Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 359: Behind The Game, The God Of Data Lifeforms

Ye Ming looked at the bottom of the continent above his head in shock, and now he was starting to get a little confused.

What exactly is this intended to do?

Is this the behavior of the game system?

"It looks like something is going to happen?"

Watching the continent gradually stop, Ye Ming also began to fly to the other side, flying all the way to the edge of the continent above his head.

But because the continent is a bit big, it will take him a while to fly there.

The other side…………

No, it should be said to be somewhere deep in the universe.

Rumor has it that everything is alive, but you can't see it.

Even machinery has its own life, so there is mechanical life.

Even the elements have spirits belonging to them, so there is the elemental life of the elemental spirit.

So here’s the question?

Does data have life?


In fact, data life is a super-dimensional variety of mechanical life.

Once upon a time, this was a technological civilization in a star far larger than the sun. After the life inside evolved from ordinary humans to artificial humans, and due to excessive consumption of resources, the planet became so bad that even artificial humans could not survive. They injected their consciousness and soul into the computer terminal.

The server through the computer terminal is injected into the mechanical body, and then there is mechanical life.

Through the existence of mechanical life forms, they are immortal. Even if their bodies are gone, they can also be recreated into a new body through the backups in countless computer terminals.

Under such conditions, they reached out to the universe and explored the mysteries of the universe.

Countless years have passed, and the mechanical life form has also undergone countless changes, thus evolving into a data life form.

And this is thanks to the energy of the universe being given to a mechanical life form, which can transform the soul into a data life form. Through this energy [ten powerful data life forms all appeared.

At that time, as data life forms, they were like god-like existences and began to control all the 'beginning' to 'end' of a universe.

In this way, countless years passed, during which countless changes also occurred, and a large number of data bodies died, leaving behind the strongest group.

And among this group, there are generally justice and kindness in mind.

But another group was too bored after living for too long, so they began to choose planets with life to play the game one by one.

As a result, a god named ‘Dimension God’, the most powerful god among all digital lifeforms, ordered the Game Goddess to create ten games.

When that planet is doomed, the God of Dimensions will personally watch them slowly die, and watch the lives inside perform a series of behaviors such as betrayal or unity in order to survive.

But if that planet withstands the disaster, the Dimensional God will devour them.

No matter what the outcome is, life on the planet always has only one ending, and that is destruction!

Under such conditions, after life on the previous planet came to an end, the goddess of games stopped creating new games. She simply continued to move this game out, and then continued to evolve, looking for a suitable era to give way. Planet 'Game'.

Earth is the planet chosen by the Dimensional God.

A meteorite landed on the earth and was controlled and developed through the "soul data" on the human body. Then game helmets and next-generation online games appeared.

The "Doomsday" online game was born!

At this time, the four great gods, ‘The Goddess of Reincarnation, the Goddess of Games, the Goddess of Luck’ and ‘The Goddess of Death’ were hiding in a secret place to discuss in private.

The four of them are dissatisfied with the current situation in the "Doomsday" online game.

The reason is none other than that the most powerful dimensional god and other gods today are tired of it and want to accelerate the disaster of the earth and completely defeat the will of the planet on the earth in one fell swoop.

Ever since, a new continent appeared above the head of the game world where Ye Ming was.

This is a new product drummed up by the God of Dimensions. Its purpose is to speed up the human race on earth to face new disasters, and then speed up the arrival of the end.

Of course, the game goddess immediately came forward to make adjustments to all the rules. Faced with this situation, the God of Dimensions had nothing to say, because this game was instigated by the game goddess, and without her, these game worlds would not have been created.

However, because of his actions, the Game Goddess and others finally became angry.

They are the ones with justice and kindness in their hearts, but due to the power of the Dimensional God and other gods, they can only rely on the divine power they have to take away certain rights.

No, it's better to say that they were unhappy for a long time, so they secretly searched for someone who could save their planet as early as the first few planets.

By secretly giving him certain benefits and benefits, they can quickly become stronger in the game, and then eliminate all sources of doom.


These people are not very useful!

Some became arrogant and lawless, and were eventually destroyed by their own people.

Some of them were controlled by greedy people as soon as they showed up, and in the end the selected people failed to exert their ability to determine the life and death of their own planet.

There are also some who are too selfish. In the end, even if he and a few others survive, become strong, and even threaten the data lifeforms and other gods, they will only die in the end.


The goddess of death selected a life in the world and pulled her into the world created by the goddess of games, so the death lord, Huang Quan, was born in the world of the "Doomsday" online game

Where's Lady Luck?

As always, she randomly selected a lucky winner. As a result, on the day the server was launched, Ye Ming was selected and received a mysterious redemption code by purchasing peripheral snacks.

In this way, Ye Ming obtained the strongest special ability hidden by the game goddess [Infinite Nuclear Bombs]!

So Goddess of Luck began to pay attention to Ye Ming's growth. As a result, Ye Ming's character exceeded Goddess of Luck's expectations. After hearing about Ye Ming's deeds, the Goddess of Games began to observe Ye Ming, and even helped Goddess of Luck keep concealing Ye Ming's existence.

Anyway, even though the God of Dimensions is powerful, he is lazy. What he likes to see is the scene after the end of the world, but he is too lazy to take a look before the end of the world, so he will not know about Ye Ming.

Even other gods will not look at it, and even if they want to look at the game goddess, they will continue to hide it.

Maybe Ye Ming will continue to grow, using the mysterious energy of the universe to create the game world of the "Doomsday" online game, and continue to become stronger through programming data life forms, until he becomes a god?

Then the goddess of reincarnation also paid attention to Ye Ming's existence, so she threw her ring to Ye Ming as a reward and used it to protect Ye Ming.

In our eyes, although Ye Ming is not steady in his work, thoughtful, and sometimes very escapist, he has various shortcomings.

However, he is very smart and observant.

In addition, even if he becomes stronger, he has always maintained his "self". He is not overly proud or selfish, and he will help whoever needs to be helped.

Under such conditions, this was infinitely better than the random selection they had made before.

Under such conditions, they want to make a fortune silently, and it is best to let Ye Ming continue to grow, including the death master Huang Quan chosen by the goddess of death. The two of them will become the new gods of data lifeforms, through powerful strength The two of them came to kill the God of Dimensions and other gods.

Don't forget how these worlds were created, through the mysterious energy of the universe.

And gods like them are actually data life forms, and they actually relied on the mysterious energy of the universe to evolve into what they are today. So after Ye Ming and others reach level 10,000 in strength, they will actually be at their current level.

As a result, if there are more of them and they unite with other gods who are just and kind-hearted to fight, then the God of Dimensions and other gods will die.

In this way, no more (bcej) games will appear in the future, and those planets will not face their man-made disasters and doomsday!

But ah…………

They never expected that in this game, the God of Dimensions would get tired of it, and directly take out the previous planet world to destroy the life on the planet, leaving behind a series of monsters, and then he would destroy the entire continent. It was moved here and then forced into the universe of the game world, and the continent of the game world began to collide!

This is why there is a continent above Ye Ming's head.

It's completely because the dimensional god didn't want to wait any longer and wanted to see the end of the earth, so he deliberately accelerated it.

The goddess of luck, the goddess of reincarnation, the goddess of games, and the goddess of death also felt huge dissatisfaction because of this, and even became even more angry!

Why would he waste his life like a piece of grass?

Once upon a time, wasn't he also an ordinary human being countless years ago?

It's just that he just felt that his planet had become unable to support their lives, so he transmitted the soul data and other information to the computer terminal, becoming a mechanical life form that was immortal in a certain sense.

That is to say, under such circumstances, there will be no new life in the future, but they are strong and can live for countless years.

In this way, the God of Dimensions and other gods have lived for N times without dying. Only then did such a day occur. It was when people began to become bored and irritable.


The goddess of death clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction. The goddesses of luck and reincarnation on the side shook their heads helplessly. Only the goddess of games had a headache.

She has just made a series of restrictions, but are they effective?

The 'activities' that were originally progressing slower and slower turned out to be abruptly advanced.

To be fair, the sixth disaster and activities coexist, that is, the invasion of monsters into the real world is all caused by the gods of dimensions.

What the hell [test]?

He is simply accelerating the end of the earth. After the earth has experienced five disasters, the will of the earth has begun to weaken, which is why this situation happened.

Under normal circumstances, the activities after the five disasters are basically once a year, and the last one will be carried out directly every three years.

By then, probably all players will have reached an average level of over 1,000, and have already begun to camp in the super wilderness to attack the abyss, and conquer the worlds of the Twelve Emperors with BOS$3.

But unfortunately, no matter how they organize their plans, it is useless. The God of Dimensions wants to intervene forcefully, and even the goddess of games can only grit her teeth and accept it, and can only modify the rules through her own certain rights.

"We can't just sit back and wait for death. The God of Dimensions is becoming more and more evil. All life in the universe is no longer life to him. It is just like a toy that provides entertainment for him.

The Goddess of Luck spoke after the Goddess of Death clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction. The Goddess of Reincarnation and the Goddess of Games on both sides nodded in approval.

After all, the Dimensional God went too far. It was okay at first, but later on, the Dimensional God changed and even threatened themselves.

I'm not sure, the God of Dimensions will probably take action on them?

Because the "Goddess of Destiny" who was in the same camp as them and was equally powerful was killed by him!

This was their best friend and their backbone back then, but he died like this, which made them extremely uncomfortable.


Hatred has long been planted in their hearts.

The game world of the "Doomsday" online game is also the last planet that has not been destroyed and taken out for continued use. The excuse is that the game goddess has no inspiration, so this is the temporary one.

Make a transition.

But in fact, the game goddess injected all the mysterious energy of the universe into it, so that the Lord of Death, Huang Quan, could grow to such an advanced level.

[Infinite Nuclear Bombs] will also appear, and then gradually become abnormal under the default conditions of the game goddess.

This nuclear bomb is actually the game goddess’s trump card for the opponent’s dimensional god!

As for Ye Ming's 12-star career, it was a complete accident, but this accident also made the goddesses very happy because they saw Ye Ming's real growth.

By relying on myself, I have found my own path to becoming a strong person. I am not too lazy to learn other abilities just because I have the [Infinite Nuclear Bomb].

experience etc.

It can be said that Ye Ming is a very motivated and selfish person in their eyes, but he is by no means selfish or subjective.

"Then what do we do next?"

The goddess of reincarnation asked a question, and the goddess of games thought for a while, and then she came up with a good idea.

"We continue to conceal his existence, and then considering that the dimensional god may continue to do evil and continue to accelerate the disaster, so I will let the world-class mission be moved out and make it powerful

Just occupy an activity, and then any small disaster will top it off. "

"But just once isn't enough?"

"No, for this world-class mission, I will accelerate the upgrade speed of all players, just like the [Beast Tide] event!"

The more the dimensional god wants to hasten the end of the earth, the more the game goddess tries to find ways to benefit the players.

Disasters and opportunities coexist, and the players on the earth can only rely on themselves to determine which step they can take.

And what about Ye Ming?

"As for him, the goddess of reincarnation, I leave it to you to secretly explain this matter to him.'

"If it were him, he would definitely accept it and help us..."

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