Ye Yang couldn’t describe Medusa in words what Medusa looked like at this time.

The huddled appearance makes people can’t help but feel pity and conquest just by looking at it.

Under the colorful gauze, the jade skin that was addictive appeared in front of him.

Around her, countless enchanting bits of starlight surrounded her body.

Not often.

Medusa, who had completely completed her human form, slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

Flashing shimmering eyelashes.

Eyes as clear as jewels.

Like a fairy…

Just curling up there so quietly can make people feel bloody!



Gently tiptoeing on her toes, Medusa seemed to have the ability to float.

It’s just that she can only get a few centimeters from the ground.

Gently floating to Ye Yang’s side, Medusa opened her mouth and said softly.

“Medusa, the incarnation of humanity has been completed.”

“You… Still satisfied? ”



Ye Yang nodded.

If Medusa in the state of the snake man is a peerless banshee, the moment she becomes an adult, it can be said that she has become a fairy who has detached from the mortal body.

And it is such a woman who is now indeed her own slave.

The human form of the Symphony Serpent.

Medusa, really worthy of her name.

There is also a chance to comprehend skills.

Ye Yang didn’t want to waste it, since he had it, it was best to let her use it as soon as possible.

In the human state, her attributes can only increase by 50%, and among the three major forms, the current human form is also the weakest one.

The rest of the opportunity to comprehend the skill, Ye Yang chose to advance his human form skill.

After all, she now has a spell skill, two physics department skills, and an active department’s attack skill, she is already full.

Just by strengthening her passive amplification skills, Medusa will become stronger.

“Slave Medusa, start the advanced skill: human form.”

[Ding, you have chosen advanced skills for your slave Medusa. 】

[Ding, the “human form” is advancing…]

[Form skill comprehension: 1%… 33%…… 56%…… 85%…… 99%……】

[Form skill comprehension: 100%. 】

[Ding, the “Human Form” skill has been successfully advanced. 】


Human Form: After learning this skill, you can completely autonomously transform into a human, and in the human state, your attack power increases by 120% and your defense power increases by 120%.

The incarnation has 10 days of cold…


Attack and defense power changed from 50% to 120%.

Although it is still inferior to the snake human form, as long as she is under Ye Yang’s leadership, her human form will naturally exceed all the increases of her three major forms.

However, in this kind of place, it is still a snake man state, which is more suitable for her battle.

After all, not only is the snake man form a high bonus, but she has long been accustomed to this form to fight.

Not to mention… Ye Yang also needs to use her as his mount.

After obtaining the human form, the first incarnation has no cooldown time, because she is forced to take shape.

But after this active transformation, there will be a 10-day cooling-off period.

It’s only 10 days.

Ye Yang still didn’t care.

“Transform into your snake human form, this will also be more convenient for your battle.”

“Yes, master.”

Medusa nodded.

The shimmer of illusion once again contained her body, and in a very short time, she returned to her previous snake human form.


Ye Yang let out a long breath.

Medusa in human form, let’s wait for the opportunity and enjoy it.

As for now, it is better to hurry up and open up the ruins of ancient wars.

After defeating Baroff, the beast cavalry did not have a leader, although there would be beast cavalry in the future, but in front of Ye Yang, who defeated the leader, those beast cavalry naturally did not dare to be arrogant in front of him.

Glancing at the end of the Fire God Cave Teleportation Array, Ye Yang no longer hesitated and stepped out!


The scene before me changed dramatically.

After leaving the Fire God Cave, the originally hot temperature around Ye Yang’s body dropped rapidly.

The huge temperature difference made him even feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

I don’t know how long it took.

When Ye Yang opened his eyes again, he finally saw the surrounding environment.

In the darkness, there is a hint of clear sky.

Large areas of dead trees were left with only dry branches.

There were white bones and broken swords stuck in the ground everywhere, which brought a breath of death to this place.

A vulture with a sharp and vicious eye stands here, as if waiting for its prey.

However, as if sensing the terrifying killing aura on Ye Yang’s body, the vulture flapped its wings and flew away directly.


Filled with the breath of death and the remnants of the ancient wars.

This aura is even thousands of times stronger than the entrance of the ruins!!

However, it was at this time that Ye Yang finally saw the information of this place.


【Ruins and Demon Sealing Land】

Domain level: 1

Field description: The war site of the ancient “Rebellion of the Eight Kings”, after the former King of the Wind Tias degenerated into a demon, his ambitions gradually expanded, and he led his hundreds of millions of legions to attack the peaceful Anriel continent!

Claude Island.

Helena, the king of the Holy Spirit, who learned the news, and the other six kings chose to cut off the robe of Tias, and launched an unprecedented war of suppression against him on this island!

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings was also caused by this.

In the thousand-year war, Tias was finally defeated, and his spirit was bombarded into powder by the goddess Helena, and he was scattered all over the continent.

Tens of thousands of years later, Claude Island is also revered by the world as the place of sealing demons in the Rebellion of the Eight Kings!

But it is rumored that despite the ten thousand years of demon sealing, the rare people can hear Tias’s unwilling roar here.


“Ruins of ancient war.”

“The Land of the Devil.”

Ye Yang frowned slightly.

There is not a single living person in this place at all.

Look around.

All of them were dead trees and bones stuck in the ground.

However, after carefully reading the description of the Demon Sealing Place, Ye Yang seemed to understand.

“It seems…”

“This place may be the final stage of the ancient battle ruins!”

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