Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 267 The Snow Wolf King In The Sky

"Om~!" There was a buzzing sound, and the red-eyed human bat and the bone-thorned demon turned into two pools of demon blood at the same time, and were completely swallowed by falling rocks and flames.

【Ding! You killed the red-eyed manbat, gained experience 0, gold coins 0...]

【Ding! You killed the bone spur demon, gained experience 0, gold coins 0...]

【Ding! You have plundered the red-eyed manbat spinning blood sucking, furious bite, assault claws, night devil's gaze...]

【Ding! You have plundered the talents of the red-eyed manbat: ascension and displacement, ever-changing demon king, extreme wing sweeping...]

【Ding! You have plundered the Bone Spike Human Demon skills Spike Tearing, Lightning Slap, Backstab Dance, Human Voice Roar...]

[Bone spur human devil talents: galloping clone, left and right surprise attack, dazzling mutation, etc...]

These two summoning mandrills are inexperienced because they are summoned beasts.

But their level is already at a high level. According to Fang Han's words, many walking talents in Yixing City are not as high as their level.

Therefore, the skills of these two monsters are still worth plundering.

After all, too many skills don't overwhelm you.

After dealing with the two monsters, Fang Han took a look at the half-collapsed cave.

All the wealth was transferred to the location outside the cave so that people in Yixing City could see it.

Then the lightning shifted to the innermost part of the cave, where there was a strange place called Lu Li.

There is the location of the portal.

Fang Han glanced at the world outside the cave again, then moved his neck habitually, and dodged into the teleportation space.

Lich Castle - This is a hidden ancient castle, and it is a forbidden place for countless rescuers.

The building is located under the cliff, and is shrouded in the shadow of towering old trees.

Fang Han, who came out from the other end of the portal, faced the horror of this ancient castle.

"Well, there is such a strong evil atmosphere, this castle is really not simple."

Leave the other end of the portal.

Fang Han walked directly along a small path into the mountain avenue, directly entering the sight area of ​​the castle.

Suddenly, several terrifying creatures attacked Fang Han from their hidden positions on the cliff.

But one by one was avoided by Fang Han with [spreading wings], [jumping left and right], [frozen barrier], and [resisting flying ring].

He doesn't want to make a move now, but he doesn't want these aliens guarding the castle to continue to show off.

Folding the wings, after landing, a [Frozen Thousand Miles] was released.

Those defenders of the castle who were attacking in the dark were instantly imprisoned by the ice magic power.

[Frozen thousands of miles hit summoned beast "Iron Wing Demon" skill takes effect, the opponent has been frozen rapidly]

[Frozen Thousands of Miles Hit Summoned Beast's "Violent Ancient Beast" skill takes effect, and the opponent has been frozen rapidly]

[Frozen Thousands of Miles Hit Summoned Beast "Two-Headed Serpent" skill takes effect, and the opponent has been frozen rapidly]

[Frozen Thousands of Miles Hit Summoned Beast's "Demon Guardian" skill takes effect, and the opponent has been frozen rapidly]


These creatures can also be regarded as terrifying existences in [Lich Castle].

They faithfully fulfilled the responsibilities assigned to them by Summoner Haimo, but without exception, they were all imprisoned by Fang Han with ice magic.

Fang Han, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, was about to step into the building.

Suddenly, a dark cloud gathered over the cliff above his head without warning.

The dark cloud quickly turned into a ferocious appearance of a [Wolf King of Blood in the Cloud].

"Heaven Designated, you're trespassing, this is not where you should be. Look at the valley behind you, there's a rich town there. You can go there if you want to get rich, you can go there if you want to kill people, you If you want to gain status, you can still go there...

"Yo, Haimo himself is not in the castle, right? My "Nirvana" has already come to the door, if he still can't hide, then I have no choice but to uproot his property - the entire power of the Lich Castle. Even you will not let go!"

[Wolf King of Blood in the Cloud] The current state is "alienation". It seems that its wolf head has covered half of the cliff, and the situation is very scary.

With this ability, it already ranks among the "outstanding ones" among the summoned beasts. Fang Han scanned its attributes and nodded.

【Blood Wolf King of Cloud and Sky】

[Summoned Beast Level lv50] (Blood in the Void)

[Skills: Wolves change, Space Devour, Gale Five Elements Claw,...]

[Talent: Roaring Phantom, Blood Rage, Wolf Hair Needle Kill...]

Attack power: 11736

Defense: 47913


Tsk tsk, no wonder this guy has such a loud voice. It turned out to be a summoned beast that had become a climate.

Probably, Heimer gave it the peripheral task of guarding the Lich Castle because it is very powerful!

Fang Han let out an exclamation, and began to shout towards the Lich Castle: "Haimer, if you don't know who I am 'Nirvana', then I have a name, I guarantee you can remember something."

Seeing that Fang Han not only refused to retreat, but directly ignored himself in the "cloud wolf form".

[Blood Wolf King of Cloud and Sky] roared in a low voice. The situation at this time is a bit like a dog threatening a strange intruder.

Inside the castle, there seemed to be a little reaction.

A flaming [Light of Calamity] quickly spread around the cliff.

The entire sky instantly turned red, forming a sharp contrast with the outside world.

In the "cloud wolf form", the whole body of [Cloud Blood Wolf King] slowly transformed.

It turned into a giant wolf descending from the clouds.

Then, under Fang Han's gaze, the giant wolf finally turned into a human form.

Standing twenty meters directly in front of Fang Han, he looked at this human power with the ID "Nirvana" with unfriendly eyes.

Should it be said or not, the blood wolf king of Yunkong has set up countless secret posts and sentries in the teleportation matrix.

Whenever a stranger breaks in, most of them can't even pass the cave portal, and they will be killed and devoured by evildoers such as [red-eyed human bat] and [bone stabbed demon].

And the human race in front of him was able to pass all the way, and came out directly to the location of the master's castle.

This ability alone is enough to make [Yunkong Blood Wolf King] take it seriously.

"What are you looking at? What I want to see is your master. You are just a watchdog. Do you want to stand up for your master? I don't mind killing you before the red [Light of Calamity] gathers!"

The threatening voice is so flat, but if you call the Blood Wolf King a "dog", then you can touch its reverse scales!

[Wolf King of Blood in the Cloud] I hate others to call it a dog, maybe it is thousands of years of practice that make it more intelligent than ordinary people.

Therefore, it also has human-like "taboos", for example, it is a "dog", for example, it "collaborates with Haimo", these are the existences that the Blood Wolf King absolutely cannot tolerate.


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