Darkness enveloped the earth, and the breath of death filled the air. Zhang Yi, who stepped out of the safe zone through the light curtain, felt as if he had instantly gone from heaven to hell.

Looking around, countless 1-5 level bizarre biochemical monsters were running through the smoke-filled ruins of the city, and crows were flying around overhead.

Zhang Yi was fearless, and he stepped directly into the herd with a big hammer in his hand.

""Roar, roar!"

As Zhang Yi stepped into the hatred range of those monsters, low-level biochemical beasts flew towards Zhang Yi one after another amidst the roars.

Zhang Yi swung the big iron hammer, and it danced wildly.

Bang, bang, bang!




-94 critical hits!


"Ding~ You killed a level 3 [Biochemical Cockroach], experience value 6!"

"Ding~ You killed a level 2 [Biochemical Rat], experience value 2!"


One by one, the biochemical monsters were transformed into little experience points and collected by Zhang Yi.

In Zhang Yi's hands, monsters of level 1-4 are nothing more than 2-4 hammers. Now the only monster that can pose a threat to Zhang Yi is the level 5 monster.

The attack power of the level 5 biochemical monster has reached 25 points. It will cause 18 points of damage to Zhang Yi once it hits him. In addition, the health value reaches 240. In the case of no critical hit, Zhang Yi needs 6 hammers to kill one.

Almost every time he kills a level 5 biochemical monster, Zhang Yi has to consume a bottle of red potion to make up for the loss.

However, the profit of level 5 monsters is also the highest. A level 5 monster can bring Zhang Yi a full 20 experience points! 1 copper coin is guaranteed, and if you are lucky, you can get up to 3 copper coins!

Just as Zhang Yi was rushing out of the safe zone, he met many players who were rushing to the safe zone on the way.

Those players who had fought their way here from the birth point were all surprised to see Zhang Yi rushing out of the safe zone in the opposite direction, until they saw the white ID floating above Zhang Yi's head - Yinuo Qingcheng!

"Damn, isn't that guy the first player to arrive in the safe zone in the system area announcement just now? ?"

"Yinuo Qingcheng...Yes, it is this ID!"

"My goodness, he even changed his weapons. We haven’t even reached the safe zone yet and he’s already killing people outside!"

"Let's hurry into the safe zone. I saw in the game manual on the Tianqi official website that there is a limited number of tasks in the game every day. If we go too late, we won't even have a chance to eat chicken butts!"

So, a large number of players passed by Zhang Yi and rushed to Hope Town.

In their opinion, even if this"Yinuo Qingcheng" was the first person to arrive in the safe zone, he would die if he went out to fight alone.

At this moment, a scream came from the front.

Looking ahead, I saw that not far in front of Zhang Yi, a girl in a vest and hot pants was pressed under the feet of a level 5 [Biochemical Spider]. The half-grid health bar on her head dropped directly to a quarter after being bitten by the biochemical spider!


""Don't be afraid, girl. I'm here to save you!"

Seeing the beautiful girl in distress, a young man rushed towards the spider with a novice sword.

Unexpectedly, before he could get close to the spider, he was attacked by the spider. A 44-point critical hit triggered the [Poisoning] talent, and with the 3-point poison damage per second, the young man was killed in a blink of an eye.

""Ah!" screamed, and the young man who saved the beauty turned into white light and disappeared.

The level 5 biochemical spider continued to approach the low-health girl.

When the other players around saw that it was a level 5 monster, and they just saw the scene where the biochemical spider's horrible damage directly killed a player, they were so scared that they didn't dare to go up.

After all, in their eyes, although this is just a game, once they die, they have to return to the birth point to revive. They have finally fought their way here, and they are about to enter the safe zone. No one wants to let all their efforts go to waste because of a girl who is a stranger and looks a little pretty at most.

Just when the girl was about to be eaten by the big spider, Zhang Yi approached with a big hammer.

Seeing this, the people around sighed with disdain.

"Hey, this kid thought he was great because he was the first to enter the safe zone, got some rewards, and changed his weapons, so he wanted to be a hero and save the damsel in distress!"

""Just wait and see him get killed in seconds. Just take out the hammer in your hand. The hammer's attack power is definitely higher than the novice sword!"

So, the surrounding players all looked at Zhang Yi who was approaching the biochemical spider and the girl with a look of interest.

As soon as Zhang Yi approached, the biochemical spider sensed the danger and immediately turned around and pounced on Zhang Yi.

With a"bang" from the bottom up, the biochemical spider was smashed away, and a golden critical damage jumped from the biochemical spider's head.——


Just as the surrounding players gasped, Zhang Yi quickly approached and hit the spider with two consecutive hammers, dealing two 47 points of damage, killing the level 5 biochemical spider that was not at full health.

This scene shocked all the players who were originally looking forward to watching the show.

Player A:"My god...what kind of damage is this!"

Player B:"Damn, the hammer in his hand, is it a magic weapon!"

Player C:"I can't even deal as much damage as his hammer with ten swords……"


While everyone was astonished, Zhang Yi had already picked up the loot of 2 copper coins and left quietly.

Following the map instructions, it took more than ten minutes to kill all the way from Hope Town to [Doomsday Factory]. The experience points contributed by the low-level wild monsters on the road made Zhang Yi's experience bar reach 70%, and he was about to reach level 3!

In sight, it was an abandoned chemical processing plant located in the wilderness. The surrounding area was already overgrown with weeds. The factory's chimney was covered with vines. The whole factory looked dead and dangerous.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid that if they played this kind of doomsday survival game for the first time, they would not even have the courage to approach this factory without a team. However, Zhang Yi did not hesitate and dragged a big hammer directly into the factory.

In the factory, cans and barrels loaded with chemical agents were seen lying on the ground everywhere, garbage and paper scraps were everywhere, and it was a mess. There were also many rotten and smelly corpses of NPC workers scattered throughout.

In addition, there were many black beetle-like six-legged bugs gnawing on the corpses, making creepy chewing sounds.

These big bugs were exactly what Zhang Yi was looking for— man-eating bugs!

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