King of Glory was immediately startled and quickly sent a message back:"Where is she? Are you sure it's her?"

"OK, although she has hidden her ID, but when I was in the City of the Dead before, I saw with my own eyes that the person Yinuo Qingcheng risked her life to protect was her!"

The other party did not immediately inform King of Glory, but continued to ask:"Brother Yao, does what you said in the regional channel before count?"

"OK." King of Glory replied:"Tell me the location, and when I find her, I'll give you 200 gold coins."

""Okay, I believe you, Brother Yao." As he said that, the level 22 archer player named [Liang Shanbo] sent a location.

King of Glory was a little excited and said,"Brother, you continue to follow her closely, remember to give me the real-time location, I will come to find you right away!"

Liang Shanbo:"No problem (OK)!"

After the conversation, King of Glory immediately clicked on the location sent by Liang Shanbo, unfolded the map and found that he was in the wild at the moment, and it seemed that there was still a long way to go from the safe zone!

Without further ado, King of Glory did not hesitate and immediately rushed over with a group of people.

Just as the people of King's World hurriedly ran out, this scene happened to be seen by the Storm Family players who were wandering in the safe zone.

Looking at King of Glory and them who hurried out of the safe zone, the Storm Dragon King was a little puzzled and said,"What are the people of King's World doing? Why do they feel sneaky~"

The Storm Angel pondered for a while:"It seems that they rushed out after receiving some information~"

"Could it be that their people found an elite monster or a lord monster in the wild?"

After a pause, the Storm Angel said,"Let's go, we'll follow them. As long as it's beneficial, we can't let them take it all!"


In the wild, on a city road that looks like a ruin, a priest girl wearing a light blue magic dress and hiding her ID on her head is walking slowly alone.

This priest girl is Han Yarou.

Staring blankly at the front, Han Yarou seems to have lost her soul, walking weakly on the road. Her stunning appearance and otherworldly temperament have attracted the attention of many passing casual players.

Passerby A:"Look, that girl is so beautiful! How can she walk alone on the road at night, and not be afraid of being stared at by a pervert!"

Passerby B:"She is so beautiful! Hey, should we go over and chat with her?"

Passerby C:"I think we should forget it. We should have some self-knowledge. How can such a top-notch girl like us? Unless we are a powerful boss like King of Glory, or a powerful person like Yinuo Qingcheng, the number one god on the heavenly list, we will have a chance to get the favor of such a girl!"

Han Yarou ignored the comments of passers-by. At this moment,"Ding Dong" a friend message sounded——

"Player [Yinuo Qingcheng] applied to add you as a friend through ID search!"

Looking at this friend message that has been ticked more than a dozen times today, Han Yarou reluctantly pressed the rejection button again.

"Han Yarou, he doesn't love you anymore, can't you see it? All he has for you is sympathy!"

Han Yarou cried and said to herself:"I am now the number one god on the Heavenly Ranking, what are you? You are just a burden, you can do nothing but drag me down, so leave it at that, Han Yarou, from now on, don't bother him again……"

Han Yarou was crying and walking in an incomprehensible direction in a daze.

A few dozen meters behind her, in the darkness, there was always a man following quietly.

There was a white ID above the man's head -

22nd-level archer Liang Shanbo!

Following Han Yarou all the way, he unexpectedly came to the junction of Area 886 and Area 885!

Seeing Han Yarou actually stepped into the territory of Area 885 without hesitation through the light curtain at the junction, the archer brother Liang Shanbo who was following behind was stunned.

He immediately sent a message to King of Glory:"Brother Yao, she has entered the territory of Area 885, what should I do, should I follow her in?"

"What is she doing in Area 885?" King of Glory immediately replied:"Follow, keep following, give me another location, I'm almost there!"

"But due to regional restrictions, if I go to Area 885, my identity will be exposed, and my attributes will be suppressed. Areas 885 and 886 are at the forefront of the [Energy City] dungeon. I am afraid that if I go to their areas at this time,……"

"What are you afraid of? You have no chance of resurrection?"

Liang Shanbo said anxiously,"There is still a chance of resurrection, but……"

"Isn't that enough? If you are killed by their people, I will mobilize the entire King's World to avenge you, and compensate you for your loss with an additional 100 gold coins!"

The words of King's Glory instantly made Liang Shanbo full of confidence:"Okay, Brother Yao, I will continue to follow her!"

After that, Liang Shanbo also stepped forward quickly and caught up with Han Yarou.

Here, Han Yarou had just passed the white light curtain representing the regional boundary and came to another city ruins with a damage degree of more than 80% and full of biochemical beasts.

At this moment, a system prompt fell into Han Yarou's ears.——

"Ding~Please note that you have entered an area that is not yours, Area 885. You will be suppressed in this area: all attributes -30%, and your ID cannot be hidden, and you will be forced to be given a red area mark! The area barrier enters a ten-minute cooldown period. After ten minutes, you can pass through the barrier and return to Area 886!"

As the system prompt fell, Han Yarou's originally empty head showed an ID -

Area 886/Level 19 Priest Yarou!

In addition to the normal ID displayed in white, the additional"Area 886" area logo is red, which looks more conspicuous!

At the junction of the two areas, the nearby ruins are full of advanced biochemical monsters around level 22. Han Yarou's level is too low, and she is suppressed by 30%. Being alone, she dare not move forward and stopped here.

Opening the friend list, Han Yarou looked at the only friend in the list at the moment and sent him a message:"Cousin, I'm here, where are you?"

"Ding Dong~"

The other party replied after a minute:"I was just killing monsters and didn't see the message. Sorry, Yarou"


"Have you arrived yet? Send me your location, and don't go anywhere else, just wait for me, and I'll come find you right away."

""Okay." Han Yarou immediately sent her current location to the friend she called"cousin".

Then, she closed the friend interface. Suddenly, a cold wind blew. Han Yarou held her shoulders with both hands and felt a little chilly.

At this moment, several players from Area 885 who were leveling up in the wild area ahead seemed to notice Han Yarou and suddenly walked towards her!

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