Wow -

Liang Shanbo, who was hiding behind a stone slab not far away, was stunned when he saw two white lights in front of Han Yarou.

Against the Sky and Decisive Battle of Galaxy were two level 22 players with very good equipment! In the hands of that Ao Shi Qun Xiong, they didn't even last for 1 second and were both killed instantly!

The most terrifying thing is the attack speed of Ao Shi Qun Xiong, ten consecutive shots in one second? This guy must have turned on the attack speed!

On the field, after killing the three players effortlessly, Ao Shi Qun Xiong, whose ID above his head had turned crimson, came in front of Han Yarou.

Ao Shi Qun Xiong disdained the things that fell on the ground, and his attention was focused on Han Yarou.

"Yarou, I'm sorry I'm late. Are you okay? Did they bully you?"

"No." Han Yarou shook her head and looked at Ao Shi Qun Xiong with some gratitude:"Cousin, thank you for saving me."

Ao Shi Qun Xiong smiled and said,"You're welcome. It's only natural for me to protect you.""

"It’s just that these guys who don’t know how to live or die, actually dared to bully my cousin, they are simply courting death!"As he spoke, a strong murderous look suddenly emerged in Ao Shi Qun Xiong's eyes.

Seeing Han Yarou remained silent, he thought that his excessive emotions had frightened Han Yarou, and Ao Shi Qun Xiong immediately regained his composure:"Yarou, I'm so happy that you can find me."

"Sorry to bother you, cousin."Han Yarou said with some shame:"My brother and Haozi are all dead, I... I really have nowhere to go."

Thinking of her brother Han Feng, Han Yarou's eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Hearing this, Ao Shi Qun Xiong couldn't help but get angry:"Who killed your brother? Yarou, tell me, I'll help your brother get revenge!"

Han Yarou shook her head, and then said:"Cousin, can I transfer to your 885 area for a while? I'll go back to our 886 area in a few days."

In fact, Han Yarou came to the 885 area just to escape Zhang Yi.

Hearing what Han Yarou said, Ao Shi Qun Xiong seemed a little happy:"Of course you can, you can stay in our 885 area as long as you want, don't worry, I'm here, no one in the 885 area will dare to bully you in the future!"

"Thank you, cousin." Han Yarou showed a grateful smile, and then asked in some disbelief:"By the, how come you are so awesome? Those three people were killed by you in one second!"

Han Yarou's praise made Ao Shi Qun Xiong excited:"Yaro, I'll take you back to the safe zone first, and we can talk slowly on the way."

Han Yarou nodded:"Okay."

So, Ao Shi Qun Xiong took Han Yarou away.

Liang Shanbo, who was hiding aside, became anxious. He was about to open his friend list to contact King of Glory, when a group of players suddenly broke into the barrier of the area behind!

Looking around, he found that it was the seven or eight players of King of the World, and King of Glory was also there!

Liang Shanbo hurried to meet up with King of Glory

"Brother Yao, you are finally here!"

"Where are they?" King of Glory looked around, and when he saw the spoils of war falling on the ground not far ahead, he was immediately surprised and said,"Didn't I ask you to protect her? She was still blown up?!"

""No, Brother Yao," Liang Shanbo said,"These are the players who bullied her and then they died! I just sent you a message and was about to go up and hold them back, but an archer came out of nowhere and killed all three of them in one second! Then he took Yarou away too.""

"What?" King of Glory was surprised and asked,"Was it coerced?"

"No, I just heard Yarou calling the archer her cousin, and she came here just to find the archer."

"Cousin? One against three, is that so powerful?"

Liang Shanbo was still frightened:"Yes, I feel that his strength is on the same level as the great god Yinuo Qingcheng in our district. You didn't see his attack speed just now, it was like his hand was twitching, and the damage was also very high, which shocked me!"

King of Glory didn't care about this question:"Which direction did they go?"

"Over there." Liang Shanbo pointed to the direction where Ao Shi Qun Xiong and Han Yarou had just left, and then said to King of Glory:"Brother Yao, my mission has been completed, so... the 200 gold coins agreed upon before~"

Unexpectedly, King of Glory actually took out a full 200 gold coins from his bag and traded them to Liang Shanbo, and then led several people from the King's World behind him and rushed to the direction of Liang Shanbo's finger.

Seeing this, Liang Shanbo hurriedly shouted to King of Glory:"Brother Yao, that archer is too powerful, you guys can't beat him even if you go! Don't go!"

King of Glory ignored Liang Shanbo and continued to chase Ao Shi Qun Xiong.

Liang Shanbo shook his head:"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer the consequences."

After saying this, he was about to leave Area 885 and return to his own area when a large group of players suddenly broke into the barrier of the area ahead...

The Storm Family!

Liang Shanbo was bewildered when he met the Storm Angels and the others.

What was going on? Were the people from King of Glory and the Storm Family planning to snatch Yinuo Qingcheng's wife from him?

The Storm Angel, who had just run over, looked around and asked Liang Shanbo directly,"Where is King of Glory?"

Because he had just seen the people from King of Glory come in with his own eyes, Liang Shanbo definitely knew where they had gone.

He didn't dare to offend King of Glory, but Liang Shanbo also didn't dare to offend the people from the Storm Family, so he pointed in the direction where King of Glory and the others had just left and said,"Over there.……"

Without saying a word, Storm Angel immediately led his men to chase after him!

Here, Ao Shi Qun Xiong, who was taking Han Yarou to the 885th safe zone, said to Han Yarou who was silent beside him:"Yarou, don't worry, from now on, I am here, no one can bully you!"

Han Yarou, who seemed to be thinking about something, was pulled back to her thoughts. She glanced at Ao Shi Qun Xiong and said with a smile:"Thank you

, cousin." Ao Shi Qun Xiong deliberately showed off his strength in front of Han Yarou:"I am now the number one in the 885th zone, and I have a top team of 2,000 people, the Ao Shi family. In the entire 885th zone, no one is my opponent. Everyone who sees me has to give way to me."

After showing off his achievements, Ao Shi Qun Xiong looked at Han Yarou with a proud face. He thought that Han Yarou would look at him with admiration at this moment, but he didn't expect Han Yarou to lower her head and think about her own things. It seems that she didn't hear a word he said just now! Ao

Shi Qun Xiong was a little embarrassed and didn't speak again.

The two of them were silent for a while, and Ao Shi Qun Xiong suddenly turned around and hugged Han Yarou

"Yarou, stay with me, let me protect you from now on!"

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