Online Games: My Start Infinite Plundering Talent

Chapter 269 Totem Secret Technique

But it was too late.

Fang Han didn't give it the chance to awaken the talents of blood rage and wolf hair needle killing.

Boom boom boom boom boom...! ! !

Boom boom boom boom boom...! ! !

The hunter instantly turned into a ball of false fire, and then the wolf's body was drowned, and the wolf hair that shot out like needles was also cremated during the drowning, and disappeared into the void together.

[Yun Kong Blood Wolf King] is dead! The blood moon slowly disappeared, and the sky above the Lich Castle returned to a color that was neither day nor night. The cliff is still the same cliff, the ancient trees are still standing there, and the cold light cast by them is still terrifying.


Fang Han turned his gaze, and the clothes on his body returned to their original appearance.

Killing this blood wolf king is like doing a trivial thing, just being gently teased by the wind.

【Ding! You killed the Yunkongxue Wolf King. Since this is a high-level summoned beast, you looted 0 experience points and 0 gold coins...]

Fang Han doesn't care about these at all, with his current aptitude, or level.

He didn't even bother to plunder opponents below level 60.

What's more, this thing is just a summoned beast, so there is no need to plunder it.

It is also a good choice to pack up the plundering skills that you have obtained, and prepare to pack them up and sell them in Yixing City.

But now Fang Han's gaze was fixed on the main entrance of the old castle ahead.

As soon as Yun Kongxue Wolf King died, he seemed to have automatically obtained the qualification to enter the Lich Castle.



"He's powerful!"

"Yes, the cloud blood wolf king is dead. He does have the strength to challenge the master of this castle!"

In a luxurious and domineering hall, the light is very dim.

Like kings, the two great powers sat side by side on the left and right sides, their facial expressions were also immersed in the dim light.

The one on the left is an existence wearing luxurious "merchant" clothing.

He is the master of this Lich Castle, the evil Summoner Haimer himself! ! !

The other one is a mysterious person, but in terms of his qualifications to be "equally treated" by Haimo, his status in [Nine Layers of Gods] is generally not low.

As far as the content of the conversation is concerned, it seems to indicate that someone outside has broken the seal they set. The owner of the castle, the evil Summoner Haimer, can no longer be silent!

"He has to be killed, he is a common threat to us, we have 1000 reasons to cooperate, what do you think?"

The mysterious voice on the right finally spoke this time.

Perhaps, Haimo, the owner of the Lich Castle on the left, was waiting for this sentence.

"Octo, my friend. If it wasn't for this strange intruder, you probably wouldn't be interested in selling any secrets of [Totem Secret Art] to me!"

This is beating, but also testing, and at the same time, it is a gesture of collaborators.

But how could Octo not know that the owner of Lich Fort claimed to be a businessman.

What they did behind the scenes in [Nine Layers of Gods] were all shady things.

Robbing caravans, assassinating practitioners in the forest, and setting various death traps for those with supernatural powers walking on the land of the gods.

Then, put the blame on those existences that Lich Castle regards as "competitors".

To stigmatize them, to attack them, and then when they fall, divide everything from them...

That's why Lich Castle "grows taller" day by day and becomes more majestic and taller than the main city of Yixing City.

Compared with the evil Summoner Heimer, Octo himself is not a good thing.

His demeanor was even better than that of Haimo.

In addition to mastering the [Totem Secret Art], this alien also enjoys using this secret art to frame others.

But let the other party not even get the pleasure of his shadow.

The pain of being severely framed, killed, or even killed, but you can't even find someone to take revenge on.

Let the unlucky chosen one experience it all, which is enough to prove his shamelessness.

Fang Han, who caught some clues, synthesized all kinds of information, and decisively turned on the berserk and beheading mode, all the way from Yixing City to Lich Fort.

The efficiency of this action sent chills down the backs of the two strong men who plotted in the castle.

What should come is finally here!

"[Blood Moon Totem: When released, the opponent can be trapped in the space of "Blood Moon Calamity", and with the attack of the prayed person, it will produce the effect of curse of several times the blood volume, disappearing 150,000 life points per second, and the movement speed Weakened by 44%...] However, it is useless—for me, it is indeed useless!"

While explaining the opponent's defense-breaking stunt, he walked with steps that his relatives did not recognize.

Enter the main hall of the Lich Castle with the Phantom Sudden skill [Sudden Sudden]! ! !

All around, those Lich Castle defenders who came out of the darkness to stop him.

Whether it is the existence of werewolves or the existence of blood demons.

They fell to the ground one after another, turned into beams of light, and disappeared at the end of the life space.

This tough young man was still explaining the existence of [Blood Moon Totem] last second.

In the next instant, Haimo, the owner of the Lich Castle, and Octo, the conspirator, flashed in front of the two old owls in the qualification world.

I have to say that his domineering made the other party very admired.

What surprised the two old owls even more was that Fang Han had already judged the identity of another mysterious person—the mysterious Octo, who had mastered the powerful existence of [Totem Secret Technique].

Uh... Even his identity was exposed. This young man is probably an advanced master of the plane in [Nine Heavens].

"Hahaha!!!" He laughed three times when he couldn't make up his mind...

The owner of the Lich Castle, the evil Summoner Heimer, started his special way of welcoming guests.

"Young man, good tricks! You actually killed my [Red-Eyed Human Bat], [Bone Spike Demon] and other subordinates. Even the guardian of the castle [Cloud Blood Wolf King] was killed by yours!" The powerful fire-type skills were shocked to death and turned into smoke, the Lord of this castle recognizes you, you are indeed very capable."

Another voice seemed to agree with Fang Han: "If the deity guessed correctly, you should not only be here for the Lich Castle, am I right?"

"Er Liao, please don't misunderstand me. I rushed into the Lich Fort and searched for your Octo's whereabouts. In fact, I only had one purpose, and that was to kill the two of you, or be killed by the two of you! "

These words are so domineering, cruel, and fierce! ! !

It's a very familiar smell.

Er Liao, or the evil Summoner Haimo, the awakener of the demon race.

Octo, the inheritor of [Totem Secret Art], laughed at Fang Han almost at the same time.


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