Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 166: Ered's Affair With The Merman

The glow enveloped Fang Han, and the sun, moon and stars flowed.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the "Abyss of Annihilation".

Without further ado, Fang Han directly opened the World Teleportation Stone.

Run away~

[Player "Nirvana", has completed the lv30 breakthrough task, the level cap has been lifted, and the breakthrough reward has been obtained: 100 points of five-dimensional full attribute]

Fang Han: "I'll go, 100 full attributes? How cool!"

At the same time, it is unlocked due to level restrictions.

The experience accumulated by Fang Han was raised a few levels again.

[Ding, your level has been raised to lv35, five-dimensional attributes +5, and you have gained 20 free attributes]


"Huh? The original sea species has grown!"

Fang Han took out the original sea species from the space backpack.

4 crystal-clear jewel-like fruits are ripe.

"Very good!"

Just take it off and take it.

Each fruit provides an intelligence attribute of level x1, 4 pieces equals 140 points of intelligence attribute.

And every time you upgrade your level in the future, you will also increase your intelligence by an additional 4 points!

Needless to say, add 20 free attributes to intelligence.

So this time, the intelligence attribute is increased by 260, and the other attributes are increased by 100.

Of course, there are also various bonuses to the value of the talent!

Fang Han looked at his basic panel, which has been updated:

id: Nirvana

Level: lv35


HP: 278220/278220

Mana: 36060/36060

Five-dimensional attributes: Intelligence 1515, Constitution 107, Agility 119, Energy 1671, Charm 751

Attack: 4480

Defense: 4015

Critical rate: 120%

Anti-riot rate: 70%


Many people judge the basic strength of players.

The panel value will be used as a very important reference.

Because a player only has one "talent"!

But Fang Han is different, not to mention talent, but the number of skills alone is several times that of other players.

Normally, skill books are very difficult to obtain.

Not to mention those rare skills~

His strength has far exceeded everything that the panel value can show.

"Of course, my panel seems to be a little tall~"

Generally, people with lv35 can reach this value?



[Silent Hill, Annihilation Rift]

The leaders of the cults led a large army to meet again in the burial forest.

No one obeyed anyone, and even started doing it again.

However, there are still no clues about all the traces of "Heerlen".

"One thing can be confirmed, such a strong shadow power must be done by him!"

"I didn't expect him to hide so deeply. With that shadow item, his shadow power may become even more terrifying in the future..."

They obviously don't know that the "Shadow Key" is a legendary item.

I thought it was a very powerful shadow prop.

"Damn it, we lost so many people!"


Then, all the cults had to return without success.

But they faced their respective believers head-on.

Red Skull Cult: "It's bad, it's bad! Master, all the herbs in our medicine garden have disappeared, and Curry's treasures are gone too!!!"

The leader was dumbfounded: "What, how is it possible?"

The other sect leaders gloated: "Hahahaha, brother, don't be angry, it's just a bit of rags!"

"By the way, you came here to tell me something."

The members of the other religions suddenly looked like they were eating shit.

He faltered and said: "Teacher... Hierarch, all the items of our treasure Curry are gone, and everything in the medicine garden is gone..."

"Huh??? Damn it!!!"

Everyone quickly went back to their respective homes, but they were exactly the same.

The whole school is in chaos.

"The enchantment is still there, without any trace of being destroyed. Where are my gold coins? Where are my herbs? My hot baby!!!!"

"Hei-er-lun-I must kill you!~"


"It must have been done by that bitch Heerlen, he must die!~"

So, on this day.

The entire Silent Hill is like countless wild boars howling.

Fang Han: ~(*?w?)~

He has already slipped away, everything after Silent Hill has nothing to do with him~


【Qi Ming City】

Fang Han teleported directly to the familiar alley.

Quickly follow the usual route to a certain corner - "Erid's shop"!

"Squeak~" pushed open the shop door.

An old man's head poked out from inside, and he smiled when he saw himself.

"Little friend Nirvana, your little girlfriend has left~"

Fang Han waved his hand: "Don't make fun of me, Uncle Eric, let's talk about the business next."

After Fang Han finished speaking, the old man's expression changed.

"It seems that little friend is ready. If that's the case, let me go get an item, old man."

Then Erid turned around and disappeared in front of Fang Han.

Fang Han sat patiently on the rest chair, thinking about something.

Since the sea species that copied the saint Anlarlinya was solved, the commission of the saint was completed.

However, I want to get the entrusted reward "Holy Maiden's Key".

I have to go to see the saint again, and Anlarlinya will hand it over to him in person.

This prop is related to another special plot.

Related to "Little Red Riding Hood" Irene.

Of course, there is still a long time before the plot starts, and solving Kawhiz is the current focus.

Then a bead appeared in Fang Han's hand.

【Ancient Ocean Orb】

As long as you have this bead, and cooperate with some kind of secret method in the shark royal family.

You will be able to find the location sealed by Kawizi.

Therefore, contact with the merman race is unavoidable.

And at this moment, Ered came back with a special item and a box in his hand.

[Deep Sea Challenge Contract] (Contract Scroll)

[Information: The royal family of the Shark Race, Shark Race or Sea Dragon Race created a special contract with foreign races, and the agreed parties need to complete the challenge within the time limit]

[Contractors: Ered, Shui Liner]

[Challenge agreement: both parties to the contract will fight in the 10th year or choose a younger generation of the same clan to fight, the loser will forcefully agree to a condition of the winner, and the one who breaks the contract will be judged as a failure]

[Time limit: 48 days]


Fang Han:? ? ?

What, are you going to fight for him yourself?

Erid, anticipating Fang Han's reaction, explained with a sigh:

"Little friend Nirvana, as a loner, the only person I can think of now is you. With your strength, you will never fail. Well, Shui Liner is the king of the mermaid race this year..."

"How should I say it?" The old man's sudden clumsiness was very funny.

"There was a bad relationship many years ago! If you win in the end, you only need to bring one sentence: everything should be turned into dust, let it go!"

Fang Han:  …

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