Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 134 Lifting The Curse, Elf Holy Spring

[Ding, your level has been raised to lv29, the five-dimensional attribute +1, and you have gained 4 free attributes]

The level has been improved, and the free attribute is added to the intelligence.


Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 1265, Constitution 507, Agility 919, Energy 960, Charm 652


Soon, following Lie Yan (raging flames), he entered a barrier of fog.

Under Kailier's props, I saw a completely different scene from before.

Here is the territory of only the elves.


"Are you from the Dawn Church?" an ordinary elder of the Forest Elf asked doubtfully.

Fang Han threw a scout at her.

【Ye Luo Zhiya】

【Level: lv48】


"You should understand our identity as Heaven Designated, but we are currently entrusted by the Church of Dawn."

Then, Fang Han briefly described what happened before the church situation.

"It turns out that the manipulator behind all this may be one person. We elves can't be alone..."

The older elf woman realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Well, Heaven Designated Nirvana, if you can resolve the crisis in the Forest Country, we can give you the 'Purification Sacred Feather' of our Forest Clan. As for other clans, you need to communicate by yourself."

"Since you know the existence of Canghai Huatian, you should also understand the requirements that you need to meet if you want to step into it. You have to work hard~"

When Ye Luozhiya spoke at the end, she did not forget to cast a wink.

This Heaven Designated brought by Chillie is really handsome!

Old women are a little bit excited~

Of course, Fang Han only attributed everything to the effect of "Elf Seal".

The Church of Dawn only needs one feather.

But Fang Han also needs one, so the other has to be obtained from other elves.

"Come with me!"

After some "finding out", Ye Luo Zhiya brought Fang Han into a secret room.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a group of handsome men and beautiful women.

"As expected of pure elves, there is no trace of age on the faces of these old guys~"

And a girl in the center - "Andorna"!


【Level: lv59】


This high priest of the forest is only one step away from lv60.

But Fang Han knows that going further is like a natural barrier for her.

In the previous life, until he was killed by a foreign race, he stayed at lv59.

The girl closed her eyes, and her exquisite face did not show any old-fashioned look.

Because she does belong to the young people among the elves.

Her level of strength has not been cultivated, but inherited from her mother.

The high priest of the forest of the previous generation.

Therefore, for her, many of her superficial strengths are false.

"Ye Luo Zhiya, this is the little brother Nirvana from the Aurora Church?"

Everyone looked at Fang Han, and they all had a good impression.

"Yes, we don't have time to spend here. Na'er's curse must be restored as soon as possible, otherwise the kingdom of forest will be at risk of destruction."

Therefore, Fang Han took out the "Cross Radiance" obtained from special events.

"Sure enough, it is an orthodox prop of the Dawn Church!"

"Great, Na'er finally doesn't have to suffer anymore."


"Dawn, shine!"

A round of cross-shaped light sank into the girl's eyebrows.

Then, the girl moaned coquettishly.

A large amount of shadow power emerged from the body, trying to escape in all directions.

Just as everyone dodged carefully.

With a wave of Fang Han's hand, the "dark death energy" came out immediately, swallowing up all the power.

Fang Han's sophisticated and decisive purification method.

Immediately, everyone was impressed and praised, and no one doubted his own strength.

Fang Han handed the "Cross Radiance" to Ye Luozhiya.

"Sister Zhiya, this item can be used 3 times in total, and there are 2 left. I will give it to you to prevent such a situation in the future."

"How dare you..."

However, the hand of this beautiful elf who took the props did not move back at all~

"Okay, Na'er just needs to rest quietly for a while, little brother Nirvana, you must be tired too, the Elven Holy Spring has been prepared for you, you can try more~"


Now that he has accepted the benefits, Fang Han is naturally treated as a VIP by everyone.

【Fairy Holy Spring】

[Information: The spring water conceived by the natural elves from a special environment can boost a lot of energy after drinking it]


How could such a good thing be let go.

Unlike the augmentation solution made by Master Shubok, this spring water can only be produced by elves.

[Ding, your energy +3]

[Ding, your energy +5]



Fang Han has been drinking to the upper limit that this thing can improve.

In the end, a total of 66 points of energy was raised!

The mana is increased simultaneously, and then under the effect of the talent, the life value is also increased a lot~

"By the way, can you agree to let one of my seeds be soaked in the center of the holy spring for a few minutes? Don't worry, it will not affect the spring water in any way."


After several pulls, the other party finally agreed, and they just need to act under their watchful eyes.

Therefore, Fang Han took out the original sea species.

After the watering of wisdom water droplets, it usually takes 3 to 4 months to achieve results.

And the effect of the elf holy spring on plants.

It can significantly increase the growth rate.

He has seen the rapid transformation speed of sea species.

At that time, it may only take less than a week to bear the fruit of wisdom.

"Brother Nirvana, it's time for us to discuss how to solve the crisis in the forest country."


The meeting hall of the elders of the forest elves.

Fang Han saw another human race on the round table.


【Level: lv41】


This old man who looks a little depressed is actually the old king of the forest country.

The father of the current king of the human race.

On the human race side, except for him exceeding lv40, only the Knight Commander of the National Guard has the highest level.

So, the real power of this country is controlled by the elves of the forest instead.

But because the elves themselves are pure, kind, and peace-loving.

Only then will they be willing to coexist peacefully with the human race here.

"High priest, you should know what kind of creature is the source of this curse?"

Although Andorna's age is a junior.

But in the council, it is the one that all the elves need to be honored.

Andorna has recovered a lot, and said calmly: "The body that spreads the curse and the plague is the 'Plague Spore', an executioner who is proficient in concealment."

Sure enough, as Fang Han expected, it was really this guy.

That being the case, he knew what to do next.

"High Priest Andorna, I have a certain understanding of this creature."

"Heaven Designated Nirvana? Thank you for lifting the curse." A smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, "We want to hear your opinion."

As a result, all eyes were on Fang Han.

"You may not know that whether the plague spore hides itself or spreads spores, it actually depends on the wind."

Fang Han said by himself: "If you find the source of the wind direction, you can find its body!"

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