the task requirement!

Put the treasure chest aside first, because Zhang Yi's keys are all two-star, and he didn't think he would get a three-star treasure chest so soon, or even a five-star one!

Looking at the four pieces of equipment exploded by the Skeleton King, he was surprised to find that they were all three-star quality magic equipment!

Level 22 3-star Archer Weapon: Golden Bow of the Dead.

Level 20 3-star Warrior Knight Clothes: Skeleton King Armor.

Level 22 3-star Mage Boots: Grim Reaper Boots.

Level 21 3-star Assassin Ring: Skeleton King Battle Ring.

All four pieces of equipment are the best of the best at this stage. If any one of them is enhanced to level 25, it can turn an ordinary player into a top player instantly!

However, of the four pieces of equipment, Zhang Yi can only use���One piece——

【[Grim Reaper's Boots]:

Quality: 3 stars

Level: 22

Physical Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 55

Additional Attributes: Agility 12

Additional Attributes: Agility 10

Occupation: Magician, Beast Tamer

Description: The Grim Reaper's Boots retain the powerful consciousness of the God of Death, the Golden Skeleton King. This pair of boots is infused with the power of the God of Death and can bring the protection of the God of Death to the wearer...


Double agility added, it can be called the best of the best.

Because speed has always been a weakness of the mage, the 35 points of agility brought by the previous streamer staff brought Zhang Yi much maneuverability. It can be said that tonight, he can shuttle freely among so many players in the world of kings, all thanks to these 35 points of agility.

And this pair of Grim Reaper's Boots adds double agility. After identification and enhanced growth, it can bring at least nearly 100 points of agility attributes cumulatively!

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