[Extreme Upgrade] (Nightmare-level survival mission):

Description: You need to upgrade your level by 5 or more from now until the end of this week.

Mission reward: 1 resurrection chance (if your cumulative resurrection chance reaches 5 times when completing the mission, this reward will be automatically converted into other rewards of equal value)

Failure penalty: Death

This survival mission is more beneficial for players with lower levels, because it is easier to upgrade at a lower level.

With Zhang Yi's current level of 23, upgrading has become very difficult. Even if he is playing alone on a level 25 map, from this morning to now, including the mission rewards, he has only increased his experience bar to 95%.

It's a bit of a pity. It would be great if this mission was spawned before fighting the Skeleton King, because after killing the Skeleton King, plus various rewards, Zhang Yi would have upgraded by 5 levels, just enough to complete the mission.

But today is only Wednesday, and there are still four days without counting today. Even if he upgrades by 1 level a day, it is enough to complete this mission.

And Zhang Yi's goal is to reach level 30 within this week.

The mission reward that Zhang Yi was quite satisfied with was a piece of Undead suit, a level 23, 2-star [Undead Necklace].

Level 23 was just right for him to equip.

So, he took out 25 level 2 strengthening stones from his bag without hesitation and started a wave of god-level strengthening.——



"Ding~ Strengthening is successful. Congratulations! Your equipment [Necklace of the Dead] has reached a strengthening level of 25, and the exclusive talent [Energy Attack] has been unlocked.】!"

Energy Attack: Passive talent. Every time the wearer launches a normal attack or skill attack, an additional 8% of the maximum energy value will be dealt.

This talent is amazing. Even if Zhang Yi's energy limit of 795 points before he equipped the [Necklace of the Undead] is calculated, [Energy Attack] can increase Zhang Yi's damage by 64 points for each attack! It is more cost-effective than [Advanced Severe Injury]!

But it is a pity that the [Skill Enhancement] talent of the [Chain of Eternity] that Zhang Yi is currently equipped with is also very powerful and can increase skill damage by 20%! What a pity for this top-notch talent!

Therefore, the [Chain of Eternity] was replaced with the [Necklace of the Undead].】

"Ding~ Congratulations, you have activated the two-piece [Undead Set] (Mage Set), and gained the set bonus: Casting Speed 5%!"

After equipping the [Necklace of the Dead], he opened the status bar and saw that the upper limit of the energy value had reached 900, which meant that [Energy Attack] could bring Zhang Yi a single 72 damage bonus!

This was the second 2-star Mage Undead Set equipment Zhang Yi had obtained since he had been in the City of the Dead map, because in addition to the mission rewards, the ordinary skeletons and undead that he had brushed on the first and second floors of the City of the Dead, even if they were suits, were 1-star.

Zhang Yi knew that only the skeletons and undead of level 26-30 on the third floor could drop 2-star undead equipment.

After brushing in the City of the Dead for so long, Zhang Yi's sin value had long been cleared and his white name was restored.

After using the scroll to return to Hope Town, Zhang Yi, who was very hungry, went to the restaurant to have lunch, replenished his hunger to the full value, and then went to the auction house.

He was surprised to find that the three 3-star equipment that the Skeleton King had dropped had auction prices of 170 gold, 180 gold, and 250 gold respectively!

In addition, all the other 2-star direct-sale equipment has been bought by players. Excluding the 5% handling fee charged by the system, Zhang Yi obtained a total of 25 gold coins!

The three pieces of equipment all showed the ID of the highest bidder. What surprised Zhang Yi was that the bidders for the three pieces of equipment were all King of Glory!

After this BOSS battle, although the level of King of Glory dropped to a mess, King of Glory was killed back to level 1 by Zhang Yi. It must be said that King of Glory is also the biggest profit.

Because the system rewarded 3 gold coins to each player in Zone 886, King of Glory has a total of 1,000 players, and has a huge amount of 3,000 gold coins! And these assets can be mobilized by King of Glory.

This is the capital of King of Glory to bid for these three pieces of equipment at such a high price.

So Zhang Yi adjusted the time of this equipment auction, changing the original 24 hours to 12 hours, so that the system fee will be reduced by half after the auction.

Because Zhang Yi knew that no one could afford a higher price than this. The Storm Family was not the kind of people who could be so generous, because they had suffered heavy losses this time. The gold coins rewarded by the system should be used to upgrade the entire team. Spending them on these three pieces of equipment would mean cutting off the retreat of their entire team.

As for the fact that these three pieces of equipment eventually fell into the hands of the King's World, Zhang Yi was not worried at all that they would become powerful again with these three-star equipment, because Zhang Yi had an evil plan...

As Zhang Yi adjusted the auction time.

In the wild, on a level 12 wild area map, King of Glory, who had spent most of the day with the help of his teammates to finally upgrade from level 1 to level 11, suddenly received a system prompt——

"Ding~ The equipment you bid on at the auction house [Golden Bow of the Dead]】、【Skeleton King Armor】、【[Skeleton King Battle Ring] The auction time has been changed by the seller: the auction end time is changed from 8 am tomorrow to 8 pm tonight. If there is no higher bidder before 8 pm tonight, the equipment will be automatically sent to your backpack by the system, and the corresponding gold coins will be deducted from you!"

""Shit! I was so scared, I thought someone raised the price again!"

The system's prompt scared King of Glory.

"But why did that guy change the bidding time?"The Supreme King wondered.

The King of Glory disagreed:"Who cares? It's better this way. I can get those equipment earlier!"

At this time, the 15th-level Knight King returned and said:"But it is said that the seller of these equipment is Yinuo Qingcheng, and these equipment were dropped by the Skeleton King."

"No matter who it belongs to, once I buy it, it’s mine. A hero doesn’t ask where he comes from, and a magical piece of equipment doesn’t ask where it comes from!"

"Captain, you are so eloquent!" The Supreme King clapped his hands, as if he suddenly thought of something, and said to King of Glory:"By the way, Captain, I heard from the brothers in the team that many of them were attacked by Yinuo Qingcheng in the wild today!"

"That Yinuo Qingcheng, if he meets anyone from our King's World outside, he will just start killing them!"

"Having taken the first kill of the BOSS, he is becoming more and more arrogant!"

"When I get that 3-star weapon, the Golden Bow of the Dead, I will go and avenge him!" King of Glory gnashed his teeth and said,"Yinuo Qingcheng, I want you to experience the feeling of being killed to level 0!"

As soon as the words fell, King of Glory said,"Captain, the lowest level in this game is level 1, there is no level 0……"

"Damn it, stop talking!" King of Glory kicked King Return and said,"Send someone to the auction house to keep an eye on that guy Storm Piece of Shit to prevent him from bidding at the last minute!"

"Apart from him, I am not afraid of anyone else. No one can afford a higher price than me. This Golden Bow of the Dead must be mine!"

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