Of course, it is the one that said, the Yanlong who directly killed the broken army in seconds just now…

“I still thought, have a good fight with him, and if you touch him, he will be gone, how can I fight?”

Although Ye Yang’s words seemed to blame Yan Long, in fact, it was not like this.

It’s just the president of a trade union, and if Ye Yang wants to fight him, it’s just a temporary start, even if he can’t, it doesn’t matter.

Of course, it doesn’t matter that he died like this all of a sudden…

Yan Long, it was just produced by the Heavenly Fire Attack skill that Ye Yang used, and he wouldn’t have his own thoughts at all.

Therefore, of course, it is impossible to understand what Ye Yang meant by this.

All he had to do was destroy all the enemies present.

is that Ye Yang is a little “confused”, and the single object is seconded, what should I do? Online and more!

The people on the Confederate side were vomiting blood when they heard it.

This is simply a huge mockery ah, they gave people with high hopes, just like that, Beacon was killed by a skill of Beacon in seconds, and Beacon still said such words!

They all feel faceless!

Now there must be many people recording this situation, and by the time this video has been disseminated, they will really be ugly!

Now I can’t wait to get out of here! But these Confederate people thought so, and someone soon helped him achieve it.

Want to disappear, don’t you?

Ye Yang’s skills quickly made them disappear in place and return to the resurrection point.

“Is there anything else you can fight?”

Looking at those opponents who retreated three feet away, Ye Yang suddenly felt bored.

People who were so arrogant and arrogant just now hide far away.

No one dared to speak, and after Ye Yang asked this, there was silence, and only the voice of the Yanlong raging remained.

Who dares to speak?

If you want to speak, do you want them to tell Beacon that they are Beacon’s opponents? Who believes this?

That is, even the broken army was directly killed by crazy seconds, and these people who could not even compare with the broken army … I’m afraid that a gust of wind can blow it down!

“If you don’t have one, don’t get in the way!”

Looking at the people in front of him who did not speak, Ye Yang smiled gently, but the Yanlong under his hand was even more swift.

In an instant, the people who were still standing here just now, dodging the attack, all disappeared! Yanlong played, how could they stop it! There is no one under the city now.

Ye Yang raised his head and set his gaze on the city wall.

The same no one, these people came down, and the last broken army that remained there was also destroyed by him.

But…… And what about those fortifications!

Do you want to destroy these fortifications as well?

You must know that before this, Ye Yang adhered to the spirit of plucking the goose feathers, and the fortifications of the three cities in front were all destroyed by Ye Yang.

But that was before Ye Yang knew that after attacking the city, the city belonged to him!

Now that he knows, it means that after Ye Yang attacked this city, this city is his possession!

He is destroying these fortifications now, and when the city really belongs to him, will it not destroy his own things?

Although… Ye Yang’s money is indeed a lot, but it is not wasted like this!

If the city hadn’t been destroyed so badly, he would have made more money in the future!

Plus just now, these people from the alliance army were all out of the city to fight, and Ye Yang really didn’t destroy this city much!

If that’s the case, save it! As a result, only some fortifications, under Ye Yang’s “benevolence”, survived.

These fortifications are preserved, but the city center crystal is not so easy.

After all, if Ye Yang does not destroy this city heart crystal for a day, this city will not belong to Ye Yang for one day.

Dodging the attacks of these fortifications, Ye Yang quickly came to the city center crystal.

It was empty, and there was nothing but that huge city center crystal.

This is also normal, because the real Bondno City people have not yet returned!

Now the people who are defending the city here are just people from other cities who come over and want to deal with Ye Yang under the slogan of defending the city!

For this city, they don’t have any sense of belonging at all, even if it is broken, it is just that.

Since this is the case, there is no idea of protecting this city and protecting the city center crystal!

If it is broken, it will be broken, what is the matter with them, it is already good that they can come here to help them defend the city!

So, now that Ye Yang came here, what he saw was an empty space.

“Unexpectedly simple!”

Obviously, Ye Yang was very satisfied with this.

A little less defensive and the like will allow him to use one less skill!

The most important thing is that this makes him a little faster than completing this mission!

As long as he can take this city, Ye Yang’s progress bar is all completed!

Imagining the rich reward he received after completing this task, even Ye Yang’s heart beat a little faster!

This reward is definitely not like those ordinary tasks, as long as he completes this task, his strength will go to another level!

Thinking of this, Ye Yang couldn’t wait!

I casually lost a skill, on the city center crystal.

Ye Yang, who could cause great lethality even with a casual skill, of course, simply broke this city heart crystal.

[Ding, you destroyed the city center crystal of Bondno City, and the horrific massacre you caused in Bondno City gradually spread, and you gained 15 legendary points. 】

【Mission Progress: Legendary 95/100】


After seeing the prompt of the system, Ye Yang was already a question mark face!

What’s going on? How come this time, after conquering this city, there are only 15 legendary points???

This was definitely the least Ye Yang had obtained! Before that, even if it is less, it must be 20 points!

Especially the last time I got 35 points!

Now all of a sudden, let him just get these 15 points, a huge gap, really unacceptable!

“Because the progress bar is almost completed, you deliberately made it difficult?”

Ye Yang thought so in his heart.

Some games have this urine nature, when the player is about to complete the task, but don’t let you complete it all at once!

You have to do it one more time, which seems a bit difficult…


PS. Ask for customization, ask for flowers

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